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MKV is always better than AVCHD, less compression, less artifacts. I'll gladly wait for an MKV, or BDMV format.
MKV is always better than AVCHD, less compression, less artifacts. I'll gladly wait for an MKV, or BDMV format.
Not if the MKV is encoded for dvd5 or dvd9 size, then it's the same amount of compression.
"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)
As a 14gig file? How?
You said MKV vs. AVCHD, not 14 GB MKV vs. 9 GB AVCHD.
"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)
djchaseb obviously was talking about how Harmy first released 2.0 version. I too would rather see the MKV not a AVCHD, but it's not my project so Harmy will do what he thinks is best for now.
OK, here's the final coloring of the Ben scene. Pay no mind to the resolution of the v2.1 sample (bottom), it's just a quick draft render to show the colors:
Harmy said:
OK, here's the final coloring of the Ben scene. Pay no mind to the resolution of the v2.1 sample (bottom), it's just a quick draft render to show the colors:
The part on the left is the new (final) version ?
Is the moving bar during the movie intentional or is it an encoding error ?
Thanks for the video comparison Harmy, i am downloading it now, although i must say i actually prefer screenshots when it comes to seeing colour changes, by just flicking back and forth, but im not complaining ;)
In the video, on the left, it constantly wipes back and forth between v2.0 to v2.1, on the right you can see v2.0 above v2.1.
And here's a picture of one of the changes I've just done in reel 3:
View at full res and look to the sky :-)
Oh looks like pure awesomeness. Great fricking job Harmy seriously.
And here's another one:
I was actually hoping to use this shot from the B&W deleted scene from the BD set but unfortunately after some tests I found it was way too blown out to be of any use.
As my first post in this community, I have to say that you are a MASTER in what you do Harmy! Your work is absolutely amazing. Can´t wait for the v2.1 version of ANH :)
I´m no Jedi. I´m just a guy with a lightsaber and a few questions.
R2 looks a bit purple in the new coloring of the Ben scene but I like that its got a bit more saturation in it!
Extremely subtle but it makes a difference. Keep it up.
Hey Harmy in that last shot the colours look really great! but so much different from before, i was wondering what are the reasons for this? because i thought you tried to match the colours to the I.B print shots your working from in 2.0? is this 2.1 closer to the print than before as far as colours? or are you trying a different approach?
Yeah, it's closer to the IB print now. There were a few shots like that where it was hard to match the coloring because of the combination of the GOUT and SE but I've learned a few new tricks since then.
Can I ask what an IB print is exactly? Also is there one for Empire and Jedi? If not what's your reference for those movies?
Watched 2.0 last night on my new LED TV, just when I think it can't look any better these screenshots are posted. Once again, stellar work Harmy.
Here's a video comparison of this shot:
The still image doesn't really show that what was removed from the sky wasn't actually grain, but weird static video noise from the GOUT (I had to use the GOUT for that whole section of the sky to make it even but unfortunately it introduced this problem, which is now gone).
YanniD said:
Since everything is going Bluray now, wouldn't it be easier to invest in a media player or cheap Bluray player that will at least playback HD from a flashdrive and output at whatever resolution you want?
If you still want a DVD, burn to DVD9 as DVD5 is much too compressed and will produce artifacts.
IIRC DVD is limited to a combined maximum bitrate of 10Mbps for the sum of all tracks: as you increase the number of audio tracks, the maximum bitrate of the video track must reduce.
Well, I don't really have money for a Bluray player right now so I dont really plan on going in that direction at the moment. But the thing is I need a program or software that will burn the DVD with the tracks. I can't just burn the DVD when the only programs I can really get my hands on at the moment will only incorporate one track. If I need to attempt to run the mkv file through multiAVCHD in order to get it to DVD appropriate quality then fine but I need a program that will burn the movie to a disc with the tracks. Perhaps I'll try converting the movie through multiAVCHD again and then burn it to a DVD with ConvertX. My only thing with ConvertX is when the DVD was finalized the movie was a bit boxy in some areas but maybe if its burning a file thats DVD quality it'll look better. If anyone knows of any good programs that burn DVDs with different audio tracks please let me know.
Harmy said:
OK, here's the final coloring of the Ben scene. Pay no mind to the resolution of the v2.1 sample (bottom), it's just a quick draft render to show the colors:
I'm glad you took another crack at this, Harmy. Looks better from what I can tell.
Also, for DVD burning, I use muxman+imgburn, which can do as many audio tracks as the DVD bitrate allows. I'd suggest using the existing good-looking DVD5 downscale for the video, rather than trying to make your own downscale. Adding multiple audio tracks will just push it to a DVD9 size.
crissrudd4554 said:
Well, I don't really have money for a Bluray player right now so I dont really plan on going in that direction at the moment. But the thing is I need a program or software that will burn the DVD with the tracks. I can't just burn the DVD when the only programs I can really get my hands on at the moment will only incorporate one track. If I need to attempt to run the mkv file through multiAVCHD in order to get it to DVD appropriate quality then fine but I need a program that will burn the movie to a disc with the tracks. Perhaps I'll try converting the movie through multiAVCHD again and then burn it to a DVD with ConvertX. My only thing with ConvertX is when the DVD was finalized the movie was a bit boxy in some areas but maybe if its burning a file thats DVD quality it'll look better. If anyone knows of any good programs that burn DVDs with different audio tracks please let me know.
There are some really cheap Bluray players (<$100) that do a very serviceable job playing back HD material from optical disc or usb drive.
Burning a DVD is the easiest part: use Imgburn with ISO/UDF 1.02 format.
The harder part is transcoding: if you do it yourself, use DVD9 as you won't be able to get the same quality as the DVD5 without Harmy's source and tweaks. Before there were single programs to do conversion, you had to use multiple freeware programs, but it gave you fine control over the process. If you can get the mpeg2 video file and the soundtracks, you can mux them together with Ifoedit into a basic DVD structure. When using 24fps video, you will also need a program to add the pulldown flags.
As someone else suggested, just get the existing DVD5.
KoolGuy7 said:
Can I ask what an IB print is exactly? Also is there one for Empire and Jedi?
OK, guys, I would have you know there is a whole "How To's and Technical Discussion" section on these boards, where you can discuss how to burn AVCHD to DVD and the advantages and disadvantages of MKV vs. BD to your hearts' content.
Hi Harmy,
I'm following your work with much enthusiasm. As a filmmaker, I'm very pleased, that you help preserve what needs to be preserved and at the same time, make a lot of people happy.
The only bit, that dissapointed me in 2.0 was the dedication to the IB print, which makes sense, to get information about the original coloring, but not so much about the original Hue and Contrast. They are photographed from the screen and it's almost impossible to get the birghtness "right" for those. You'll never have real blacks, because what is being photographed is light projected onto a white screen, so its probably going to be blown out. He even mentions this in his article.
For the new version, that's sadly what the grading looks now: Blown out... too bright.
Also for the sand scenes you loose color contrast that was there before.. now the faces, the clothes, and the sand look alike, the same baige/brown. Sadly, the BluRay looks way better now...
I liked it way more, when you trusted your own feeling.. (use the force, Harmy), like in 1.0.
Well, but since everyone seems to thing otherwise, that's just what I had to get out.. ;)
All the best!