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Harmy's STAR WARS TRILOGY "Partly Despecialized Edition" HD. !!! These version are now obsolete - Look for Despecialized Editions instead!!! — Page 5


No worries!  As I said, I have not properly watched it - just flicked through.   I had actually turned the volume down to the point where it was just audible, to take a call on my cell phone, and had to scramble for my remote when The Max Rebo Band began to do their funky stuff.

I have jumped through the rest to check the volume level, and it seems fine.  I imagine this was the only place where Harmy spliced in another audio track.  It should be an easy fix. 

edited -  Harmy, you appear to fade back in at approximately 15:10, so from about 12:17 to 15:10 the audio is too loud.  I think you need to lower it by 12 db. 

The English 2.0 mix seems unaffected.  It is just the 5.1.  You will have to check the Czech yourself.  :-D


Thanks for the feedback Chewtobacca.

DON'T STOP DOWNLOADING! Sorry guys, I'm not reuploading the whole thing again and the 5.1 sound was ment to be more of a little bonus anyway, there should be no such problem in the 2.0 as it is taken directly from GOUT.

I might just upload the fixed audio, so you can mux it in yourselves, it is quite easy with TS muxer.


This may be a really stupid question because I generally don't know how this editing stuff works - could you just upload one rar file?  Or is there no way to know which rar file contains a particular portion of the movie?


No, I don't think that would work but don't worry, I'll give you detailed instructions on how to mux in the new audio.


Two 200Mb-ish rars would be enough, as a separate upload, like Adywan's ESB fix, so Frink you would know, because it would be a separate download.  It is easy to remux with Tsmuxer, as Harmy says.    :-)

I really think you should upload the fix though, Harmy.   Many people would appreciate it. 


I will, now that I took a look at it I found out that the problem is that there is both the sound contained in the video plus the sound added for the mix playing at the same time in that scene and that's what makes it so loud and that this is not the only instance where this happened so I will definitely be fixing it.


Harmy said:

I will, now that I took a look at it I found out that the problem is that there is both the sound contained in the video plus the sound added for the mix playing at the same time in that scene and that's what makes it so loud and that this is not the only instance where this happened so I will definitely be fixing it.

Thank you, Harmy.  :-)  From what I have seen this will be an astounding release once all the bugs have been worked out.  The colors look great - not as good as Adwan's finest work perhaps, but natural and a significant improvement on the 2004 SE, and better than Wookiegroomer's release.   The "despecialized" elements look well integrated.  :-D


Thank you, Chewtobacca, that's encouraging. I'm actually glad I screwed up the framerate on STAR WARS as it gave me an opportunity to go back and make an overall better version (i hope). Also I'm home for holidays and all of my uni friends live quite far so I'm bored to tears and this project keeps me going. You guys will probably be my best friends for the next two months ;-)

The Jedi fix is finished, I will be uploading it as soon as the exporting's done and I test muxing it with the video.

Can I put the links here as it's just audio and custom made at that?

Also it seems that doing the 5.1 for STAR WARS v2.0 this way would prove even more difficult so I will be adding the 5.1 upmix of hairy_hen's Star Wars 1977 70mm sound mix recreation instead (if I get approval).


Harmy said:Also I'm home for holidays and all of my uni friends live quite far so I'm bored to tears and this project keeps me going. You guys will probably be my best friends for the next two months ;-)

I remember the feeling, but it was a long time ago.  :-) 

Can I put the links here as it's just audio and custom made at that?

No; PM would be better. 

It is great to hear that the fix will be up so soon.  I really want to watch this.  I shall post a more detailed review when I  have seen the fixed version.


I'm uploading the fix. The file is over 600MB in size (it's a 640 Kbps AC3) and my current upload speed is 90.3 KBytes/s so it will take some time.

Btw. Chewtobacca, did you burn it a watch it on a stand-alone player? I'm still not 100% sure how well compatible it is.


Harmy said:

Btw. Chewtobacca, did you burn it a watch it on a stand-alone player? I'm still not 100% sure how well compatible it is.

I used my media player to preview it.  I burn nothing, unless I send friends copies.  Nonetheless, I had already planned to burn this one to let you know about the compatibility, as I knew you were unsure.  As soon as I know, I shall let you know.  :-)




OK, here are instructions on how to remux the fixed audio that even my grandma could follow:

You'll need:
Deamon tools, TS muxer, ImgBurn (all are free)

Mount the original ISO with Deamon Tools (or something similar) and go to "My Computer." Right click the virtual BD disk called "ROTJ_PDE" and choose "Open". Go to "BDMV\STREAM" and you should see a file named "00000.m2ts".

Open tsMuxeR GUI and drag the "00000.m2ts" file into it.

In the column "Tracks" uncheck the 1st audio file (track 2).

Unrar the fixed audio (pass: harmy) and drag it to TS muxer too.
Highlight the new sound (track 5) and choose English in the column "Language" Then press "up" 3 times until the new audio is track 2.

In the column "output" choose "AVCHD disk" and hit "Start muxing".

When the muxing's finished, you'll end up with two folders: "BDMV" and "CERTIFICATE." You can burn them with ImgBurn. Here are detailed instructions on how to do that:



Harmy said:

OK, here are instructions on how to remux the fixed audio that even my grandma could follow:


Thanks for the info, I'll be giving it a shot :-)


OK, the fix is up. If I forgot to send the link to someone, plese PM me.

Oh, and here's another one of my creations that I wanted to share with you guys :-D



OK, I got hairy_hen's approval. Furthermore I'll be adding the monomix restoration from Moth3r's LFL_PWNAGE DVD, so in SW PDE v2.0 there will be:

1977 English 70mm 5.1

1993 English 2.0

1977 English 1.0

Czech dub 2.0


OK, STAR WARS PDE v2.0 is finished.

I'm converting to AVCHD now and I hope to start uploading tmrw.

I fixed the framerate issues and I used a different way of upscaling the GOUT than for the first version and I think it looks a lot better (you can check for yourselves here, there are basically all the changes that I made in that video, exept for very minor stuff like trimming a few frames here and there). I didn't use any footage from ANH:R this time, just Ady's AVCHD and GOUT.

Then I can start working on TESB:PDE, it's funny how it all stared with Empire and in the end it will be the last to go :-)


Hey I forgot to mention it before, but does this play at NTSC speed?  The reason I bring it up is that the 70mm sound was made for that, so if there is PAL speedup it wouldn't synch properly.

You've probably already thought of that, but I just thought I'd make sure.  ;)


Harmy said:

OK, I got hairy_hen's approval. Furthermore I'll be adding the monomix restoration from Moth3r's LFL_PWNAGE DVD, so in SW PDE v2.0 there will be:

1977 English 70mm 5.1

1993 English 2.0

1977 English 1.0

Czech dub 2.0

How I can download it?


Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!!!!!!!

Exuse my language but I'm really pissed off. I just finished encoding (took about 2 days) and uploading (about 3 days) STAR WARS v2.0 just to play it again on my TV and notice a strange flicker at the edges of the picture and find out that for some reason multiAVCHD encoded INTERLACED!!! So I'll have to start over (just encoding and uploading) so it won't be available for like another five days!!! Also if someone could advice me on how to prevent multiAVCHD 4.1 from encoding interlaced again I would really appreciate it.


Harmy said:

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!!!!!!!

Exuse my language but I'm really pissed off. I just finished encoding (took about 2 days) and uploading (about 3 days) STAR WARS v2.0 just to play it again on my TV and notice a strange flicker at the edges of the picture and find out that for some reason multiAVCHD encoded INTERLACED!!! So I'll have to start over (just encoding and uploading) so it won't be available for like another five days!!! Also if someone could advice me on how to prevent multiAVCHD 4.1 from encoding interlaced again I would really appreciate it.

Are you sure that you haven't outputted your edited video file as NTSC interlaced? A lot of editing programs won't let you output a progressive NTSC output only interlaced and MultiAVCHD will detect the source as interlaced.

When you load up your file in MultiAVCHD click on the video and select "properties" in the first window. Now have a look at what MultiAVCHD is reporting for the video in the pop up window. it should say 23.976fps 1920x1080p. If it is reporting as 1080i then it will encode it as interlaced even if you think your output should be progressive. If this is the case then just click on "alter detected properties" and change the flag to "progressive". But i must warn you that if you have indeed outputted your video as interlaced that changing the flag could cause some undesired results so you will have to create a new source video for MultiAVCHD

But encoding it as interlaced shouldn't cause a flicker at the edges of the screen so you may have a different problem. If i were you i would scrap powerdirector as its  piece of crap and use a better editing program




Thanks, but it didn't really help, I'm not that dumb, I'm 100% sure that the 25GB Mpeg file I ouputed from Power Director was progressive (I checked in properties in MPC) and it didn't have the flicker (which I am almost certain was caused by the interlacing - it was the top and bottom line of where the black borders start, jumping one line up and down - maybe it was my computer showing the interlaced video incorrectly). But I definitelly fed multiAVCHD a progressive 1080p Mpeg and it spat out a 1080i m2ts. I may have switched something wrong somewhere in multiAVCHD but I kinda hoped you guys would be able to tell me what...


MultiAVCHD will NOT output an interlaced file unless it is reporting the source as interlaced. There are no settings within MultiAVCHD to change a progressive source into an interlaced video unless you manually altered the detected settings.

You say you are 100% sure that you fed MultiAVCHD a progressive source. Well have you rechecked to see what MultiAVCHD reports the video as in the step i mentioned above? Because if it is reporting it as 1080p and not 1080i it is impossible for it to output an interlaced file.

Probably best to double check because your problem isn't down to MultiAVCHD. Replying with a cocky remark about "you're not that dumb" when someone is trying to help you really isn't the way to go especially when you haven't bothered to double check your source file in MultiAVCHD first. Sometimes it's easy to miss something and rechecking can rule out a source file problem.