I agree. Guys, please do not subject us to this bickering about sharing of confidential sources. I think a lot of people forget that we are, in fact, dealing with copyrighted material, and do not have any legal claims to it whatsoever. Though the appalling treatment the films have received at the hand of their owner is an outrage on many levels, we must keep in mind that these kinds of projects are legally dubious at best, and that access to high quality materials under such conditions depends entirely on the secretive generosity and good will of individuals who do not want attention drawn to them—and that violation of this would only cause them to clam up and refuse any further aid to those with such a misplaced sense of entitlement.
That said, I'm really glad to know that such references exist and are being put to the best possible use, in a way that I and many others will be able to benefit from. :)
On an unfortunate note, every time I've tried to obtain the latest workprint the download has failed for some reason, so I have not yet been able to view it. I'll keep trying, I guess, because I'm eager to see the latest improvements.