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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released) — Page 136


Hey, Harmy, thanks for hooking me to up with the last two pieces of wp1!  Trying to go through it now in pieces as it's got some weird video stuttering.  Not sure why this is as I'm playing it off the HDD of my Aios which handles BD ISOs fine.

Anyhoo, a couple of thoughts about the opening flyover shot on a properly calibrated 60".  Having hand roto'd a fix for this shot it's always bugged me how poorly the HD transfer opens.  While I'm trying to stay away from colour talk, it seems that the T4 reds/yellows as well as the planet matte painting reds/yellows are desturated significantly.  The maroon markings on the ship are almost grey, the engines while brighter, lack some saturation as well.  Same for the matte painting - warm tones seem a little desaturated.  I know you don't want to hear about subjective colour opinions, but it sticks out to me compared to the terrific new lasers.  If you still have the render passes for the lasers it might be worth it to try boosting the warm part of the palette for that shot.

Regarding the lasers and flashes, the first green laser looks fine until it vanishes and reappears a frame later about to contact the T4 (the missing frame is in the original, so that's not my concern).  On that one frame where it reappears it's again dull and totally desaturated grey, just looks like that one frame got missed.

About the flashes, more a question than anything else.  Again, having done a re-roto of my own I remember that Moth3rs PAL disc, which I was referencing, has more detailed edges of the animated flashes than what's on the new transfer and in DE2.  What was the source for those?  I also noticed it in the training scene stills you posted - the detail on the animated flashes have less precise edges than what's on the DVD and BD.  Is that something you've seen a reference to?

Later on, the wipe from lifting 3P0 to Ben's house seems to have a weird grey-green artefact right around 3P0's tummy, and a bright green....something between Luke and 3P0 when the wipe is about halfway finished.

First shot flying into Mos Eisley, have you used an HD still for the background?  It looks like there's static grain on the shot which is why I'm guessing that.  Possibly tie it together with the FG stuff with a bit of film grain applied if so?

The gang being stopped by troops in Mos Eisley - the (presumably) GOUT replacement patch for the left side of the screen does a distracting little geometry wiggle early in the sequence.  Not sure if there's anything that can be done with what exists at this point though.


Greedo shooting - no issue, just....wow, I literally cannot see a seam in this shot.  It blends together flawlessly.  Just...wow.


ANyways, off to bed!


INv8r_ZIM said:

Not sure why this is as I'm playing it off the HDD of my Aios which handles BD ISOs fine.

Ran into this on my computer too.  Switched from VLC to MPC-HT for playback and it was smooth.  Not sure what the difference was.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


yeah, I'm running it off of my media streamer, so shouldn't be an issue.  I think it may be due to dl'ing the first 4 parts from the CZ site, and the other two from RS links.  It doesn't occur in the later part of the video where the RS files would be representin'. 

Think I'm misremembering the sources I used - possibly the DVD which had more detailed edges on the flashes and other animated effects.  Since you seem to have deliberately gone for more for amorphous shapes, did you have some reference for these?


Erikstormtrooper said:


I finished watching the latest workprint. All of the despecializations look excellent (well, except for the censored laser you snuck in :D ). It's gotten to the point where, even if I pause and look for traces of the changes, they're usually impossible to spot. I was really impressed with how you've been able to restore the shots of the falcon sitting in the DS hangar.

Just a few things to note:

53:25 and 53:44 - There seems to be some blue tint to space along the bottom of the window. Looks like possibly a rectangular junk matte around the planet. I don't know if it's supposed to be like this or if this is a result of brightening. I think bspaunhorst pointed this out on the last page, but I can't see his screenshot right now.


Yeah, it's probably a garbage matte, I think I'll try increasing the contrast to minimize the effect. 

1:10:28 - The orange light reflecting off Luke's armor seems a bit too artificial and oversaturated.

Yeah, I noticed that myself but there are some things in the transfer that I simply can't fix.

Also (sorry, I didn't note the timecode), but when the Falcon is sitting in the DS hangar and vader is walking up to it, the stars outside the window seemed pretty unstable. Were those restored from the GOUT?

No, it's probably just an original composite, so it's just the way it was.


You_Too said:

@Harmy: Watched some more of the workprint and sorry if I bring more of the color-frustration, but here's what I noticed:


Vader's button and lights are still blue there.

I'll see about that, it could fixable directly in Premiere. If not, I probably won't bother.

On the other hand I wanted to say that I love how the matte shots of the Falcon in the hangar looks now, and the moving grain inside the matte itself makes it look even better!

Thanks :-)


Hostmaster said:

About the color in my last post, I didn't try to frustrate you Harmy... just tryed to help.. Maybe I chose poorly my words " Just noticed that the color needs some heavy rework..." Im sorry about that partner... ;-)

Don't worry, we cool :-)

I meant the clip looks in general wonderful, and all the GOUT inserts are perfectly done in it... but sometimes... only sometimes the skin tones are not as accurate as the SW V1 version... It's my opinion, but also my opinion is that you're doing a great job... and eveybody here (beginning with me) will be thankful for it forever. ;-)

Thanks :-)

Here are 3 examples of what I'm talking about comparing your 2 versions:

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I admit that I watched houndreds of times the '95 VHS tapes of GOUT, so maybe for my subconscious the right skin tones are more "pink"...

Well, like others said, it's a question of personal preference but I'd add that evidence points toward less red as well, not only Mike's pics but also the skintones in the GOUT are without a doubt red boosted, when you boost the saturation of the GOUT, even just a little, all the other colours start looking nicer and vibrant but natural, and the reds immediately get oversaturated and ugly.




corellian77 said:

Yeah, I thought there was something peculiar about Vader's buttons, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Now that I know they should be green, you can't miss them.

LOL :-)



INv8r_ZIM said:

Anyhoo, a couple of thoughts about the opening flyover shot on a properly calibrated 60".  Having hand roto'd a fix for this shot it's always bugged me how poorly the HD transfer opens.  While I'm trying to stay away from colour talk, it seems that the T4 reds/yellows as well as the planet matte painting reds/yellows are desturated significantly.  The maroon markings on the ship are almost grey, the engines while brighter, lack some saturation as well.  Same for the matte painting - warm tones seem a little desaturated.  I know you don't want to hear about subjective colour opinions, but it sticks out to me compared to the terrific new lasers.  If you still have the render passes for the lasers it might be worth it to try boosting the warm part of the palette for that shot.

I'll see what can be done.

Regarding the lasers and flashes, the first green laser looks fine until it vanishes and reappears a frame later about to contact the T4 (the missing frame is in the original, so that's not my concern).  On that one frame where it reappears it's again dull and totally desaturated grey, just looks like that one frame got missed.


About the flashes, more a question than anything else.  Again, having done a re-roto of my own I remember that Moth3rs PAL disc, which I was referencing, has more detailed edges of the animated flashes than what's on the new transfer and in DE2.  What was the source for those? 

I just used the GOUT as a reference there.

I also noticed it in the training scene stills you posted - the detail on the animated flashes have less precise edges than what's on the DVD and BD.  Is that something you've seen a reference to?

Those are put in straight from the GOUT. I think it has to do with them being recomped digitally in the 2004 version

Later on, the wipe from lifting 3P0 to Ben's house seems to have a weird grey-green artefact right around 3P0's tummy, and a bright green....something between Luke and 3P0 when the wipe is about halfway finished.

Yeah, I don't know what that is but it's there in the SE as well, it's not something I introduced.

First shot flying into Mos Eisley, have you used an HD still for the background?  It looks like there's static grain on the shot which is why I'm guessing that.  Possibly tie it together with the FG stuff with a bit of film grain applied if so?

There is already a lot of grain added.

The gang being stopped by troops in Mos Eisley - the (presumably) GOUT replacement patch for the left side of the screen does a distracting little geometry wiggle early in the sequence.  Not sure if there's anything that can be done with what exists at this point though.

Not really, believe me, it was much worse, it took a lot of effort to minimize it to this level.




What's the best way to convert the workprint from 25fps to 24 fps?  I'm working on a project where I need to sync it with a PGS stream and it would be helpful to have it at the right speed for that.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


What kind of project? It's just a workprint. I'd prefer it not be used for anything other than reviewing the progress of this project.

That being said, if it isn't anything you'll be releasing publicly, it's not a problem and the easiest way to alter the framerate is to remux it with TS Muxer or MKV Merge or something like that and set the framerate to your desired fps. It won't reencode the video.


Harmy said:

What kind of project? It's just a workprint. I'd prefer it not be used for anything other than reviewing the progress of this project.

That being said, if it isn't anything you'll be releasing publicly, it's not a problem and the easiest way to alter the framerate is to remux it with TS Muxer or MKV Merge or something like that and set the framerate to your desired fps. It won't reencode the video.

Excellent, thanks.  I just want to make sure my subs don't overlap the Greedo subs.  It's the sort of thing where a one-frame overlap can actually look pretty ugly.  I know basing anything on a workprint is iffy, but I'm just really hoping the subs don't get changed much from the workprint.  I hope to release my project once I have that and some screencaps from DJ, so you should have access to them if you like before 2.0 is final.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Hey guys! New to the forum. I recently got all the 1.0's and fell in love with them. Before posting I went through and read all three movie threads to catch up a bit. Took awhile, especially this one. Anyway Harmy and all the rest of you working on this with him are my heroes. I would like to pitch in anyway possible. I have a lot of free time on my hands lately, unfortunately I don't have the skills a lot of you have. But for starters I know I can definitely comb the WP as best I can for you. I feel like your coloring decisions are usually awesome so I'm not so worried about that. (The color correction of ROTJ is just incredible.) I just want to help and make sure nothing like the Yoda's back pixalation happens again. So anyway I'm downloading the WP 2.2 now and see the links for the 2.1 rars on the side, but only goes to part 4. I was wondering if when some has a chance they can PM me the link for any that are missing after part 4. Thanks and continue the spectacular work. You guys are amazing.

There's only one 'Return' and it ain't 'Of The King', it's 'Of The Jedi'. -Randal Graves


Am I correct in my assumption that the Yoda's back pixelation and whatnot were caused by the source file and not Harmy? With v2 coming from the blurays we shouldn't have to worry about that, right?

Or am I full of poodoo?


Yes, that's right, although it is possible, however unlikely, that something like that could have occurred when ripping the Blu-Ray, so you should still watch out for glitches.


Thanks, Harmy!  Incidentally, re-reading my post this morning it reads a little...curt.  Totally  not my intended tone, I was just trying to jot some stuff down as I was watching....and falling asleep :)

On the animated flashes, I was starting to think that perhaps the digital recomp had made them sharper than they would have originally appeared projected, so that makes sense.  And if the lasers were taken from the GOUT, then maybe that last frame of green #1 may just never have had a strong glow.

I always liked Mike's pass at the colours of the matte paintings he posted when he first started Legacy years ago, I think he pretty much nailed it.

Your starfields by the way...wow.  I'm sure much has been said on the topic, but so much of what sucks you into the film is the visual impact of that very first shot, and it's NEVER looked right since the scan for the SEs in 1997.  I had so much hope that, since ILM fixed a blaster shot no one ever noticed for the BDs, that they had finally, FINALLY put this shot back together the way it was supposed to look.  Seeing the same mess a minute or so into the film was all the proof I needed that the BD release would be half-assed.  Yeah, this is what I remember '77 looking like to my impressionable young eyes.  I no longer have to wince when the movie starts.  If you had accomplished nothing else with your edits, thank you for making the opening of this movie as visually powerful as it was again.


The wipe...aha...because I was looking at it thinking "okay, here is where we're cutting to different elements, right on this line (where 3P0 is desaturated green).  It's a little clumsy, but maybe the best that could be done with what was available.".  So, exactly what I'm seeing, just not yours, and pretty much par for the course from the SE then - a half-baked attempt to deal with the fringe transparency of the wipe to the original element, and insertion of a shot for which there was no reason to change

I wonder if the bright green thing is a specular highlight off of the costume that just got badly affected by the creation of the new wipe.  I'll pop in my Cowclops and take a peek.


The ronto replacement - Oh, I know it's looked worse.  I still have OCPs versions around somewhere.  That's what I was getting at, my guess is there just aren't any elements available in better shape.


Anyways, the fact that all of the stuff I mentioned is so incredibly nit-picky should say something about just how good your editorial and compositing work looks even on the WP.  Gonna start grabbing wp2, and cannot WAIT for ANH final release.  What are the odds you're going to feel up to ESB and RotJ after this massive effort?  I imagine you're going to need a loooooong break :)




I got the ISO file and my husband has converted it to 4 different formats to play from our hard drive. All of them are playing very choppy -- is the only way for it to play correctly to burn it to a Blu-Ray disc? We don't have that capability.


LtTawnyMadison said:

I got the ISO file and my husband has converted it to 4 different formats to play from our hard drive. All of them are playing very choppy -- is the only way for it to play correctly to burn it to a Blu-Ray disc? We don't have that capability.

Tawny, you can play iso files with a free program called VLC. 


“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


Yeah, the Yoda thing was the source, I was just using it as an example. As far as I've seen there is no noticeable glitches in the WP on my initial watch of it. It looked pretty damn great. Star Wars has never looked that good. I already thought the WP looked fantastic, but I've seen you have made even more improvements since. All the parts where I thought a Gout shot was about to come up looked really, really good. Are you using a higher quality Gout source this time around? If not you made it look great.

Love, love your lightsabers. The training remote scene has never been better and the Vader vs Obi-Wan is superb. I never would have noticed the Vaders buttons issue, but since it has been brought up I couldn't help but notice and it's so cool. The dewback looks even better, as do the DS hanger shots... I could go on. Looking forward to the Battle of Yavin.

Almost forgot to mention the Han/Greedo scene. Love the subtitles. And that program you used to fix the missing frames or what not has worked some magic. The scene is incredible.

Since it has been brought up in a couple posts on this page. If you do an Empire v2 that would be pretty cool. But I don't think there needs to be a v2 Jedi. Maybe a 1.2 at most. That one is perfect. All I could think you would need to do on that one is use that program from the Han/Greedo scene on the 2 scenes you had to slow down on Jedi, and of course the Yoda glitch thing. Other than that I think your Jedi is a masterpiece.

The only reason a mention a Empire v2 being cool would be cause you could use the blus to fix the crushed blacks and possibly the saber haloing.

There's only one 'Return' and it ain't 'Of The King', it's 'Of The Jedi'. -Randal Graves


thezeppo1138 said:


The only reason a mention a Empire v2 being cool would be cause you could use the blus to fix the crushed blacks and possibly the saber haloing.


Yes, and 'cause it is the "awesomest" one. :)


Oh, by the way Harmy, great job so far on the editing. Looks really good so far.


ww12345 said:

thezeppo1138 said:


The only reason a mention a Empire v2 being cool would be cause you could use the blus to fix the crushed blacks and possibly the saber haloing.


Yes, and 'cause it is the "awesomest" one. :)


Oh, by the way Harmy, great job so far on the editing. Looks really good so far.

Ha! Yeah, that too.


btw I've got my little sis hooked on the OOT. She ends all her messages  to me from college: Yub Nub Fo Life. lol

There's only one 'Return' and it ain't 'Of The King', it's 'Of The Jedi'. -Randal Graves


is it too late to ask for a PM to view the WP?


There will definitely be a version 2 of ESB and ROTJ (well, I'm definitely planning to make them anyway). I just watched ROTJ the other day and while yes, I'm quite happy with most of the despecializations, the compression artefact are really ugly and of course the BD source should help get rid of the crushed blacks. And yes, the slowed down shots will definitely need a redo (btw. it was You_Too, not me, who slowed down the shot of Han before he shoots). I'm also not too happy with Sebastian Shaw's eyebrows restoration, there a distracting shake. Though I'm not quite sure I'll be able to fix that, maybe someone more skilled than me (or with better software) could stabilize both the original and the SE footage to be perfectly still and then I could just add the original camera movement back. And I may give the Rancor another shot.

In ESB, a lot more of those cropped cockpit shots were discovered later, so I'd like to unzoom those. Also, with Puggo Strikes Back, I might be able to put back some of the Hoth battle shots and Falcon approaching Cloud City shots that were recomped, which I didn't put back before because I didn't have a good enough source. And again, with the BD source, the crushed blacks could be fixed.


sweeeeet! and yeah You_Too, you did an amazing job with that shot, man.

There's only one 'Return' and it ain't 'Of The King', it's 'Of The Jedi'. -Randal Graves


Harmy said:

There will definitely be a version 2 of ESB and ROTJ (well, I'm definitely planning to make them anyway)

Coooooool!!! :-) and also thanks for the updated disc labels!




He’s no good to me dead