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HI-Res Poster Art

I know some of you have posted images of all the posters at one point or another, either some of the links no longer work or there are so many threads to go through I am unable to find them.

Maybe this would be a good thread to put them in.

Anyway, I had a Zip disk with hi-res posters images on it, for whatever reason it is corrupted, so everything I had is now gone, would anyone be so kind as to post hi-res OT poster art...specifically I'm looking for the artwork without the text...but teaser or alternative stuff would be great too.

Thanks Schwert, 1-3 artwork is exactly what I was looking for!

The 4-6 artwork I'm looking for are the originals aka ESB "Gone with the wind" style without text, I had a beautiful Hi-res image that took me about a year to find.

The New Hope style I'm looking for is the classic Luke standing over Leia with the saber, and The standard ROTJ one, (not the hands holding the saber).

Has someone got the original OT trailers without text?
Originally posted by: Wer-Al_Zwowe
Originally posted by: eDroj
Originally posted by: Wer-Al_Zwowe
I don't think these are the ones you're looking for. But they are great too.

Episode IV A New Hope
Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI Return of the Jedi

Did you do those scans yourself?


Strange, did you scan them from the Executor VHS-box artwork? Those small markings with "ALVIN" is that the creator of the artwork or is it you that have "marked" them?
Do, or do not. There is no try.
I have one of the Australian releases of the trilogy (think it's the last release on VHS of the Original Trilogy), and this set of artwork is the set used. The artist's name is John Alvin, and I found some info on him when I went to find hi-res textless versions of these works online. Here is the page on John Alvin.

Thank you man!! I have been searching for some hi-res versions of these for so long!! I still have 300dpi scans of my VHS covers sitting on my hard drive.

To contact me outside the forum, for trades and such my email address is my OT.com username @gmail.com

Originally posted by: eDroj
Originally posted by: Wer-Al_Zwowe
Originally posted by: eDroj
Originally posted by: Wer-Al_Zwowe
I don't think these are the ones you're looking for. But they are great too.

Episode IV A New Hope
Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI Return of the Jedi

Did you do those scans yourself?


Strange, did you scan them from the Executor VHS-box artwork? Those small markings with "ALVIN" is that the creator of the artwork or is it you that have "marked" them?

I scanned it from some cards which came with the French THX laserdisc set (English audio, French subtitle version).

The ALVIN markings are on the original, so I think it's the name of the creator.

Edit: I see Klokwerk already confirmed the name Alvin.

A new release of Star Wars is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

Anyone know anything about the upcoming Star Wars poster book?

Anything with hi-res original artwork without the logo/text i'm interested in
What the...

Since when is Yoda on the "Gone With The Wind" ESB poster (Episode V 2, above)?

I've noticed the expanding (or is it shrinking?) Lando on ROTJ posters before but I've never seen this.
Well, I've attempted to retouch a few of the classic posters, since I couldn't find them without either a watermark or any logos, so here goes. My PS skills are still developing, but these might look okay printed up. Do what you'd like with them.

http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/6074/swretouch6rj3bp.th.jpg http://img37.echo.cx/img37/5401/swretouch6rj.jpg

http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/8477/esbretouch1yp3el.th.jpg http://img188.echo.cx/img188/6271/esbretouch1yp.jpg

http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/3834/rotjretouch4kz5fm.th.jpg http://img188.echo.cx/img188/9594/rotjretouch4kz.jpg

http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/606/rotjbretouch8pv4gp.th.jpg http://img138.echo.cx/img138/289/rotj2retouch2dr.jpg

The first classic Jedi one is horrible, now that I look at it, but shrunk down to DVD case size, the 'photoshop-iness' kind of dissappears.
Can you help me? i'm looking for the "jedi" poster by Kasuhiko Sano, without text.

Cassidy - where'd you get that Empire poster? It kicks ass and I've never seen it before . . .
The ESB poster is the Style "C" US one sheet. I've had the hi-res version in my image archives for a while, and removed the text for anyone that wanted to add their own.

It's a favourite of mine too - I think reprints are readily available.

Originally posted by: TheCassidy
The ESB poster is the Style "C" US one sheet. I've had the hi-res version in my image archives for a while, and removed the text for anyone that wanted to add their own.

It's a favourite of mine too - I think reprints are readily available.


Actually, this is not a US release poster. It was used for foreign releases (South America, Australia, Spain, Japan for example) and is considered the international style "A".

By the way, that textless Star Wars "D" is nice. Thanks!

Greedo shoots first? Not in my DVD player.