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I cant wait for v3.
Less than 1gb??? I may need to download this just to see how bad the picture quality looks
Less than 1gb??? I may need to download this just to see how bad the picture quality looks
That’s how big the mp4 versions of Star Wars and Return of the Jedi were when I got them off archive; former was 704mb and the latter was 774mb iirc.
“The Force will be with you. Always…”
FWIW there were never any official MP4 encodes, but there are re-encodes made by random internet people all over the place, mostly because people really were put off by the file sizes of the official downloads. i.e. if you’re going into this from a film preservation/I want something with better quality than the official releases that I can keep forever, big file sizes aren’t a concern. But if all you want to do it watch a movie once on your phone and be done with it, well, something smaller is probably good enough. Different strokes and all that.
But those MP4s you found might not be a “matched set”, they may be re-encodes made by three entirely different people using entirely different quality/speed trade-offs, they may have made different and possibly bad audio choices, etc. Heck, someone could have spliced Jedi Rocks back into ROTJ for all we know, people do all sorts of weird things. That’s the downside of unofficial sources.
I cant wait for v3.
Hey Harmy, I’m curious about the sources being used for Despecialized, namely for ESB Despecialized. So for Star Wars you’re using the UHD and 4K77, and for Jedi the UHD and 4K83, however you began work on ESB before the release of 4K80 1.0. Were you using the fuji print that 4K80 was based on? I think I also heard you mention having a couple of ESB 35mm prints, are any of these some of the newer prints Team Negative One got access to? (For example the second fuji print which is of higher quality than the fuji print used in 4K80) Hope you can answer some of these questions, thanks!
I did get some of the raw scans used for 4K80, plus scans of some other prints from TN1 but I don’t want to go into details, as I’m not sure what they may want to keep under wraps.
I will likely now switch to 4K80 v1.0 as my primary source anyway, as most of the cleanup work has been done, which will make my work easier.
Thanks for the rapid reply Harmy, good to know you’ll be using 4K80 and I look forward to hearing more about your projects!
Send all of this to Internet Archive.
My name is Roman and I am from Ukraine.
I synchronized the Ukrainian translation of “Star Wars” for the “Despecialized trilogy”.
In Ukraine, we have three voice options:
Please include the soundtracks I made in future updates of your videos.
And… May the Force be with you!
Is Harmy working on his 4K versions of ANH and ESB? ROTJ 3.1 is complete and it looks great, but I’m looking forward to his work on the first two.
Indications are currently positive, but don’t expect a release anytime soon. It’ll happen when it happens, and there’ll be much rejoicing.