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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released) — Page 466


Harmy said:


I now have 29,097.21CZK, which I just transferred to my bank-account (this will take at least a couple of days) and then I can buy the parts and even throw in better PSU and case!

 Hell yes! Don't sweat a crazy case, lol. Glad it's all coming together. I think it's a well deserved thing to build and hope it totally rocks.


The red drives report any read or write errors back to the controller very quickly instead of stalling and going into the recovery mode where the drive automatically tries to remap the sector by reading over and over.  If you only have one disk, then this is the only chance to get your data from that sector back and, if successful, I don't believe the error is ever reported to the controller (but it should be visible in the SMART data).

In a multi-disk array this interruption will cause the array to degrade due to the lengthy timeout and the disk will be marked bad.  This is undesirable for an array since it has redundancy built in above the physical disk layer.

When an array of red drives detects the error, the sector is marked as bad immediately, the sector is remapped and the data is recovered using the parity stored in the array itself (RAID 5 for example).  This saves having to recover an entire degraded array due to one error (of which there can be many before the disk is truly bad).

Other than that, I'm not sure what the other differences between the drives are, but I believe this is the biggest one.  So the extra cost is probably unnecessary.


Donated! :)

What can you get a Wookiee for (Life Day) Christmas when he already owns a comb?


@ Harmy

Do you also accept Dogecoin?


Harmy said:

What's that?

It's a digital currency like Bitcoin.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.

I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!

—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3


What is your stance on Windows7 vs Windows8 when it comes to the computer you're building for use with this project?


I'd only ever consider Windows 8 if Bill Gates said he was going to go halvsies with Elon Musk on his 'Human to Mars by 2020' plan.

I'd take one for the team in that scenario.


Unfortunate that I'm stuck with Windows 8. (Still... at least it works!)

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.


I just installed Win8.1 on my iMac (bootcamp) and it's flying, seems much quicker than Win7 so I'm pretty happy with it though I don't use it for much!


Are the donations still flying in? Can't wait to see what you build with the money, I'm hoping for pictures!


The influx has slowed down considerably after the first few days but a bit more did arrive after I last reported, though I sort of lost count, because I'm transferring it to my bank account (most Czech shops unfortunately don't support PayPal, so transfering to my account is a necessity) but I think it was around $70 more, so I may still go for an SSD on top of the 2 HDDs but we'll see how much it will all come to in the end.


Lev Black Lion is pretty good. Also there's a Slovenian lager named Lasko Temno that I quite enjoyed too.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Be it Linux or Windows 7 as an alternative, no man is truly stuck with Windows 8 unless they choose to be...



Is there an official change list documenting all the fixes that have been made?  I know there is the gallery of 300+ pictures comparing some frames to the equivalent blu ray and GOUT but I'm sure I don't notice everything.


I don't know what else would you want - the gallery shows every single change that's been fixed in v2.5 and the text in each picture describes in detail not only what was changed but also how it was done.


I just finished watching 2.5 and have to say it's absolutely perfect, well done :) Can't wait for the other two. One thing that did happen was after the credits finished, the last part of the music kept repeating over the top of the extra Despecialized Edition credits. Not sure if this was a bug in VLC or maybe because the audio track finished before the video or something. I'm guessing VLC ran out of audio track so just kept repeating what it had in its buffers, but it seemed odd. Maybe needs a silence audio track to cover the extra credits. It happens in VLC if you finish watching the credits (skip to around the 2:00:00 mark) then let it play the extra credits.

Anyway, thanks again for such an awesome effort.


That's probably it - the audio tracks are adjusted to GOUT, so they are a bit shorter than the video but I've never experienced the thing you describe, so it must be a VLC bug.

EDIT: I just tried and on my computer, VLC doesn't do it either.


Harmy I already talked about chapter branching here as I'd love to make an "international" Blu-ray (with available foreign crawls). I just discovered you can do that with mkv files. Would you be ok for me to try and make such a file if I can find out how ? Apparently there's a software that does that but it hasn't been updated since 2011 and it crashes on my Win 8.1 install. Will try on a Windows 7 VM (if you're OK with that of course).

If you are OK with that, please tell me, I will create a separate thread for my project based on yours.

Good luck with the build, btw! 

"Let's face it, the Ewoks sucked, dude" -Hurley, Lost 5x13-Some like it Hoth.

Please bear with me if I tend to get too excited about anything or say too much, I have issues.


OK Thanks. Turns out it crashed because I was using your mkv, while the documentation states you have to use a BDMV folder, so I am currently copying the temporary blu-ray I muxed with your DeEd and all the subs from project Threepio. I am also downloading the other preservations other than Marvins' French preservation (there's a German and an Italian preservations, didn't find any other). I will try my hand at a bilingual crawl version first (EN/FR) and tell you if it works. Problem is my temporary Blu-ray is already 21 GB so I think it could be a "deluxe" version, requiring a BD-DL. I'll see.

"Let's face it, the Ewoks sucked, dude" -Hurley, Lost 5x13-Some like it Hoth.

Please bear with me if I tend to get too excited about anything or say too much, I have issues.