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A fate I wouldn't mind seeing Lucas face...


I thought about writing this several times before this week, but have until now refrained.

What is up with all the Lucas hate lately? Everytime I come into the general SW discussion over the last few days and it seems like just about every other post has something bad to say about Lucas. I know it is a general stereotype that we OT.com folks are all a bunch of Lucas bashers, but this is just getting old.

Sorry, gethedgical, this post really was not aimed directly at you, hope you don't feel like it is.

Anyway, that is a cool picture. Your thread didn't really deserve this post, I just felt like speaking my mind.  


Let us not forget that this is still the guy who invented the stories we have enjoyed so much. Even though much of what SW has become today has been through the hard work of those around him, the fact of the matter is, no Lucas, no Star Wars. It sucks that the guy hates his fans so much that he doesn't even care to give them the actual movies that made them fans in the first place. It sucks he seems to have come to the conclusion that he is the greatest story teller who ever lived and takes full credit for the work of others, as well as makes changes to their contributions to the whole simply because he likes it better done differently. And it sucks that he has had the chance to make three really awesome movies with a pretty much endless budget and yet only managed to make the OT. I love to make fun of the guy as much as the next guy. I don't have a whole lot of respect for the guy like I used to. He used to seem like a cool film making rebel, doing things his own way and bucking the system. The system sucks, so that is awesome, but in the end he became worse than the system.

Yes, all these things suck. But seriously, there is no reason to hate the guy, to feel disappointed in him yes, but hate is too much. He hasn't really taken anything away from you, you still have the same Star Wars you have always had, unfortunately it is in an outdated format and quality, but you still have it.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


With regards to the above point, I agree.

At the same time, its significant that the photo is Old George Lucas. I think we all love George Lucas, but we love who he was, not who he now is. I think Young George Lucas should be cast in a magnificent golden statue with toga-clad maidens pracing around underneath it throwing flower pedals into the air. And I think Old George Lucas deserves the monument displayed in the first post.


You know, if I was a multi-millionare with a large mansion, I would consider doing that, putting a magnificent golden statue of him and hire toga clad maidens to dance around it and throw flower pedal in the air in one corner of my massive courtyard (filled with finely trimed shrubberies, I'd probably hire a full time shrubber too, just for the heck of it...), and somewhere in the opposite corner I would have the carbonite Lucas with vines of thorns growing around it. Too bad I will never be a millionare....


"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

gethedgical said:

 McCallum:  George, you are right on everything, and Jar Jar was a great idea!

Lucas:  I know.