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HARRY POTTER: Revisited [Updates and Info] — Page 10


Anjohan said:

Cheers, lads!

The Statues theme is a «Epic Version» from YouTube that i slowed down and added reverb and a darker pitch to.

Did you use the one by L’Orchestra Cinématique? 🙂

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


Yes 😄

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Anjohan said:

Yes 😄

They do some damn good covers. 😎

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


Quick question: did you play around with the reverb settings?

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


Half-Blood Prince - Ultimate Edition is released.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Thanks for the Thanksgiving holiday present (if you are in the USA).

Based on the runtime of the movie, it looks like you included most of the deleted scenes from HBP. Out of curiosity, which ones did you leave out?


Fantastic! Happy to see my favorite deleted scenes made the cut. Appreciate the added morbid tone, especially during the final memory. Can’t wait for the finale!


Can’t wait to watch it for myself! Based on what Jimmy’s saying, it should be fantastic! 😄

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


❤️ Thanks, guys.

OBS! I initally wanted to cut way more, like Slughorn saying yes to go to Hogwarts, Aragog burial and Ron at the Hospital Wing, because none of them further the plot at all, but I know many people enjoy Half-Blood Prince so much that it would probably make hearts bleed. Also, I’ve already cut 7 min of the original runtime - most of which are poor attempts at comedy or simply too revealing to the story, so I think Ultimate Edition does a good job at balancing all the different tones of the film well and much better than the original did.

I might do a more compact version for myself, as I find those three scenes to drag down the pacing and mystery of the film. I might upload two versions (this one being the "Extended Ultimate Edition) if there is interest.

I hope the color grading in and out of itself make people realize how beautifully shot HBP actually is, now that one can see key details for the first time ever… Again; what WERE they thinking with that original grade? Never looking back on the original ever again!

Oh, and once again; thanks to Chloe of Fanedit.org for her brilliant ideas.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


I gotta see how many of her ideas are on show in this one! 😃

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


Have to agree. The new color grade makes this one look as good as POA to me.


honestabe said:

Thanks for the Thanksgiving holiday present (if you are in the USA).

Based on the runtime of the movie, it looks like you included most of the deleted scenes from HBP. Out of curiosity, which ones did you leave out?

I’m in Europe, but I’m happy it brought some thanksgiving joy.

I left out Harry and Hermione discussing Malfoy on the map.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Are you Swedish? Or rather, Norwegian? 😄

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


I’m a wizard, Cammy.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Guess who’s seen Half-Blood Prince: Ultimate Edition? 😁

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)

  • Added subtitles for CoS and HbP Ultimate Editions.
  • Updated Sorcerer’s Stone Revisited with a new audiomix that should now have fixed some unbalancing and/or lack of audio quality as reported by vranir. Also took the oppurtunity to add post credits music (that was somewhat muted) as well as fix some color grade balancing where I saw fit. I recommend all to replace SS Ultimate Edition with the new one for a way better (audio) experience as well as some color grade evening.

Oh, and; merry christmas!

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Awesome! I’ll get round to it in a jiffy! 😄

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


Over the holidays, I finally got around to watching your ultimate versions of all the movies, and honestly, I’m completely blown away. You didn’t just make them better—you made them perfect. The visuals are stunning, the soundtrack is absolutely perfect, and the way the stories flow now feels so much better. Every single editing choice you made just fits, and it’s clear how much heart and effort you poured into this.

I can only imagine how much time and energy this must have taken, and I just wanted to say how much I appreciate it. Your passion and dedication really shine through in every detail. Thanks again for all your hard work—I can’t wait to see what you do next!


About to rewatch Sorcerer’s Stone through Half-Blood Prince to prepare for Deathly Hallows: Revisited! 😄

By the way, An, you might as well not call it the “Ultimate Edition” since the original DH Revisited was never finished. XD

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


Greatly anticipating the deathly hallows remake! is there any update or news about it?


Review HP: The Sorcerer’s Stone (Ultimate Edition)

BRILLIANT! This is the best version of this film out there. I am a big fan of Anjohan’s work and cannot recommend enough to check out all his contributions to HP cinematic universe. THANKS for your effort, talent and love for the wizarding world.

• Colour grading is perfect! Align with the visual tone of late entries in the franchise.
• Narrative: The excision of 20 min vastly enhances the pace of the movie and the viewer engagement.
• Music/score changes are seamlessly integrated. This helps again with the cohesion of the movie into the franchise.
• Fixed continuity errors: New shots to present Hogwarts architecture and grounds once again contribute to correct
the inconsistencies between the first two movies with the rest of the saga.

• Narrative flaws: Some missing info/parts could be restored to improve the viewer’s experience
o Voldemort coming out of nowhere: I find it important to establish who Lord Voldemort was and Hagrid’s
explanation about the old war and Voldemort’s followers.
o Sorting Hat scene: Given the zero-knowledge Harry has about the magical world, it seems weird he starts
muttering ‘’Slytherin not’’. There is no background footage here to justify this. Maybe reinserting Draco’s
introduction or any previous reference to Slytherin’s house might work well.
o Forbidden forest: I understand why you removed the centaur and the poor CGI. However, Harry’s conclusion that
the under the under-the-hood figure is Voldemort seems unjustified…
o Right after the magic chess trial, Harry advances on his own to the mirror. Here, the scene between him and
Hermione should be restored. I get you can infer Hermione stays with Ron but at the end of the day I feel it
works better if both discuss to achieve emotional resonance before Harry continues on his quest.


HP: The Chamber of Secrets (Ultimate Edition)

Another excellent fanedit of the HP franchise and a massive improvement over the theatrical version. It’s a real pleasure to enjoy these editions. I extend more in things I would change, this is just my opinion. I don’t intend to be too critical but if you find it helpful I’m happy about that. Giving feedback is the least we can do after you share your work with the community. Big thanks Andreas!

Strengths (Same as Socercer’s Stone):

• Beautiful colour grading is perfect! Align with the visual tone of late entries in the franchise.
• Narrative: The excision of 20 min vastly enhances the movie’s pace.
• Music/score changes are everywhere seamlessly integrated. The end, in particular, resonates very well.
• Deepfake and visual effects with Voldemort/Tom Riddle work quite well.


• Few abrupt cuts:

o It seems that Harry´s stay in the burrow lasts no longer than one morning (between breakfast and the 
  whole family standing in front of the chimney). I read you saved some shots for later entries in your revised 
  saga, so this is a mild complaint. 
o Ron fixing his wand and telling Harry he is doomed. The cut from Hogwarts aerial overview feels very rushed. I 
  would reinsert Ron’s mother howler, also to give some context that muggles have seen a car flying over London. 
  Thus, you show consequences. 
o Crabbe and Goyle (Harry & Ron using Polyjuice potion) discussion with Malfoy in the common Slytherin room feels 
  rushed. The cuts are obvious here and don’t work for me. It seems that Malfoy is giving a solo speech.
o In the Chamber of Secrets, Tom’s revealing his plan to Harry feels abrupt. Cutting Harry asking for help from Tom 
  in order to help Ginny would be restored to make a more logical transition.
o During the end in the Great Hall, the round applause to Prof. Sprout is unnecessarily trimmed and the transition 
  to Hagrid’s arrival is jarring. In terms of the music score, there is a harsh switch when Hagrid start walking 
  towards the trio.