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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released) — Page 35


Crazy.  Lucasfilm's quality control people should be ashamed!  (well, they should've been ashamed long ago with all the horrid technical issues already, but geez!)


Harmy said:

So, I made some further inquiries into that encoding error and made an interesting discovery. Read here!!!

I'm not sure if that's really absurd or if we should just call it 'par for the course'

“I find your lack of faith disturbing.”


Yeah, there were quite a few issues pointed out and I just found another change that I didn't fix, so v2.0 is now officially in the works... :-(

I'm going home for the holidays, so everything will take ages to upload too... :-/


Just curious, what comes first: Star Wars v2.0 or finishing ROTJ? Kind of hoping for the later. I'm very happy with v1.0, and am just looking forward to a complete set. Thanks again for these!


Actually SW v2.0 will come first. It's actually almost finished, I still have all the files in my computer) and want to get rid of them to have more space for working on Jedi), so I just needed to fix those few issues and there's one or two FX shots I'd like to improve, so it could be done sometime next week. And I'm still waiting for some clips for Jedi anyway.


hey harmy,

will you be changing the brightness levels for those shots that have hidden blacks popping up as greys?  I understand if you're not because those are pretty minor details.

I don't know how much they bother you but I don't mind the crushed blacks that much.


"I will laugh my ass off a hundred years from now when the only version of STARWARS people remember are harmys despecialized editions.  They will project it on a 20' by 40' screen with perfect quality."


Yes, I will, those artefacts brought forth by the brightening are far worse than the crushed blacks.



Since you're going to be working on a 2.0, I wanted to make a suggestion about something I noticed.

Remember those 3 shots of the Falcon sitting in the Death Star hangar bay - with the first 2 restored from a photo of the theatrical print, and the other 2 restored from the GOUT? The first is a long shot, where the 2nd and 3rd are closer and slightly different.

From playing around in photoshop, I noticed that the 2nd and 3rd shots are altered versions of the first. The mandibles, radar dish, and some details on the back are slightly different, but the cockpit and main saucer are the same. You'll have to rotate the layers slightly to get things to line up.

This might help if you if you want to improve the 2nd and 3rd shots.


You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


I already tried that but because of it being further from the camera in the first shot, it looks just as bad as the GOUT when you zoom in on it for that shot.


How about making the laser shots from the Jedi remote yellow. There is one shot where it fires white.



looking for HDTV of the  Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.  Also HDTV of The Lord of the Rings trilogy


Harmy said:

I already tried that but because of it being further from the camera in the first shot, it looks just as bad as the GOUT when you zoom in on it for that shot.

Well, damn. I thought I was on to something there.

I saw your covers for DJ's blu-Rays. Very nice. Any plans to make covers for your Despecialized Editions?

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


I'm curious, what are the changes that you didn't catch in version 1.0?  I sure didn't notice anything!  (I'm assuming these are SE changes that you didn't change back?)


There's one zoomed in shot in the Yavin battle, which I can just easily replace from the HD source because the original shot was repeated several times. It's no biggie but with all the other things and considering I still have all the files, I thought why not.


Hi Harmy,

It's been a few weeks but I finally had the time to sit down and watch SW DeEd.

What can I say about the changes (or lack there of) that haven't already been said. Some are noticeable but the majority are seamless, really impressive stuff. But then again I'm not surprised.

What I really loved about this project was the change to the colour timing. That's my big hate about the 2004 edition. I'd rather watch the gout than watch the 2004 dvd even if the cg and other additions were removed.

This has the benefit of pretty great picture quality, the removal of all the added bullshit and (as close as possible) original colouring. 

Now I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but I thought I'd point it out if it hadn't and I know you're looking at doing a v2.0 but I think I may have found a glitch.

At 48.05 and lasts for about a second:

"Well here's a big bag of rock salt" - Patton Oswalt


Oh, yeah. I've never noticed that. I'll see what I can do about it.

Also, guys, if you have any more suggestions, please post them here and don't PM them, so that I don't lose track of them. Thanks.

Now, I'd like to finish the workprint of Jedi first (which I'm pretty close to finishing now that DJ sent me the last few clips I needed) and then while that is out there and I'm waiting for reviews, I will start working on SW DeEd v 1.2 (I decided to call it that, because I will only be fixing a few things, not starting from scratch). That should allow enough time for Jedi to be checked properly before the final release (I'd really like to avoid doing another version of that) and prevent me from working on two things at once, which I'm doing now and it's not ideal.


Ok. I have one more suggestion other than The Jedi remote firing a white laser shot and the color of the laser is reddish orange when it was originally yellow.

Is,  and I am being a little picky, there is a little bit of light blue sky around the Dewback as Obi wan and company walk into the cantina.

I still have to say you have done an amazing job. I have alot of movie in my dvd, bluray collection. This is the  crown jewel.

Thank you Harmy



looking for HDTV of the  Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.  Also HDTV of The Lord of the Rings trilogy


There's also a contrast in the sky in the scene where the ronto was replaced in the distance. It's the scene where Luke and co. arrive outside the Cantina and are getting out of the landspeeder.


Also, in the scene where the rebel fighters are leaving Yavin, the blue sky looks like an animated blob where the fighters are taking off.


I've noticed the sky contrast in the dewback seen as well, but other than these three I haven't noticed any other sky issues.


Signed up for this forum after seeing the clips on Youtube just to say I absolutely love the work that you're doing.  This may well be the closest we'll come to getting a true HD version of the OT


Looking at DJ's thread, I feel like the ideal (short of an official release or 35mm transfer) would be some combination of his ProjectBlu with what you've already accomplished here, Harmy. Is that gonna be your next project after you're done revising Star Wars and releasing Return of the Jedi?

“I find your lack of faith disturbing.”


Erm, I don't quite understand what you mean? I've been using DJ's project blu all along.


And my next project after I'm done revising SW and releasing Jedi will be "A Game of Thrones - The Movie" :-) I will need a long rest from all things STAR WARS...


Oh, I guess I misunderstood; I thought he was giving you the source he used for V3.

LOL great choice! My break from SW is coming in the form of "A Dance With Dragons"

“I find your lack of faith disturbing.”


Yeah, I'm currently half way through "A Feast for Crows" and I'm totally loving it :-)