First off, thank you so much for your continued work on this project, I LOVE it!
I’m am one of those who would have loved to see George release a high quality,
remastered, Blue-Ray of the original trilogy, not the garbage we got.
This is the closest I’ve seen to that dream being realized!
I downloaded my copies using Resilio links from that “other” Star Wars Forum with the
intention of uploading them to “My Spleen”, but another member beat me to it.
For which I’m grateful as uploading would have been time consuming!
Both versions are now seeded well on both and I’m sure any future corrected
version 3.1 ect… will be treated the same.
I’d also like to add that your earlier versions are available on “The Pirate Bay”
and have been seeded well for years.
Would you prefer that your work not be uploaded to sites like that?