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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released) — Page 383


cain spaans said:

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

You want to be personally notified?

yes please :)

Sure thing! Here's how to receive your personal notification in less than 5 seconds:

About once per week, visit this link:


If the text at the beginning of the post that currently reads:


has changed to say something like:


then you have successfully received your notification of the release of Star Wars: DE v2.5 and can proceed to obtain it using the methods outlined in the same first post of this thread.

Thanks for your interest in the project! Like you, we're all looking forward to the release of v2.5 and additional future updates!

HanDuet’s Guide (“HDG”) to Download Harmy’s Star Wars Despecialized Editions
Checksums & File Verifications for Harmy’s Despecialized Editions
Harmy’s Sources Documentary (11 min version) on YouTube


Hehehehehe..   nice one.

I think he needs to learn the meaning of "sarcasm."  The interwebs are a dangerous place for one so naive.

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“Evacuate ...in our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.”


HanDuet said:

cain spaans said:

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

You want to be personally notified?

yes please :)

Sure thing! Here's how to receive your personal notification in less than 5 seconds:

About once per week, visit this link:


If the text at the beginning of the post that currently reads:


has changed to say something like:


then you have successfully received your notification of the release of Star Wars: DE v2.5 and can proceed to obtain it using the methods outlined in the same first post of this thread.

Thanks for your interest in the project! Like you, we're all looking forward to the release of v2.5 and additional future updates!

Thank you for that

What’s worse George Lucas changing the OT or selling the rights to Disney


Just wanted to say that I have a friend who has left Star Wars completely behind him after George made it clear he only cared about money, with his changes and prequels and nonsense.  My friend has actually made it clear to us that he will not see 7, 8, and 9 on principle because, in his words: "George has rubbed his taint all over everything relating to that universe and I refuse to even glance at anything another man's taint has sweated on, especially George."


He and I are film buffs and in spite of me telling him that this exists, he initially didn't care.  Monday is usually our board gaming day and when he came over I sat him down and told him I was going to show him something Star Wars related.  He immediately threw a fit and threatened to leave.  I promised him that it would be something he would enjoy.  Very reluctantly he sat down and put a "I don't give a f***, but get this over with" face on.


I showed him the Sources Documentary because I wasn't sure showing him 2.1 would even be on the table at this point.


Once it started playing he slowly became very VERY interested and was actually in awe of the dedication and work that went into making 2.5.  In fact, during the Team Negative 1 section, he said, "This is impossible, but I actually want to see the finished project.  Whoever this Harmy guy is has impressed me so much that I am actually considering watching Star Wars again."


Once it was over, I asked him if he wanted to watch it.  He said, only if I had the entire trilogy of Harmy's trilogy.  I told him I only had 1.0 of Empire and Jedi, but I had 2.1 of Star Wars and was waiting for the 2.5 Edition.  He told me that once all of them are in 2.0+ stage, he would watch them with me.


Harmy, I just thought you should know that your efforts and the efforts of all involved in this project has managed to re-ignite the love and passion for Star Wars in a friend of mine who only 6 hours ago, thought it would be lost forever.  I thank you for the true essence of a gift, because that's what this is, a gift, and thoroughly congratulate you on your efforts.


Fuzzy's post has hit a chord with me as I have had exactly the same reaction having just obtained 2.1.  I had got to the stage where I couldn't stand the sight of Star Wars (or 'A New Hope' which grinds my gears)....this used to be my favourite film, but the changes completely tainted it and I fell out of love.

However, amazingly, it's been rekindled with Harmy and the team's amazing work - I cannot thank you enough!  I grew up watching the old UK ITV version so imagine my delight when I found the mono audio track on there, too - identical - no more badly dubbed Aunt Beru!

Thanks again, and keep up the sterling work!!!!

ps: I tried printing down the BD inlay.png but it's slightly too big for a BD amarray - is there some trick to telling the printer to scale it down? Scaling down to 266mm x 148mm using my graphics software degrades the quality.

***EDIT*** Had success by accessing 'Printer Preview' and setting the 'Scaling' via 'Page Setup' to 35%.


Thanks ANH, this French hosting is pretty fast, I'll get the file in half an hour. :)

Fanrestore - Fan Restoration Forum: https://fanrestore.com


Could I maybe just get a link to the Polish .srt subtitles? Polish is rather similar to Czech, so maybe it could help me with the Czech translation.


Thanks, Faellan but I actually meant the subs for the sources doc. not the movie, I should have been more clear on that. :-)


HanDuet said:

cain spaans said:

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

You want to be personally notified?

yes please :)

Sure thing! Here's how to receive your personal notification in less than 5 seconds:

About once per week, visit this link:


If the text at the beginning of the post that currently reads:


has changed to say something like:


then you have successfully received your notification of the release of Star Wars: DE v2.5 and can proceed to obtain it using the methods outlined in the same first post of this thread.

Thanks for your interest in the project! Like you, we're all looking forward to the release of v2.5 and additional future updates!

But, in all fairness, wouldn't that address change when the version updates?  I mean, "v21" is in the path and everything...  Guess we have no choice but to give the poor chap a very personal PM to let his grace know when it is safe to come down off his mountain to obtain the fruits of his efforts.


yoda-sama said:

But, in all fairness, wouldn't that address change when the version updates?  I mean, "v21" is in the path and everything...  Guess we have no choice but to give the poor chap a very personal PM to let his grace know when it is safe to come down off his mountain to obtain the fruits of his efforts.

I thought about that too, but as mentioned previously by another, I subscribed to this thread in the hopes that any updates of the new version could be followed here.  And then, when 2.5 finally is released, I'm pretty sure there will be *someone* who will post a comment in this thread letting everyone know - in case they miss the new thread that will more than likely be created when it comes out - that it finally is available.

I understand noobs though, as we all were at one point.  He probably doesn't want to keep getting emails about updates to this thread and have to wade through all the back-and-forth about subtitles and muxes, etc - each time hoping for the next email to be a notification of 2.5 being out.  At the very least, he should bookmark the thread and maybe check it once a week for any news.

Personally, *I* don't mind getting all the emails.  I find it fascinating and inspiring to see so much dedication going into these projects and am wholly grateful to all who are involved.  The friends that I've shown these versions to are awed at the quality and the restorations - as am I.

Keep up the great work, guys (and gals!)


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“Evacuate ...in our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.”


Zer0Squared said:

yoda-sama said:

But, in all fairness, wouldn't that address change when the version updates?  I mean, "v21" is in the path and everything...  Guess we have no choice but to give the poor chap a very personal PM to let his grace know when it is safe to come down off his mountain to obtain the fruits of his efforts.

I thought about that too, but as mentioned previously by another, I subscribed to this thread in the hopes that any updates of the new version could be followed here.  And then, when 2.5 finally is released, I'm pretty sure there will be *someone* who will post a comment in this thread letting everyone know - in case they miss the new thread that will more than likely be created when it comes out - that it finally is available.

I understand noobs though, as we all were at one point.  He probably doesn't want to keep getting emails about updates to this thread and have to wade through all the back-and-forth about subtitles and muxes, etc - each time hoping for the next email to be a notification of 2.5 being out.  At the very least, he should bookmark the thread and maybe check it once a week for any news.

Personally, *I* don't mind getting all the emails.  I find it fascinating and inspiring to see so much dedication going into these projects and am wholly grateful to all who are involved.  The friends that I've shown these versions to are awed at the quality and the restorations - as am I.

Keep up the great work, guys (and gals!)


Maybe someone should setup a star wars fan edits and preservations twitter feed and just post important developments with links to ot.com 


Now I have to use Twitter???  Lazy noobs are making following this topic worse all the time...


Feallan said:

OK, Polish subs are displaying correctly in that test file.

Right on, thank you Feallan!


I had a quick look at both the English and Spanish subs, myself (and johnlocke2342 already confirmed that his French subs did NOT display properly in my muxed "test" copy).

The English subs appear to display just fine in the mkvmerge muxed "Sources" test video while the muxed Spanish subs appear to suffer from the SAME issues as the French subs (specifically, question marks appearing in the place of "special characters")…and also similar to the French subs, the Spanish subs appear to display normally when viewed externally in VLC under MacOS 10.6.8 (suggesting that the problem is with the mkvmerge encoding).

I would still like to get verification of the working or non-working status of (both) the muxed German subs from my latest "test" build (available HERE) by either their authors (GeorgeKaplan1959 and deho) or another native speaker, but I expect that I will be submitting a bug report to the developer of mkvmerge shortly.

If I recall correctly, changing the default "Charset" setting to "ISO 8859-1" (as discussed HERE) worked fine for both the French and Spanish tracks previously, so we have a "workaround" for at lest those two language tracks.


yoda-sama said:

Now I have to use Twitter???  Lazy noobs are making following this topic worse all the time...

LoL!  It's not a bad idea.  I've run across several sites that have 'watch dog' services built in - where you're automatically notified if something gets posted that is on your list.

Plus, it's not hard to set up a free 'Newsletter' that people can sign up to for major updates on projects and save the forums for what they're meant for - collaboration.

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“Evacuate ...in our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.”


I'd use UTF-8 with German subs, in ANSI there are no umlauts ("a" instead of "ä") etc.

Fanrestore - Fan Restoration Forum: https://fanrestore.com


It's actually a good idea, if it can be automated (ie, a kind of script that watches the topic title changes by the OP).

"Let's face it, the Ewoks sucked, dude" -Hurley, Lost 5x13-Some like it Hoth.

Please bear with me if I tend to get too excited about anything or say too much, I have issues.


Yep!  I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to write something like that but I'm sure *someone* out there does.

Plus, again - just set up a MailChimp newsletter account and let people sign up for the big updates.  You can have different sections in each update about the different projects and where they stand.

Again, all of the back and forth is really fascinating for me to read so I'm subscribed to the thread, but I understand the casual visitor that's just really excited to see the end product and not so much the details that go into it.

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“Evacuate ...in our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.”


Well I don't know how to do this, but I'm sure it is possible.

"Let's face it, the Ewoks sucked, dude" -Hurley, Lost 5x13-Some like it Hoth.

Please bear with me if I tend to get too excited about anything or say too much, I have issues.


Well, I don't want to step on any toes here, but since I don't have the technical capacity to help with putting the projects together, I'd be willing to set up like a bi-weekly/monthly newsletter of updates from the Harmy threads since I'm here anyway.  It would kind of be my way of pitching in...

Does that sound like something the community would be interested in?

I'd like to get permission from Harmy and anyone else needed before I did - plus, maybe a link to the newsletter sign-up page on the initial posts of the threads, otherwise it would just get buried here (I mean, we're already on page 383 for this thread alone.)

I work in graphic designs and web sites so it wouldn't be shoddy.

(shrug) Let me know - I'm willing.

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“Evacuate ...in our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.”


Harmy said:

I'd have nothing against that idea :-)


Let me take a little time and get a mock-up going first then I can go from there.

Thanks Harmy.

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“Evacuate ...in our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.”