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Well,that sounds better than nothing! Get a screenshot and let's hope it's it..:)
I would need gem cutter's glasses to discover it.
I didn't see it in slo-mo, but I think the close-up when Luke moved the bone from the left to right of the screen (right before he was picked up) - the bone seemed to trail very weirdly.
That’s impossible, even for a computer.
Let the encoding begin! :D
You know of the rebellion against the Empire?
Maybe that's just really odd dandruff. :p
Awesome! I'll restart the computer and start encoding right away! :-)
Wow! I was right.
looking for HDTV of the Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Also HDTV of The Lord of the Rings trilogy
Mouse droppings!
"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars
"George, we hate you for making more Star Wars movies. Please make more Star Wars movies."
-The Internet
^Just buy some cheese.
I wonder how long encoding takes? I'm really quite excited to see the finished product. I thought the workprint looked great! As far as whoever found that glitch,KUDOS! How are you guys able to pick up on these things?
They picked up on it because they got a fairly specific hint. ;)
Yeah, the hint really did defeat the purpose.
Well, I'm sure Harmy was itching to get this done as well. Yes/no, Harmy? :)
Well, yes :-)
And the encoding will take at least a day and that's if everything goes OK.
Yes, make sure you computer doesn't melt.
Can't wait to see the finished film. Thanks again for your efforts, Harmy.
I've been watching this thread for quite a while, and I just wanted to let you know how appreciative I am of your efforts and dedication to ensuring that this film receives the proper treatment. I am astounded at how much intricate work goes into this process, and I laud your efforts and accomplishments wholeheartedly. I simply cannot wait to see the final product!
Pm Please! I wanna!
I have some bad news guys, the encode didn't go well and I'll have to redo it and I won't be home for the next few days, so it probably won't be available for another week or so.
That's a major bummer, but these things happen so it's completely understandable. After waiting this long for proper versions of the OT another week or so certainly won't kill anyone.
I was watching ESB Despecialized again today and I think I've spotted a really significant flaw. I never realized it with old VHS copies, etc. but once you go to HD I think Harrison Ford to sexy. I like the HD, but this is distracting. I think it would be best if you left Harrison Ford in standard definition for ROJ, while maintaining the HD for the rest of the cast. Actually maybe standard definition for Lando as well. Just a thought.
They're both much worse in Jedi, so I don't think that should be a problem ;-)
I'm looking forward to this Harmy! Thanks for all of your hard work on this project.