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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released) — Page 215


Happy Birthday Harmy! Thanks for your extremely hard work and enthusiasm. And for being such a nice and helpful guy.


Side note: I've run out of myspleen invites now.


Downloading now... thanks for the "unbirthday present" Harmy :-)

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers


Thanks for the all hard work and the bizzaro birthday gift!


Is this on the spleen yet?  I'd prefer to download/seed there than TPB, but I didn't see it yet.

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers

Happy Birthday from me too.

Can someone invite me to myspleen, please - or is it already on tehparadox?


Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys :-)

@corellian77: Where are you downloading from? I didn't think it was on TPB? I don't really mind, since the whole point of withholding the release for two days (exactly 48hrs since I sent the first bunch of links to the uploaders) was to give the guys who agreed to reupload time to DL it before everyone else does, so if you're downloading from somewhere else than uloz.to, it doesn't really hurt this plan at all.

So I guess you guys who supported me here on the forum deserve a little pre-release. So as far as I know kickasstorrent is currently in the loop and builditup1, you can kick of the myspleen sharing as well. And some files are already up on alt.binaries.starwars and alt.binaries.hdtv, the correct on is the one saying [FIXED POST].

I will post the filesharing site link to teh on the release time I set before.


When I did a search for "harmy" at TPB this was one of the two results that came up:

(pic removed)

The .txt info matched what you posted here, and the file size seemed correct, so I assumed it was legit.  I too was surprised to see it, however, since I was only expecting it later today.

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers


Oh, N_S said he couldn't get it to work. Well, excellent :-)

Though you should probably delete that picture from your post, just to be safe :-)


Happy Birthday Harmy, and thanks for the extra birthday present in my PM's!

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Happy Birthday Harmy! And congratulations on the thesis.


Happy birthday Harmy.

Could anyone help a brother out with the MKV on a blurays disc? I would pay for postage.

looking for HDTV of the  Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.  Also HDTV of The Lord of the Rings trilogy


congratulations on finishing this project and your thesis.

happy birthday and best wishes.

enjoyed following your progress and

seeing what you've come up with.


this will definitely raise expectations for all

future projects.




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


Troyig88 said:

Happy birthday Harmy.

Could anyone help a brother out with the MKV on a blurays disc? I would pay for postage.

Why don't you wait for the BluRay release then ? :-)


^LOL, hard to wait I'm sure

Anybody know if this would fit on 16GB (not GiB) USB stick?

Way to go, Harmy!

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…


Darth Mallwalker said:

Anybody know if this would fit on 16GB (not GiB) USB stick?

Unfortunately no. Final size is 16,888,250,368 bytes.


Darth Mallwalker said:  Anybody know if this would fit on 16GB (not GiB) USB stick?

It should do.

From file properties:

Size:  15.7 GB (16,888,247,344 bytes)

Size on disk:  15.7 GB (16,888,250,368 bytes)

You could always use mkvmerge to remove the unnecessary audio tracks.  The video stream is only 12.4 GiB according to Mediainfo.


I think it might fit if you remux it leaving out some of the audio streams.


Chewtobacca said:

Size:  15.7 GB (16,888,247,344 bytes)
Size on disk:  15.7 GB (16,888,250,368 bytes)

Those GBs are actually GiB. If the file in question is 16 888 247 344 bytes, it is 16.888247344 GB (gigabytes).
1 GiB (gibibyte) = 1 073 741 824 bytes
1 GB (gigabyte) = 1 000 000 000 bytes

The terms are often used interchangably, thus spawning some confusion. Drive makers use GB, while operating systems usually use GiB, while still calling it "GB". If the USB stick in question is marketed as 16 GB, it probably has room for 16 billion bytes, thus making to file too large. He'd have to remove some audio tracks.

Also, since I'm posting here anyway, I might as well use this opportunity to say thank you so much, Harmy, and happy birthday.