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Help Wanted : anyone good with Deepfake? REPLACING THE FACE OF GOOD AND EVIL


Is any on these forums proficient in Deepfake?
I think a great change for the prequels would be to replace Sidious’s face behind the hood with the gnarled face of The Emperor. This would make his change in appearance far less jarring in ROTS. He is simply revealing his true face.
I know there was talk in the forums at one point of replacing Yoda’s face in the prequels with that of the puppet from the OT, I think both these changes will considerably improve the prequels.
Deepfake might also be useful to replace shots of Ewan McGregor from re-shoots, where he’s either put on weight (TPM) or sporting an obviously fake beard and wig (AOTC).


Although it would be painstaking It would be quite a feat to replace Alden with Harrison for Solo.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


We need someone to get good at this technique. So many possibilities.


Or go even crazier and replace Ewan with Alec Guiness.


That would be a game changer.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…