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Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released) — Page 76


n00b said:

The new credits look awesome!

SirJonah said:

This might be a little defensive but I think it's close enough. There are 1,331 words and 10,898 characters in these credits (just checked my initial .rtf file) and not every single job title and name is perfectly adjusted to fit exactly over the ESB GOUT credits -- it would just be too time consuming to custom adjust the kerning like that.

When I was working in Photoshop, I just made sure that everything lined up on the left, middle and right sides and that the vertical alignment was correct. Sometimes a job title or name wouldn't fit exactly over the GOUT. But most of the time it did. Here's what that portion of the credits looks like superimposed over the GOUT credits from my PSD:

Don't worry, I know that any further adjustment would be far too time consuming. I didn't want to criticize your work nor did you make any mistake at this point. It's just because "RALPH McQUARRIE" had always been positioned anomalously and therefore is much more eye-catching than anything else. And that's the only reason why I pointed this out.

I hope I didn't come off as angry in my reply. I'm really not! I welcome your criticism -- in fact, if it wasn't for you, my ampersand mistake would have been left in. So, thank you!


SirJonah said:

I hope I didn't come off as angry in my reply. I'm really not! I welcome your criticism -- in fact, if it wasn't for you, my ampersand mistake would have been left in. So, thank you!

No, of course, you didn't. And I didn't want to be nitpicking or something like that. In fact, I really feel sorry for not being of any further help. Many thanks for your effort on the credits!


Harmy said:

Here are the new and hopefully final credits:


Did you check the apostrophes against the 35mm scan?  Were they clear enough to make any verdict about slantiness/curliness/chunkiness?  They still look a bit anachronistic in their current state.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


stretch009 said:

doubleKO said:

About half way through checking the WP - here are the things I've noticed so far. Apologies if they have already been addressed or if they are correct the way they are.

Someone mentioned Hoth looking a bit purple and I agree, although it seems to be purple sky more than purple snow:


45761 to 46122 - Magenta flashes similar to ones fixed in Star Wars?

Falcon interior from 52992 - Everything seems way more saturated in closer shots, especially the lights and Han's lip.

 Did you see this post, Harmy?  Could it possibly be a Purple Hoth? (okay a little hyperbole there)  At least three people think so.

 Well, I'm not saying that some shots aren't slightly reddish but I timed them that way based on the GOUT - it's not an error - it is so on purpose.

CatBus said:

Harmy said:

Here are the new and hopefully final credits:


Did you check the apostrophes against the 35mm scan?  Were they clear enough to make any verdict about slantiness/curliness/chunkiness?  They still look a bit anachronistic in their current state.

 Yep, they're definitely wrong - they seem to be shaped like upside-down drops in the 35mm. Is it horrible that I don't really care? Or at least not enough to actually go through the whole thing and replace every apostrophe by hand, which I think is pretty much the only solution.


Harmy said:

Is it horrible that I don't really care? Or at least not enough to actually go through the whole thing and replace every apostrophe by hand, which I think is pretty much the only solution.

Heh, not horrible at all.  But if they're "curly" (look like the commas, just up high), then you should just be able to swap out the characters in the RTF file with the Unicode character (U+2019) that looks more like that.  If they don't easily match up to a particular glyph in the font you're using, then yeah, hand-replacing seems to be all there is.  But curly apostrophes should be a piece of cake.  And slanty apostrophes may be doable with a prime character (U+2032).

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


For an upside-down drop, you may get lucky with U+2032, depending on how the font you've chosen decides to render it.  Different fonts may render it differently.  It's not a typical form though.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


I have no idea how that works. Plus I don't even have the font, I'm working with rasterized text.


Ah, then doing it by hand is the only option, unless you can get someone to re-rasterize the text ;)

Nevermind then--it's not horrible not to care.  I'm just trying to find anything that might signal to people that this is a reconstruction, and anachronistic PC-era punctuation is one of them.  But it's not a big deal at all.

EDIT: Actually if you're re-rasterizing--even if you can't match the form exactly, I think U+2019 would be "a better kind of wrong".  Wrong, but more plausible for the era in which it was created.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Well, looking at the credits, there may not be that many apostrophes - so far, I only found two, so if someone finds all of them, I'd consider re-doing them.


Harmy said:

Well, looking at the credits, there may not be that many apostrophes - so far, I only found two, so if someone finds all of them, I'd consider re-doing them.

 There are 5. I can tell you exactly where they are -- but only if you request!


I found five:

Lando's aide, Luke's gunner, Wedge's gunner, JOANNE D'ANTONIO, KEVIN O'CONNELL

Most noticeable in the first three.  You are a saint.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


BTW, the last two names are under the sound department (just look for Ben Burtt). They are a dialogue editor and a recording technician, respectively.


News Gothic MT, the font I used in the PSD (and included as a .ttf in the zipped folder I uploaded), has an apostrophe that looks very close to what is in the actual credits -- a similar-looking upside-down teardrop. 


 Sooooo much better!

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“Evacuate ...in our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.”


OK, so here are some images:


And a picture with the GOUT reference in the corner (the GOUT reference has increased saturation but I pulled red saturation down by the same amount I increased the master saturation, so red saturation remains the same as in raw GOUT but all other colors are increased):

As you can see, I was still pretty careful with the reds here.


Now we're talking.  Thank you Harmy!

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


No problem :-) Sometimes, I get lazy and that's where I need you guys in my corner :-)


Harmy, the second image is coming up broken.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Harmy, the second image is coming up broken.

 Firefox:  Right (Mouse) Click - Open link in new tab

Internet Explorer: Right Click - Open link in new tab


This level of minutia is why I check this thread every day. I love it.


Huh, Firefox doesn't seem to like postimage very much. It works in IE though. Weird!

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Might be the no script plugin I use causing problems. It's a little too paranoid with some sites.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


stretch009 said:

SilverWook said:

Harmy, the second image is coming up broken.

 Firefox:  Right (Mouse) Click - Open link in new tab

Internet Explorer: Right Click - Open link in new tab

 I'm pretty sure SilverWook knows how to open an image from a hotlink, broken or not.  The point was to let Harmy know.

Having said that, works fine in my Firefox.