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Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released) — Page 57


Well, the latest word is, that I tried everything and then some and the computer still won't work with four RAM sticks, so I'll probably finish the projects currently in the works with the 16GB RAM and then take a hiatus, while I try to exchange the mobo.


Projects must not be all too far from completion then. ;)

Good luck dealing with the company that sold you the mobo. Hopefully they value their reputation and deal well with returns.


And if not, you can always include a derogatory statement in your end credits to them. LoL

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“Evacuate ...in our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.”


Here's a new clip. It is a comparison between v2.0, v1.0, BD and GOUT of the first two Luke vs. Vader scenes. It's still work in progress but you should get the general idea of the approach I'm taking here - I really tried to minimize those weird artifacts, which crop up every time any attempt at color correcting this scene is made (which are very strongly present in v1.0) and I tried to keep the colors of the sabers closer to the original (which actually often means closer to the SE than in v1.0).


Lightsabers do look nicer, even if that means looking similar to the bluray in this instance. The artifacts you're talking about are the sort of 'bubbles' around the lightsabers in 1.0?

I like the background blues, and the orange "glow" is a better compromise between the bright 1.0 and muted bluray. I don't know how things are "supposed" to look, and I guess that is a complicated question. But do you think Luke's face is a bit too red in some of the closeups? (~16-30 seconds in)


Possibly, though as you say, it's hard to say for sure.

And yes, those are the artifacts I was talking about.


Harmy, the sabers definitely look better. But in some shots in the freezing chamber, the sabers - especially Vader's - don't seem as bright and white as they do in the GOUT.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


I haven't managed to download the clip yet, but the screenshots look really great. 

I'm mostly curious to know how the colours look in the luke vs vader duel on the catwalk, as that scene has always looked really blue in the 2004SE and slightly red tinted in the GOUT and other sources. It's one of the most dramatic/important scenes in Empire, and I've always hated how they made it look in the 2004 release.

Edit: When I say catwalk I mean the bridge bit where we get the Vader reveal.


Thank you for your great job Harmy, the result is awesome!

Could you include a french audio track for TESB v2.0 pleaaaaaase ? :)


@Ericstormtrooper - the GOUT has clipped whites, so the sabers are probably fatter than they were theatrically (as evidenced by both the JSC and '97SE) - I don't have any definitive reference for it though, as the scene seems to look different in each home video version, so I tried to strike a balance between making the sabre cores white, while keeping them less fat.

@rockin: I didn't get there yet but I'll definitely pay close attention to it, once I do.

@DarkJedi360: There will definitely be French audio, as well as many other foreign tracks.


Thanks Harmy.

This is a quick demonstration of what I mean between the different sources. This is between the 1997SE and 2004SE for example (TOP is 1997SE and bottom is 2004SE):



I know the 1997SE is not the best source in this image, given that it is a digital broadcast source, but it does show the colour differences between sources, so I'm not really sure what the original look was supposed to be on the print.


Sorry, those links don't work - they just send me to the dvdbeaver main page.


Just copy them and paste them to a new tab/window, they will work that way

EDIT I just realized he posted new links which work :)


Harmy said:

@Ericstormtrooper - the GOUT has clipped whites, so the sabers are probably fatter than they were theatrically (as evidenced by both the JSC and '97SE) - I don't have any definitive reference for it though, as the scene seems to look different in each home video version, so I tried to strike a balance between making the sabre cores white, while keeping them less fat.

@rockin: I didn't get there yet but I'll definitely pay close attention to it, once I do.

@DarkJedi360: There will definitely be French audio, as well as many other foreign tracks.

 Merci beaucoup :D




the last week I found the despecialized editition and I had to download it because it is WOOOOOW!!!!

But in the german download are no chapter marks in ESB and ROTJ.


Can anybody re-up the chapter marks?


Greetings from Cologne



Hey Harmy, my apologies if you've answered this already, but what will be the new sources for ESB 2.0 (besides the Blu Ray, of course)?


Nothing really - I have 35mm sources for a couple of shots both of which I already showed but the rest will use the same sources as v1.0 - that is the the GOUT and the '97SE SD broadcasts.


Are the 720p HDTV-DON releases better sources than the 1080p HDTV-hV ones? On top of being 1080p, they're the same as the 2004 Special Editions with supposedly less DNR than the Blu-rays.