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Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released) — Page 78


Thanks Zer0Squared! Though, believe it or not, I just found another mistake. Under Rebel Forces, "Other Officers NORMAN CHANGER" changed(!) to "NORMAN CHANCER." Jesus I'm sloppy!

Little tip: If you drag the GOUT layer to the top you can turn the visibility on and off which makes mistakes a little easier to spot. 


Yeah, that's what I was doing before.

Glad you found a name error.  I wasn't checking for those at the time.  Maybe I'll re-scan it later and see if I see any others. :)

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“Evacuate ...in our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.”


What really worries me is that I didn't see 3 of SirJonah's finds. Aren't your eyes hurting? I guess we're all routine-blinded and need more victims.


Yeah, some of these are very subtle. It's hard for any one person to notice everything -- it's only this kind of group effort that makes things perfect.

So, fingers crossed, but I'm fairly confident that virtually all the lingering issues have been found (10 total mistakes fixed since last night). I also corrected some lines whose vertical placement looked a little off, modified the RSO logo so the bull's head was angled down more to match the GOUT and negative-1 35mm source better, and made the character spacing in "APPROVED" over the MPAA logo tighter.

Harmy, I'll upload the "Fixed 3" PSD right now. Then I suppose after a day or so if no one else spots anything, it'll probably be safe for you to do the final render. Hopefully! ;-)


Wikisend is having some issues with uploading, so I'll try again in an hour.


You guys are amazing. I'm really happy and grateful I discovered this project 


Red lights are clipped on the Blu-rays (often in more than just the red channel), and very hard to restore to a more natural-looking state.  Unless Harmy has a new trick for ESB, I imagine these will remain, as they did in Star Wars.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Finished watching last night and the main problem I see is varying levels of colour saturation between shots and scenes. I want to turn the colour down for one shot, then the next shot will look a bit washed out. This mainly occurs in the Falcon where shots switch from full cockpit shots (less saturation) to close ups (more saturation).

Dagobah seems oversaturated between 109370 and 111870 compared to the previous Dagobah scene.

Lando's blue shirt looks very purple and the walls seem to have a red tinge to them in the shot where he makes the announcement.

Vader's lightsaber seems a little too pink to me, but I am probably biased toward the very red saber from the VHS tapes.

Well that's all my nits picked. As others have said, this is the best Empire has ever looked, I am just trying to be thorough. Thanks Harmy!


@chyron: Well, while this problem isn't completely gone, I would say it is definitelly diminished in the new version - here are the v1.0 shots you posted and the same shots as they appear in the workprint:

@doubleKO: The saturation issues have already been tackled (although in case of the unzoomed shots there may still be an occasional discrepancy here and there but it should definitely be lessened) and the Lando announcement shot is taken from a faded 35mm print, so it was pretty hard to get the colors looking even this good.


The logo is the same one as in SW v2.5 and it's sourced from the BD of Alien.

As to why I decided to re-create the subs from scratch - well this is currently the best source available to me - and I mean literally that specific Daily Motion video.


Harmy said:

I HATE COLOR CORRECTION! Seriously - if I ever do a v3.0, I'm outsourcing the color correction to someone else.

 So, do you remember this post of mine from yesterday? Well, I was a bit frustrated at the time, because I decided to give the colors of the whole Luke's escape from the Wampa and subsequent rescue scene an overhaul based largely on the 97SE and at that point I had already been working on it for some five or six hours, wasn't even half-way through it and it'd given me a massive headache. I returned to it today with fresh perspective and here's the result:



FANTASTIC job, Harmy!  Looks great!  Thanks for putting in the time -- it was well worth it.


Well, my first reaction was: God, the Blu-ray is unbelievably ugly.

After that, I guess I could see myself being equally happy with either the workprint or the new colors.  I think the problem for me is that, without a reference, I'm just looking for things that are obviously way out of bounds, and I don't see much in either.

I'm assuming you're making changes based on the "they made the colors of the 97SE good on film before they made them bad on the DVD" theory, using some sort of adjusted 97SE as a reference?  What sort of adjustments?

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


I think I found one problem so far.  Luke's lightsaber color does not show the blue aura that is in both the GOUT and 97 starting about the moment he gets up from the ground after cutting himself down.  Any thoughts on this?

On an unrelated note, the honorable mention credits, are they in any particular order, like by donation amount or something interesting like that?



The logo is the same one as in SW v2.5 and it's sourced from the BD of Alien.

As to why I decided to re-create the subs from scratch - well this is currently the best source available to me - and I mean literally that specific Daily Motion video.


Ah, got it. Thanks for the info, and I'm glad to hear you already had the BD idea. 


Actually, I think that over-all, the 97SE of Empire has pretty good colors as it is - Star Wars had that pink tint but that isn't there in ESB.


I hate to say it, but while it is an improvement until 2:32, (if perhaps a little towards the blue side) the rest of the snow scenes actually seem more purple than before (I'm now seeing red in Luke's scarf and Han's coat that wasn't there).

I understand it gets dark around this time, and I am by no means an expert on how it should look, nor do I have professionally calibrated equipment. I would really like to hear from other people about this. I was quite happy with the colour timing used in 1.0 for the most part.

R2 looks "proper" to me in the 97SE, with a slightly more muted and matte looking blue. He always seems too vibrant and glossy since the '04 transfer, but that doesn't seem like an easy fix.

yoda-sama also has a point about the blue being missing from Luke's saber.


Hold on, that's the purple you meant? On the characters, not on the snow and the sky? Because I spent all those hours doing exactly that - creating a curve, which specifically adds red to the characters and not the background and which had to be tweaked shot by shot - in the BD, everything is monochromatically blue (or rather cyan) whereas in all the other transfers, you can see, that the characters have some color and it is mostly red - if I were to turn the cyan of the BD into blue and leave it at that, it would have been super easy but then it would have stayed the monochromatic mess that is the 2004 transfer  and I wanted to pull out the colors of the characters and the tauntaun.

As to the lightsaber - well, it's not missing blue - it's less blue, which is the side effect of having to pull the blues down in general and again of the monochromatic nature of the BD.


Ah, OK. I was using the characters to judge the colours at that point and just noticed red that wasn't previously there. To be honest I still prefer the second half the way it was. It is a bit more monochromatic but I think the skin tones hold up better without that extra red. Sorry!


Well, I don't know what you're seeing but in most of the new version, the skintones aren't any more red than in the previous version - in many cases, they are actually less red from what I can see.

Faces on the left are from the WP version, faces on the right are from the new version:


Yeah, you're right. I am just looking too hard and imagining things now. It still looks more "correct" to me without that red added but I will leave it to others to agree or disagree.


That may well be, that the more monochromatic version looks more right to you but I assume we can agree that the new version is closer to the GOUT and 97SE references in that regard, right?


I didn't say it in my earlier post, so I'll say it now, loving the new colors.  Thanks for putting in the effort, I think it really paid off, it all feels more natural to Star Wars now, rather than looking like something you'd see in the real world (not sure if that makes sense, but the snow was just too white in the workprint).

On the lightsaber, it looks to me like more than just the blue being pulled down, it looks almost removed on purpose.  I take it you added in the blue to the saber when he cut himself down, in addition to adding back the flash, what's the difference here, besides that the blue was missing in the 97 where you added it in here and was present in the 97 where you didn't add it here (I find the consistently opposite coloring to be pretty humorous in a way).  Heck, why even add the blue back to that one shot if it the saber is just going to be white for the rest of the scene...  To me it looks like it may even need to be rotoscoped back on, or the area around the saber targeted to saturate the blue color (like you were able to single out the faces earlier for more reds than the background).  In the end, blue was there in both GOUT and 97 but not the BD, so I think it counts as a 2004SE change that would need to be addressed.


Well, I guess it's just a few frames anyway, so I can just as well put in the extra effort and re-color the saber :)


Thanks, man.  :-)

BTW, about those honorable mention credits, I am wondering if there's a meaning to the ordering of the names, care to give us any insight as to what?


Oh, no, they are just in the order in which the donations came. I will probably try to put them into alphabetic order. Anyone know how to do this easily? I have them as a simple .txt file.