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Harry Potter 3 — Page 2

Yes, Yoda. Quite good the new Harry Potter is.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
i was reading some rumours about book 6. alot of people think that wormtougue is going to kill lupin, seeing as he has got a silver hand. there are so many theories out there. another one i read said that snape is a vampire.
Snape as a vampire... interesting. That would be a pretty cool twist. Weird, depending on how she (Rowling) tackles it.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
yeah they were saying somthingabout how he could be using a cream to com out in day light he is a potions master right, they also talk about hoe pal he is and how he can sence eg. whenn harry was where his cloak int he first movie snape could sence him. they also said that was how he was able to have such a comanding impression on students.
Interesting theories...the Wormtongue/Lupin thing makes sense, it's probably not by chance that Rowling had Voldemort give him a silver arm, but I would only like it if she placed Harry nearby so that he could kill the bastard in return...Wormtongue and Snape, the two characters I'm most tired of. Oh, and then there's Draco, and his father, and Fudge...okay, the list is actually quite large after all.
I'm going to see the movie tonight...I hope it does justice to the book. It doesn't have to be identical (I'm not one of those types), I just want it to be enjoyable of its own accord.
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Currently Reading: Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover
Unrepentent Nader Voter
just saw harry potter 3 today pretty good but is it really better than 1 or 2
I just saw it this evening as well. I liked it, despite how I originally dreaded a new movie adaptation. I think straying from the book actually helped it, though the first two captured the rich atmosphere of Hogwarts, unlike this one, though I guess it doesn't matter since the stage had already been set in those first two. Enjoyable movie, especially Hermione's decking of Malfoy.
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Currently Reading: Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover
Unrepentent Nader Voter
I saw it last night.

It was good, but I dunno, it left me kind of empty. Maybe its because I read the book there were no real surprises, but then that didn't affect my enjoyment of the first two.

It was a good movie, thought he last frame is awful..

I think my main complaint was that it felt too different then the other movies. The harry potter theme music was for the most part absent, the geography of Hogwarts has been completely changed so that Hagrids hut, the womping willow and the entrance to Griffindor tower are all in different places then in the previous film. There was no nearly headless nick and instead some weird horse ghosts, and for some reason Crabbe (Malfoy's lackey) disappears half way through the movie to be replaced by a new henchman with a girly voice. What was that all about?

I could of done without all the silent era style fade ins and fade outs bookending every scene.

David Thewlis' Lupin was really well realized, and while Gary Oldman was good the limited screentime for his character didn't allow me to really connect with the character. While I'm a big Michael Gambon fan, I think Cuaron's take on Dumbledore is a bit too distinct for me to really connect him as the same character that Richard Harris played. My general rule of thumb is that if you're going to swap actors on the audience, you can't change anything else about the character, at least until the next sequel when their settled in and firmly established.

All in all the movie looked and played out as I imagined it in the book, the shreeking shack scene at the end especially was pretty spot on.

Buckbeek looked great.

I'm not really sure how to rate this movie, it was good for the most part, but i found myself bored for most of it. Maybe the problem is me and not the movie, I'm not sure. But I think for the time being I'm going to have to rate this one my least favorite.

Its basically how I felt about the Two Towers, I just rarely connected with it. When I watch FOTR and TROTK I feel like I'm watching a LOTR movie, I feel like I'm reading the book. But excluding the first 40 minutes and the last 5 minutes, I never felt that during TTT. LIkewise this just didn't feel like a Harry Potter movie to me.
And I dance. And I sing.
And I'm a monkey, in a long line of kings.
Just saw this movie. I was dissipointed because this movie is way way too God damn short. About a half hour to short. So much is missing from the book. The first two movies were as long as they needed to be. Don't know what they were thinking adapting a book thats 100 pages longer and making the movie 25 minutes shorter. Thats a recipe for disaster. So many important and absolutly nessessary details of the book are missing. Oliver Woods cup, Cho Chang, Americas Most Wanted, the firebolts mystery all gone. Other then that it was superb. If you haven't read the book its excellent. It has great susspense, action, story, effects I just wish it could have been longer. I won't spoil it but if you haven't read the book the movie will completly surprise you. Still being a huge fan of the book I can't watch the movie without thinking something is missing. Still as a movie it is great. I recommend it.
I share some of your sentiments, RS. The last frame was bloody atrocious, and there was an empty feeling to it. Buckbeak was one of my favorite parts of the film. I felt it was better than the first two, but it really should only serve as a supplement to the book. I don't know...I could live without seeing it again and feel no real regrets.
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Currently Reading: Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover
Unrepentent Nader Voter
As a movie to book adaptation Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is by far the worst of the three. As a movie on its own its about equal with the second movie and still better then the first movie. Still the third book was alot better then the second book I wish Chris Columbus could have directed this.
I agree, but I think we will be in the minority on that. Again to draw a comparion to TTT, as movies go for people who haven't read the books, they like it the most, because its the most hollywoodish. It focuses on Aragorn instead of the hobbits, and ends with a big battle and a mostly happy ending.

In the book the battle is in the middle like all the other LOTR books. This is not particularly logical in narative sense, but thats par for course with LOTR, the horrible pacing is part of the charm of the novels.

I agree that a lot important stuff was missing from HP3. Most importantly they didn't even explain who the four makers of the maruaders map were at the end, I think that is pretty important.

My wife summed it up well, she's an even bigger Potter fan then I am. She said as its own movie, POA is good. But when you watch the first film, about 1minute into it, when you first see the scar on Harry's forehead and the title appears, the music swells, you get this feeling in your gut, the Harry potter feeling and its there throughout the whole movie. You pop chamber of secrets in the dvd player afterwards (as we did the other night) and there's that feeling again, right away you feel like your still in the first movie, and as soon as Harry jumps in the car with Ron to escape the Dursely's its back in full force and even stronger then in the first film.

But you never have that feeling in this one, or very rarely. Its fine that its dark, I like dark, but ti seems to have lost a lot of the heart along the way. The Lupin/Harry scenes were great, but the rest of the movie just left me so empty, and when the last shot froze the way it did and I heard Harry's voice over I half expected some cheeze ball rap song to come up. I scanned the credits to see who did the music for film3 think John Williams had either not been brought back or had chosen not to return, his wonderful theme from the first two films (his best work since Indiana Jones and the classic trilogy starwars) plays once during the Warner Brothers logo at the beginning and then is absent for the entire film. This was such an odd choice to make, that music is such a huge part of the Harry Potter movie success formula IMHO. I always listen to the soundtracks when I read the books now.

Hopefully I'll like the movie more on DVD, it would be sad to think the best book produced the poorest movie. But then that happened with LOTR IMHO so it is possible.
And I dance. And I sing.
And I'm a monkey, in a long line of kings.

Originally posted by: jimbo
The books progressively get more mature so a kid can grow up with the stories. The fifth book would probably have to be PG-13 to keep all of its spirit.

The fifth film is going to be a challenge to condense into a movie, because there is no main plot, just a lot of subplots. Every character from the first 4 books comes back at some point and the book is just enormous. I heard Cuaron is in talks to come back for film5, and that Christopher Columbus will probably do film7 which would be a nice touch. I'm not worried about 4 being adapted properly, when I read the book I felt like JK Rowling was aware that the movies were in the works and wrote that one accordingly, it feels more like a movie then the other books, especially the first chapter. It is longer but its mostly just taking a longer time to explain things, in terms of content book 4 is only 5-10% longer then book3 in my opinion, she just used more words to explain it (which made it a less enjoyable read)

But book5 is jammed packed, its going to be a real challenge to turn that into any sort of a workable movie. Does anyone else think Judi Dench should play professor Umbridge?

And I dance. And I sing.
And I'm a monkey, in a long line of kings.
I want Chris back. He seems to understand that a movie needs to be a certain length to give the book some respect. Not only was it short but progression of seasons was done horrendously (third year has no sunny days), some events were out of order (the firebolt), It was peaced together messy. Probably the fact that the third book was better made the movie equal to the second. I am sure if Chris Columbus had directed this it would have been so much better.

Originally posted by: Rebel Scumb

Originally posted by: jimbo
The books progressively get more mature so a kid can grow up with the stories. The fifth book would probably have to be PG-13 to keep all of its spirit.

The fifth film is going to be a challenge to condense into a movie, because there is no main plot, just a lot of subplots. Every character from the first 4 books comes back at some point and the book is just enormous. I heard Cuaron is in talks to come back for film5, and that Christopher Columbus will probably do film7 which would be a nice touch. I'm not worried about 4 being adapted properly, when I read the book I felt like JK Rowling was aware that the movies were in the works and wrote that one accordingly, it feels more like a movie then the other books, especially the first chapter. It is longer but its mostly just taking a longer time to explain things, in terms of content book 4 is only 5-10% longer then book3 in my opinion, she just used more words to explain it (which made it a less enjoyable read)

But book5 is jammed packed, its going to be a real challenge to turn that into any sort of a workable movie. Does anyone else think Judi Dench should play professor Umbridge?

i have a teacher at school which would make such a good umbridge it is sccary. she is exactly like her in every way, same voice, same attatude, speaks to ppl like they are 5, everything.
Just as long as they don't cast Charlize Theron and put that makeup on again.

Originally posted by: jimbo
As a movie to book adaptation Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is by far the worst of the three.

I agree. But then again, I gave up on having books accurately translated to film years ago. It's been three or four years since I read this book and I'm glad I didn't reread it. I loved the movie. Obviously stuff has to be left out and Cuaron reasoned that he did it because he wanted to focus on one theme and leave the rest out. Rowling agreed. Although she did veto a couple of Cuaron's proposed changes. If you think this translation is bad, wait until HP4 or HP5. Those will be horrible.

I think Cuaron did a fantastic job. I'm trying to think of this as a bit of a stand alone movie and that makes it easier to digest just how radically different everything was in this as opposed to the first two movies. I hated how "rich" and "beautiful" everything was in the first two films. It wasn't what I think of when I imagined Hogwarts while reading the books. This is a castle for chrissakes. It's grey, stone, uninviting, cold. That's how castles are. They are fortresses. They were meant to be a source of defense against opposing armies (or, in this case, wizards, dragons, et al). They are not "pretty". Besides, with as clean a look as Columbus gave the movie, the CGI stood out like a sore thumb. Pitiful effects. Here, the Quidditch match was spectacular. Harry flying on the Hippogriff was just an amazing scene. You get my drift.

Easily the best of the bunch and I am not looking forward to Newell's interpretation in HP4.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
See thats interesting because the Columbus look is exactly how I pictured things when I read the books, I agree the HP1 FX were pretty bad, but the HP2 FX were great IMHO, and I actually found some to be worse in HP3.
And I dance. And I sing.
And I'm a monkey, in a long line of kings.
I think I kinda like the first two better. But keep in mind, this is coming from the perspective of someone who has not read the books.
If you ask me the third one seemed rushed to me. It just seemed like there were alot of little details left out of this one.
I'm just afraid that there are so many missed details that even if you added in a half hour, you still wouldn't get through enough of them and then you all would be bitching that they didn't flesh these details out enough. Play it safe and cut them. That's the best solution.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic