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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1 — Page 11


Harmy said:

But it's not the secret glitch

And the one on the shuttle door at 3:35 isn't either? Really thought I might have caught it there! :P


Harmy said:

No, to be honest, I don't even see that one.

Here's a snapshot:



Hey harmy,

is ROTJ complete?  are you just waiting for us to find the glitch?  Lol..that's tough love if so.  Also did you consider using wookieegroomers HD rips?  Is wookieegroomers more or less detailed than your source?  I may have to fire up the work print again and dust off my eye balls ;-)

"I will laugh my ass off a hundred years from now when the only version of STARWARS people remember are harmys despecialized editions.  They will project it on a 20' by 40' screen with perfect quality."


No, it's not quite complete yet but close to. I think Wookiegroomer's releases were about the same in terms of detail (well, they would be after resizing to 720p) and the files I'm using have the advantage of already being 720p, so my CPU can cope with them much better.


hey harmy,

another thing i noticed is that when ben is talking to luke the white light around him has more flicker than in the gout.  it's like little white blobs traveling around his shape.  Does any HD source (like the 97 editions) not have this that you could use?

(the white blobs may be in the gout too but they seem to be less noticable.)


"I will laugh my ass off a hundred years from now when the only version of STARWARS people remember are harmys despecialized editions.  They will project it on a 20' by 40' screen with perfect quality."


I remember now that the red lights on the elevator are extremely muted when Luke first comes into the throne room at about 1:25.

Also, is it just me or do the engine lights of the fleet do this odd little jumping and flashing when coming into the right side of the frame on the edge of the cruiser window at around 1:22:58? It's in the GOUT too.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
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@josh: Yeah, that shot is recomped but I'm afraid that there is no good enough source to replace it. And there is no HD 97SE, I wish there was...

@captainsolo: Yeah, I already noticed and fixed that elevator :-)



Hi,Harmy. I may be a bit late but can I be able to look at your workprint,please.


It's incredible that people can recognize flaws and you are able to fix what to me seems awesome! I just got home from work and just watched a bit and I've got to tell you to me this is the same ,if not better than the blu rays coming out. I can't begin to figure out how your able to improve these images. All I can say is this is like waiting for christmas morning for me! I can't wait to see the finished product beaming out of my projector in glorious 720p. Thanks.


lordsidi said:

I just got home from work and just watched a bit and I've got to tell you to me this is the same ,if not better than the blu rays coming out.

Not saying you are (or will be) wrong, but...

...how would you know?


This post got way to quiet,so I'm hoping it's because your working on your finished product,Harmy. As far as your comment,TVfrink...I was not saying I'm not looking forward to the blurays. I'm hoping they do them justice and really benefit from what Blu ray tech can do when properlly utilized. I'm saying is I'm realizing the real dedication and hard work these Preservationists do and seeing the results from Harmy,Adywan,etc...I'm so impressed and happy to see the OT back to their old glory.


Really looking forward to this, but I'll be patient. It's less than two years before the 30th anniversary of the Jedi's release and I'm sure it'll be ready by then. On the one hand, it'll be nice to finally see an HD non-SE version. On the other hand, I don't like being reminded of how long it's been and how damn quickly the decades have passed. I can still remember the feeling of sitting in the darkened theater for this.


OK, this is now finished. I'm just gonna wait until so somebody finds the glitch before I encode.

I'm gonna drop you a hint: Luke is the only character in the shot and he's holding something and when he moves the thing he's holding from side to side, it leaves a trace of dark blocky artefacts behind.


The bone of a dead victim.  I don't have the work print.  I just thought I would give it a shot.

looking for HDTV of the  Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.  Also HDTV of The Lord of the Rings trilogy


Is this the scene in the Rancor's pit when Luke throws the rock at the door lock?.


Are we just randomly guessing, cause I'm pretty sure he'd rather us KNOW and not just guess. ;-)

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It's gonna be really hard for me to spot, since my laptop wants to play the entire workprint very dim. I had to increase the gamma in order to see things, which may bring out things that normally aren't visible. 

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


Harmy said:

I demand a screenshot of the glitch! ;-)
I was going to suggest this, but didn't want to presume. PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!

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Jeez ,If I was able to watch it frame by frame,but trying to catch it while it's playing?....