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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1 — Page 54


Do we even know if Harmy is aiming for a before Xmas release?
And yes… that would be awsomely awsome.


I’m sure he’ll jump right on it now that he knows we want to see it.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


I don’t want to see it… this movie SUXXXX!!!

(talking to himself: "yes, yes, I’m too clever, I’m using reverse psychology here, I’m sure he’ll fall for it!)

No, really, I’m not here to ask WHEN IT WILL BE RELESED, I just wanted to know if Harmy ever said he wanted to release the 2.0 version before EP VII. If he did say nothing, I’m fine with it… OBVIOUSLY.


towne32 said:

Paquito said:

❤️ Thank you! For the post with the MD5 hash, is that for version 1, or the latest version of Harmy’s ROTJ?

Yes and yes.

Oh, derp :p


xxxyyy said:
No, really, I’m not here to ask WHEN IT WILL BE RELESED

That’s good, because no one here knows what RELESED means.


I filed another a bug in GitHub, I’ll give you three guesses what it’s about (hint: it’s not DuckDuckGo)

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Hi fellow star wars peeps, this is my first post and i’m fully aware of being electronically slapped around for breaking forum protocol or asking redundant questions but as a die hard star wars fan (the original trilogy obviously, f eps 1-3) i felt i would brace the verbal abuse (which will no doubt be justified) and ask harmy a few questions.

first i wanted to thank harmy for the amazing work you’ve done and are doing. everything released so far has been stellar, and in my opinion just plain necessary so from one star wars fan to another thanks a bunch.

now the questions.

apologies if these have been covered but i would kick myself if i didn’t at least ask.

first, i know return v2.0 most likely won’t be released before TFA but i was wondering if it was at all possible to get rotj v1.0 posted in the higher quality mkv format like sw v2.5 and empire v2. currently there is just the avchd format (which is still a great option so not complaining) but if it’s not a pain, the higher quality mkv (even just the video with a dolby digital 5.1 mix) would be much appreciated.

and then second (which would actually negate the first question) i was wondering/hoping if it was at all possible to post the next version of rotj in whatever state it is in now. kinda like a 1.5 before tfa comes out.

obviously that last question is a giant wish and completely don’t expect it to possible which is more than fine.

just though i’d ask.

regardless keep up the great work harmy. you rock!


ExtraFuerte1 said:

first, i know return v2.0 most likely won’t be released before TFA but i was wondering if it was at all possible to get rotj v1.0 posted in the higher quality mkv format like sw v2.5 and empire v2. currently there is just the avchd format (which is still a great option so not complaining) but if it’s not a pain, the higher quality mkv (even just the video with a dolby digital 5.1 mix) would be much appreciated.

I don’t think it’s possible. Either it only exists at that quality, or Harmy doesn’t want to release the old version in a new format right before the new version is ready.

and then second (which would actually negate the first question) i was wondering/hoping if it was at all possible to post the next version of rotj in whatever state it is in now. kinda like a 1.5 before tfa comes out.

I am as ready as the next person for ROTJ, but I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait. Plus, Harmy has stated there are a few behind-the-scenes stuff going on that’s holding him up. From the previews we’ve seen so far of 2.0, it will be worth the wait.


ok thanks handman, much appreciated.

i figured as much but i’m preparing to watch the original trilogy (like most star wars fan i’m guessing) before episode vii and just wanted to see if i can get consistent quality between all 3 versions.

not a big deal and i agree I’m sure rotj v2.0 will be worth the wait.

and an unrealted sidenote handman i very much appreciate your screencaps of the aliens color correct comparison.

i hated the color grade on the new blu rays, bathing the whole movie in teal just sucks the life out of it. vazquez’s bandana is not supposed to be pink dammit!!

anyway thanks for the response. looking forward to v2.0.


Thanks for the response Harmy. The Executor set is very nice, I’ve had it for years and it’s still not beaten.

I also like Movie Fights, it’s a great show for movie nerds like us, LOL. Also good jabs on PT etc. Too much new movies and comic book movies for my taste (best heist movie ever: Fast Five?!) but still I’d agree it’s the most entertaining YouTube show.

Looking forward for Jedi 2.0.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


You know, I’ve always wondered about that section in the middle of the ROTJ blu ray where everything goes soft. Do we know what the reason is for that? Releasing a transfer that’s literally out of focus seems too careless even for Lucasfilm.


Thanks for the video, Harmy. Your cat is ADORABLE. 😃

It’s really sad when the “creative minds” behind something we hold dear are also guilty of its destruction.


joefavs said:

You know, I’ve always wondered about that section in the middle of the ROTJ blu ray where everything goes soft. Do we know what the reason is for that? Releasing a transfer that’s literally out of focus seems too careless even for Lucasfilm.

There are a few points before wipes that go soft and the color shifts. I assumed it’s due to using something downstream of the o neg for a few wipes. The one that comes to mind mainly is wicket and Leia, with a wipe to the death star. Perhaps they didn’t have all the original elements for the latter?


Color shifts and a softer image before optical wipes is perfectly normal. Since the wipes in Jedi were digitally redone, That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Hopefully an expert can shed some light?


Harmy, I think you missed out on another product endorsement–just re-edit the video and emboss the name of what you’re drinking on your glass. “The Official Beverage of Nerd Royalty”.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


I’d have to look at it again, but I don’t think the soft focus that I’m talking about is limited to the wipes. It’s most prominent starting with the scene in the shuttle when they sneak by the Executor up through some point in the speeder bike chase, though I think it comes back a few times during all the Ewok stuff. Again, I’d need to see it again, but I also remember that the shots with Vader and Piett on the bridge aren’t affected, but the Tyderium cockpit and the exterior space shots are. It almost looks like a different source.


Handman said:

Color shifts and a softer image before optical wipes is perfectly normal. Since the wipes in Jedi were digitally redone, That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Hopefully an expert can shed some light?

I was suggesting that perhaps some weren’t redone. I thought I recalled doubleofive’s image gallery not having 100% of them listed. In any case, it seems not to be what he was talking about here. 😃


Yes, in the ROTJ SE most of the wipes were unchanged, so there may be some softness there but that’s not what I’m talking about in the video - I’m talking about what joefavs said. Here’s a comparison of a shot of Han aboard the shuttle and the same angle from a couple of minutes later:


And this drop in quality persists for several minutes (joefavs has it right - up until the speederbike chase) and I’ve seen some HD scans of prints, which clearly show that this drop in quality wasn’t there in the theatrical prints, in fact, even the theatrical prints actually have much better detail in this section than the BD, so it’s definitely a problem specific to this transfer and it may seem too careless even for Lucasfilm but that’s what happened - my guess would be that the scan did actually go a bit out of focus in that section, but because the master was being done for DVD and for DVD the detail was still fine and they were in a big hurry, they probably just threw a sharpening filter at it and it looked ok on DVD. But this transfer should never have been used for an HD release.

Also notice what I call the carpet syndrome - thin vertical lines running through the whole image, making it look like it’s being projected on a carpet - this is actually present throughout the whole transfer but it’s most obvious in this segment, (which only goes to prove they sharpened it more than the rest, which would make this kind of artifact more visible). It can be dealt with using a slight horizontal blur, which is why it’s not visible on the HDTV captures, which are quite a bit softer than the BD but I’d really love to know what caused this, because I’ve actually seen this effects on many studio masters I’ve worked with in my job and it’s a bit of a mystery to me.


I don’t have links, but if it helps track things down, be sure to read the first post in each of these threads, and also this–Return of the Jedi currently has no official MKV release. The best-quality official release for this particular film is an AVCHD file structure.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)