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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1 — Page 38


Browncoat-Alex said:

Not sure if this has been mentioned before but Vader's eyebrows need some fine tuning as they are obviously from a different source. Other than that, amazing work, can't wait for the v2.

 Three hundred and forty-eight times. This is 349.


Hey guys, you should really work on improving Vader's eyebrows. Excellent work, that's the one part that reminds me I'm watching a fan preservation. So, remember, eyebrows. ;)


Handman said:

Hey guys, you should really work on improving Vader's eyebrows. Excellent work, that's the one part that reminds me I'm watching a fan preservation. So, remember, eyebrows. ;)

 The winky face in your message reminded me of what eyebrows do when you wink: they move. And that Harmy should really be putting in about 30-70 hours a week on eyebrow improvements alone. 

Can we see what we can do about getting the eyebrows at 4K, possibly even 8K? The rest of the frame is fine at 720p, but let's please try to amp up the eyebrows. I think they should probably be in 3D as well.

(back in reality, negative1 said they sent Harmy the 35mm eyebrow frames recently)


Does anybody know if the (2.0 1993 MIX 320kbps) as a delay setting on it? Because when I remux AVCHD back on to a blu ray that track is out of sync.


Ok I got it sorted now, read delay with Mediainfo :)


Okay, so I've nabbed all 3 movies' latest versions, and episodes 4 and 5 were ISO's which I was able to burn and play in a PS3. But episode 6 comes as a straight BDMV which I can't figure out how to get on to a playable disc. I've tried 3 times, even making sure to match the folder structure and permissions of eps 4 and 5, but still no luck. How do I get this thing to play in a PS3??


Brade said:

Okay, so I've nabbed all 3 movies' latest versions, and episodes 4 and 5 were ISO's which I was able to burn and play in a PS3. But episode 6 comes as a straight BDMV which I can't figure out how to get on to a playable disc. I've tried 3 times, even making sure to match the folder structure and permissions of eps 4 and 5, but still no luck. How do I get this thing to play in a PS3??

 There are some specific format settings you need to use. If you use ImgBurn and point it to the BDMV folder, it will automatically be recognized as blu ray content and set itself up accordingly. Pop in a DVD DL disk and burn away.

See here for a step-by-step: http://www.aimersoft.com/how-to-burn/burn-bluray-with-imgburn.html


Thanks, but alas, I'm on a Mac. With the ISO's it was easy b/c I can automatically mount and burn a disc from those. With ROTJ, I found this app "Burn" which seemed to be the right thing, but I guess not. (And BTW, the movie plays fine on the Mac itself--I'm just having issues getting it on a playable disc for PS3.)

Anyone burned a straight BDMV on a Mac?


Brade said:

Thanks, but alas, I'm on a Mac. With the ISO's it was easy b/c I can automatically mount and burn a disc from those. With ROTJ, I found this app "Burn" which seemed to be the right thing, but I guess not. (And BTW, the movie plays fine on the Mac itself--I'm just having issues getting it on a playable disc for PS3.)

Anyone burned a straight BDMV on a Mac?

 Yes. I use Toast Titanium to do the BDMV burn. Works like a charm.


$100 for it though!

I guess I'll give it a shot if I find nothing else, but there's got to be a free utility that does this somewhere.


Brade said:

$100 for it though!

I guess I'll give it a shot if I find nothing else, but there's got to be a free utility that does this somewhere.

You might also try just burning the file directly onto the disc via finder. I believe that will work as well. The PS3 should just read the file as though it is a data disc. Just mount your recordable BD25 and drag the BDMV into the disc. Hit burn. This works with my Sony blu Ray player so I'm thinking the PS3 should be able to read it as well.


Yeah, I've already tried that a couple times--I've heard the PS3 is pretty picky on file format though, so it hasn't worked yet. I did find an app called "SimplyBurns" that might work--it gives 4 different options for file format to use for the burn:

ISO9660+Joliet and HFS+ (hybrid)
HFS+ (Mac only)

Any ideas which I should choose? I would think the last one, but I'm not sure.


FYI the error I've gotten on the 3 discs I've tried so far on the PS3 is error 80029941 (then I'm forced to cancel with no playback).


Brade said:

Thanks, but alas, I'm on a Mac. With the ISO's it was easy b/c I can automatically mount and burn a disc from those. With ROTJ, I found this app "Burn" which seemed to be the right thing, but I guess not. (And BTW, the movie plays fine on the Mac itself--I'm just having issues getting it on a playable disc for PS3.)

Anyone burned a straight BDMV on a Mac?

 I've had too many issues burning DVD's on a mac, let alone a blu-ray.  Unless it was a direct burn for an ISO, I had problems.  I finally gave up on the Mac and just stick to my Windows 7 laptop for that kind of stuff.

The data disc idea for the PS3 will probably work as long as the file is encoded as a mp4 and has either AAC or AC3 audio tracks.


Brade said:

FYI the error I've gotten on the 3 discs I've tried so far on the PS3 is error 80029941 (then I'm forced to cancel with no playback).

Yeah, sorry that doesn't work for you. I really can't say which of those options would work best since I have no experience at all with that software. I use Toast a lot (actually work in the post production field) so for me it has been worth the purchase. :o(


Brade said:

Yeah, I've already tried that a couple times--I've heard the PS3 is pretty picky on file format though, so it hasn't worked yet. I did find an app called "SimplyBurns" that might work--it gives 4 different options for file format to use for the burn:

ISO9660+Joliet and HFS+ (hybrid)
HFS+ (Mac only)

Any ideas which I should choose? I would think the last one, but I'm not sure.

I'd try ISO9660+Joliet.  The PS3 should have no problem with that, but I ultimately don't know.  It's been a few years since I tried that on a Mac.

Edit: You would use ISO9660+Joliet for a "data disc" DVD.  If you're burning the folders to a blu-ray or AVCHD DL DVD, I'm not sure.  It's possible that none of those would work. 


Brade said:

FYI the error I've gotten on the 3 discs I've tried so far on the PS3 is error 80029941 (then I'm forced to cancel with no playback).

 I may be mistaken, but isn't that a faulty disc/drive error?

Might it be that your episode IV and V discs were burned to dvd5 and VI is on a dual layer disc? Have you had dual layer discs from this manufacturer work on your PS3?


I did all the burns in the same day w/ the same type of disc. These: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000GHWRIK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1

So I don't think there's a problem w/ the disc itself. But I guess the way I burned ROTJ doesn't quite match up w/ the way the first two movies are. Again, it would've been great if tehparadox had an ISO for episode 6 just like it had for episodes 4 and 5. Then I probably wouldn't have any issues. But with only a BDMV folder, it seems like I have to figure out filesystem types before I can get it working =/


I think AVCHD discs are supposed to be in UDF 2.5, but I'm not positive.

You definitely don't want HFS+, that's Mac-only. I'd go with UDF+ISO9660 myself, but ISO9660+Joliet might work too...

Just looked into it - you definitely need to burn in UDF 2.50 for it to work on a PS3. UDF+ISO9660 won't work.


ImgBurn is pretty friendly to running in WINE, I see no reason why you couldn't find a way to get that to run under OSX.


Brade said:

I did all the burns in the same day w/ the same type of disc. These: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000GHWRIK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1

So I don't think there's a problem w/ the disc itself. But I guess the way I burned ROTJ doesn't quite match up w/ the way the first two movies are. Again, it would've been great if tehparadox had an ISO for episode 6 just like it had for episodes 4 and 5. Then I probably wouldn't have any issues. But with only a BDMV folder, it seems like I have to figure out filesystem types before I can get it working =/

It's unfortunate that there's not a Mac version of ImgBurn.  At this point if I was you, I'd ask a friend or family member if you could use their Windows computer to convert the folders to an ISO.  I wasted a lot of time & discs trying to create a playable AVCHD DL DVD on my Mac when I didn't have an ISO.  Not worth it, IMO.


Thanks for the input, everyone. I also wonder if it has to do w/ file permissions--I noticed some of the files (like .mpls and .m2ts and .clpi) were not set as executable on the filesystem for ROTJ, but they were on episodes 4 and 5. So now I've gone thru every folder within BDMV and CERTIFICATE and made sure all the file permissions are exactly the same between the movies.

When I get home, I'll try burning again w/ UDF format. Fingers crossed.

(and if that doesn't work, I'll probably try the WINE/Imgburn method)


I've also seen some reports that AVCHD compatibility with PS3's is better if you don't include the CERTIFICATE folder (which doesn't have anything in it anyway). Not sure how true that is, though.