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Guardians of the Galaxy discussion thread — Page 8


3D Steelbook edition at BBy for $20.


I cancelled my $25 preorder at Amazon.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Would've been masterful had they painted the seat brown or green.

Forum Moderator

That's awesome. It ought to be a licensed item.

Where were you in '77?


For those that don't already know, the 2D blu ray has a green tint throughout the movie.  The 3D/2D version DOES NOT have this tint.  The 3D/2D apparently has the theatrical color-timing.

Source:  KK650's thread over at the paradox site and I've watched sample clips of each.


Gah! Is this a cock up, or more Lucas level fiddling with something that wasn't broken? This is the only new movie I even wanted to buy this year. :/

Will the 3D play back on a non 3D setup?

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Gah! Is this a cock up, or more Lucas level fiddling with something that wasn't broken? This is the only new movie I even wanted to buy this year. :/

Will the 3D play back on a non 3D setup?

 The 3D version comes with 2D and 3D on the same disc.  Both of them don't have the green tint.  So it's all good, get the 3D set.


And pay extra for something I can't currently use. ;)

Where were you in '77?


stretch009 said:

For those that don't already know, the 2D blu ray has a green tint throughout the movie.  The 3D/2D version DOES NOT have this tint.  The 3D/2D apparently has the theatrical color-timing.

Source:  KK650's thread over at the paradox site and I've watched sample clips of each.

 Sounds like a screwup to me. How often does crap like this happen to new movies? Usually it's just the catalog titles, right?


Can you link to some screencaps so we can see how bad it really is?

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

And pay extra for something I can't currently use. ;)

 I'm not sure why you're not getting this.  The 2D copy that comes with the 3D set, which you can currently use, DOESN'T have the green tint.  The 2D-only version has green tint.     

Edit:     Version with green tint (2D):


Version that includes a 2D copy that you can use and without green tint:



I'm just kidding about the possibility they're just trying to make people buy the version with the 3D disc. I've read the 2D version does not have the IMAX aspect ratio change though.

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

I've read the 2D version does not have the IMAX aspect ratio change though.

 Yep, that's right.  I recommend checking out KK650's thread over at tehparadox for the full scoop on the BD's, btw.


SilverWook said:

I'm just kidding about the possibility they're just trying to make people buy the version with the 3D disc. I've read the 2D version does not have the IMAX aspect ratio change though.

 Yeah I don't want to pay $10 extra for a disc that I can't use just to watch the movie without the picture messed up, what a rip off.

The three Blu Ray sets I was most looking forward to this year all have massive defects.  You know this is why people Torrent, because the official products are a rip off.  I have never torrented something that I could buy before but all the recent screw ups on official home video releases have me tempted because it seems no care goes into these releases any more.

For $25 they can afford to check the discs for defects.  Heck the Blurays I make at home of TV shows I recorded off of the air are of a higher quality then most recent official releases. 

I'll wait and by the 3D set used.  Nice going Disney you just lost $25, maybe next time if you give a crap about your next home video release I will buy it in a format where you will get some of the money.


Arrrrrrgh!!! Just got back from buying the 2DBR an hour ago and thought the image looked off. Almost so dark and muted I couldn't see what was going on.

Then saw this thread. Dammit why couldn't I have read this first. Refund time!

Behold this awesome FX shot I did a screencap of...

(^ Click to see full res)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Ryan McAvoy said:

Arrrrrrgh!!! Just got back from buying the 2DBR an hour ago and thought the image looked off. Almost so dark and muted I couldn't see what was going on.

Then saw this thread. Dammit why couldn't I have read this first. Refund time!

Behold this awesome FX shot I did a screencap of...

(^ Click to see full res)

 Yeah no way I am parting with cash for that.


Long story short. After a lengthy and heated argument, the store gave me my money back. No is not an answer I'm prepared to except in these situations ;-)

I'll be buying the 3D/2D set tomorrow with hopefully better results. I have my doubts that it will really be any better. To clarify, I take it we've been so far discussing the US Blu-Ray sets. So the UK 3D/2D might be just as bad or worse? Any info on that around the interwebz??

I'd imagine this is going to be the biggest selling Blu-Ray of the year so returns are gonna be plentiful, even given the fact that 99% of people couldn't give a sh*t how a movie looks.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Ryan McAvoy said:

Long story short. After a lengthy and heated argument, the store gave me my money back. No is not an answer I'm prepared to except in these situations ;-)

I'll be buying the 3D/2D set tomorrow with hopefully better results. I have my doubts that it will really be any better. To clarify, I take it we've been so far discussing the US Blu-Ray sets. So the UK 3D/2D might be just as bad or worse? Any info on that around the interwebz??

I'd imagine this is going to be the biggest selling Blu-Ray of the year so returns are gonna be plentiful, even given the fact that 99% of people couldn't give a sh*t how a movie looks.

 The fact that some stores now just refuse to give refunds for defective products says it all about when there isn't any quality control on anything any more.  It seems like ever other disc I buy has some sort of defect but most stores have a policy of not accepting returns on open discs when you can't tell if the disc is defective without opening it. No wonder the companies don't do anything about this kind of stuff, it's free money for them. They could sell you an empty case and you would still have a fight on your hands to get a refund.

I am starting to think all disc related media is just one giant con game.  If I had highspeed where I will I would go VOD and never look back, at least with that you get something in exchange for you $25!


A comparison between a frame from the 2D/3D set captured by KK650 and the "same" frame that I've captured from the UK 2D standalone release...

Being a daylight scene the colour difference probably isn't as marked as it is in some scenes. If you look very closely though you'll see that this isn't actually the "same" frame. It more obvious when I overlay the two...

Everything in the foreground and background is at a different angle. I'm 99.9999% sure this is because the standalone 2D is just a scan of the left or right eye from the 3D Blu-Ray. It's not the first time I've noticed this problem...

Dredd 2012 French Blu-Ray Review

I'm not sure if this is because preparing a seperate 2D home-video master is expensive, or if sometimes studios just don't really care and assume nobody will notice. Maybe this is standard practice wth Marvel. I wasn't that impressed with the 'Winter Soldier' BR either but unlike Guardians, I hadn't seen that movie 3 or 4 times to be able to instantly notice when something was off.

Another couple of shots...

^ This one is terrible, like a photocopy, of a painting, of a film... in the dark.

...and what is up with the blue splodges of flat cyan in the background of this ^.

This and the UK Dredd 2D Blu-Ray really shakes my faith in the format. I'm going to treat any release of a 3D film with deep suspicion from now on.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Ryan McAvoy said:

A comparison between a frame from the 2D/3D set captured by KK650 and the "same" frame that I've captured from the UK 2D standalone release...

Being a daylight scene the colour difference probably isn't as marked as it is in some scenes. If you look very closely though you'll see that this isn't actually the "same" frame. It more obvious when I overlay the two...

Everything in the foreground and background is at a different angle. I'm 99.9999% sure this is because the standalone 2D is just a scan of the left or right eye from the 3D Blu-Ray. It's not the first time I've noticed this problem...

Dredd 2012 French Blu-Ray Review

I'm not sure if this is because preparing a seperate 2D home-video master is expensive, or if sometimes studios just don't really care and assume nobody will notice. Maybe this is standard practice wth Marvel. I wasn't that impressed with the 'Winter Soldier' BR either but unlike Guardians, I hadn't seen that movie 3 or 4 times to be able to instantly notice when something was off.

Another couple of shots...

^ This one is terrible, like a photocopy, of a painting, of a film... in the dark.

...and what is up with the blue splodges of flat cyan in the background of this ^.

This and the UK Dredd 2D Blu-Ray really shakes my faith in the format. I'm going to treat any release of a 3D film with deep suspicion from now on.

 Yeah that is awful, there is no excuse for that on a full priced new release.

I wish the government would start fining companies every time a defective product reaches the market, maybe then we would seen the end of this garbage. 

I don't have the money for a 3D Tv so I am skipping this release and I am advising all my friends to do the same and my friends head my advice so it is not just my money Disney is losing it's six to ten other people's money they are losing. Was taking sloppy short cuts worth it Disney?


Yeah, this has to be a colossal screw up. But if I can get the 3D with the 2D included for the same price, that's the way to go.

Where were you in '77?


So was this a false alarm? I'm not seeing anything about in the usual places, and it would be nice to know before I buy the darn thing.

Glad I can live without that steelbook, as it's already being scalped.

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

So was this a false alarm? I'm not seeing anything about in the usual places, and it would be nice to know before I buy the darn thing.

I can only speak for both versions of the UK release but they don't look as good as I'd like. Blu-Ray.com pretty much gives the video quality a pass despite posting this screen shot alongside the review...

(^ Click to see full res image)

...which has the darker teal areas distorting all over the place. Maybe the US 2D/3D combo pack is better, as has been suggested but I wouldn't know.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


So have we compared the UK 3D with the UK 2D? I think we may have some kind of international screw-up.

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doubleofive said:

So have we compared the UK 3D with the UK 2D? I think we may have some kind of international screw-up.

I don't have a 3D setup so no. That disc from my GOTG set is just a handy place to rest my coffee cup ;-)

I'm hoping another European country has a better 2D transfer but I'd only find that out by randomly ordering them and comparing.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.