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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released) — Page 138


Oh, that's weird, why would it do that in Quicktime?

Btw. did you guys notice that the shot of Luke climbing the ladder to his x-wing is the original now as well? :-)


i551 said:

Hmm.  I had been referring to the wide shot of the hangar.  In quicktime, it seems to go from this to this, though I've no idea why.  I've just discovered that it doesn't seem to do it in any other player though, so I suppose it's nothing.  My mistake.

Weird, the same thing happened to me upon first viewing (I believe in Quicktime), however I've since played the clip in QT, VLC, and Media Player and it isn't doing it anymore.

Harmy said:

Btw. did you guys notice that the shot of Luke climbing the ladder to his x-wing is the original now as well? :-)

As someone who prides himself on knowing the minutiae of this film, I must confess that I completely missed this :(
It's things like this that give me the utmost confidence in the theatrical accuracy of this project -- if you're fixing things that I'm not even noticing, then you're doing a damn fine job.

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers


Thank you Harmy for putting that back in.  Fantastic!!

looking for HDTV of the  Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.  Also HDTV of The Lord of the Rings trilogy


These look absolutely brilliant.  I stumbled across some info on these releases a few nights ago and have been reading/catching up non-stop on all the release notes, etc.  I created an account here just so I could acknowledge Harmy personally for all his hard work.  The few screen caps/videos I watched looked mighty fine, now I just need to find the best way to get them downloaded over here.

Great work Harmy, damn great work.




OK, I'm finally getting the references I've been waiting for. So far I have one frame for each second of reel1 (and they're not photos of a screen either). I regret to say that I'm not at liberty to share these, so please don't ask me to; but I can say this: I wasn't too far off the mark with the Tantive IV sequence, in fact, I was pretty darn close, but the early Tatooine is probably gonna need some major rework.


Harmy said:

OK, I'm finally getting the references I've been waiting for. So far I have one frame for each second of reel1 (and they're not photos of a screen either). I regret to say that I'm not at liberty to share these, so please don't ask me to; but I can say this: I wasn't too far off the mark with the Tantive IV sequence, in fact, I was pretty darn close, but the early Tatooine is probably gonna need some major rework.

That's awesome news. This project just keeps getting better and better. 

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


I am trying to catch up on this thread, but so little time and so much to read. This looks like a fantastic project! Can anyone point me in the direction of the WP ? I would love to see it.


That's such good news Harmy! Now we'll know for sure that each scene will really look like the original. :)


Well, you need to remember the sources and tools I'm working with here, it won't be 100% like the original, probably not even 90% but it should hopefully be much closer than anything so far.


Yeah that's kinda what I meant, it will look like the original, not 100% but close enough considering your sources and tools.


Okay, I'll get this out of the way now so no one has to later.



Can you share those frames, Harmy?  I can't believe you're hoarding all of this reference material for yourself.  What happened to community?!  WAH!  My sense of entitlement.







Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.

Any chance those are 4k scans BTW?


lol, I just love it when people can't share, or told not to share, maybe all us creators should just not share, I wonder what this site would be like then? this is to funny!


I don't know. To some extent, I understand not sharing very specific, high-quality sources (for the same reason a newspaper doesn't share its sources) but I can also see your point of view. Either way, I'm just glad someone is getting to see the sources. :)



^ Problem is to be considered the definitive preservation project you need access to material no one has, but those who have it have gone on record that they won't share it, yet now they have, and although we have no way of verifying this, it is supposedly the way to get closer to the 'original'.  It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't.  If you do work with the material but not tell anyone your source, who's going to believe your original is more original.  If you do use the material and alert everyone to it's existence then you need to make a stand, which you can't prove to anyone.  (in the short term, maybe)  I agree it makes you laugh, but not in a ha ha ha way but in a we are wasting many many many many hours of our lives.  That's phunnie in my book, it makes you laugh but it's mostly tragicly sad.  We're at the hands of a system which is keeping us stupid.


Well I find it pretty sad myself, there are other projects going on besides this one, and color reference for those would be just as equally important, but obviously not the case here, well I said what I wanted to, now I is done lol, to each their own is what I always say, good form.


dark_jedi said:

...there are other projects going on besides this one, and color reference for those would be just as equally important...

Well, I feel slightly offended here, you see, I did actively try to get those materials, it's not like they just came to me without asking, so I don't see why people working on other projects couldn't have done the same.


^ And that is the important point I tried to make. Newspapers actively canvas for sources, and no-one gives them a hard time. As someone trying to do the same thing with a different film, I know how difficult it is to get sources, and how much work you have to do once you find it. That is why I think Harmy is A-OK for keeping his sources secret. It is a sad fact that that kind of mentality does hinder the creative process, but that's just how it is IMHO.


I don't see what the big deal is if Harmy doesn't share something he was asked not to. Sometimes sources pop up that can be invaluable in a project you're working on, but only agree to let you use what they have if you agree not to share it publicly. The public still benefits from YOUR project, they're just not privy to the source to which you were allowed access. And it would be morally wrong of you to share the info when you were only given access to it by promising not to spread it. This isn't unique to Star Wars preservations. This kind of thing happens all the time in all sorts of fields.

And there's often very good reasons to not want the info shared publicly. It's not just so they can hold it over you that they have something you don't. I've been privy to information before that i KNOW other people would love to hear, but i'm not allowed to tell them. Sharing that infomation publicly would have very likely gotten the source in trouble or worse at work. Sharing it would also have cost me the source, who also provided a whole lot of information that I COULD share publicly & will likely provide more information. Why would I share the bits I was asked not to & jeopordize the rest?


I agree.  Guys, please do not subject us to this bickering about sharing of confidential sources.  I think a lot of people forget that we are, in fact, dealing with copyrighted material, and do not have any legal claims to it whatsoever.  Though the appalling treatment the films have received at the hand of their owner is an outrage on many levels, we must keep in mind that these kinds of projects are legally dubious at best, and that access to high quality materials under such conditions depends entirely on the secretive generosity and good will of individuals who do not want attention drawn to them—and that violation of this would only cause them to clam up and refuse any further aid to those with such a misplaced sense of entitlement.

That said, I'm really glad to know that such references exist and are being put to the best possible use, in a way that I and many others will be able to benefit from.  :)


On an unfortunate note, every time I've tried to obtain the latest workprint the download has failed for some reason, so I have not yet been able to view it.  I'll keep trying, I guess, because I'm eager to see the latest improvements.


I can't wait to see this finished Harmy, i have watched what you have released so far and it's amazing :) keep up the good work!


Unfortunate it is that these sources cannot  be shared, because a public release would likely negate the need for this project entirely.

However, I understand that the public sharing of this source would probably turn the legal equivalent of the Death Star upon those involved. And we don't want that just for the sake of our own entertainment.

You do good work, Harmy. Keep fighting the good fight :)