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Guardians of the Galaxy discussion thread — Page 5


Really? It's pretty clever but aesthetically I don't like it at all - I really want Guardians of the Galaxy in steelbook, so I really hope they will release it with some better design.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

Yeah I would.  I may be the last person out there who has an audio tape player.

 I still have my old Sanyo Walkman, and a double cassette deck in mothballs.

I do wonder if any audio cassette duplication facilities are still around. Are books on tape still a thing?

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

Yeah I would.  I may be the last person out there who has an audio tape player.

 I still have my old Sanyo Walkman, and a double cassette deck in mothballs.

I do wonder if any audio cassette duplication facilities are still around. Are books on tape still a thing?

 You have to download them now but they are still a thing if you count that.  Right now I have one of my tape players hooked up to my computer and I am putting all of my tapes on my computer as MP3 files so I can listen to them in the car.


You can get tapedecks that plug straight into a standard PC tower...

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


I just plug the headphones jack into the mike input and use Audacity,it's free and it works great.


Germany has a giant fanbase for audio plays. And some of these run for almost 40 years now (f.e. Die drei ??? (Based on the american novels of The Three Investigators)). If I remember correctly these are still (also) released on tapes, for the nostalgic fans.


Wonder if they greenlit this before the movie was out? Hope this turns out at least half as good.

It will probably air on Disney XD where I'll never see it though. ;)

Where were you in '77?


Unless the bargain theater gets it, (they get Ninja Turtles this weekend, boo, hiss) the movie is gone from screens in my area after today. Saw it twice in 3D, but wanted to see it just one more time, even if it's 2d.

I sometimes miss the good old days when a movie stuck around more than a couple months. Would kids today even believe Star Wars played for over a year?

Where were you in '77?


My daughter and I LOVED this movie!!!!  Saw it in 2D only but it blew us away.  A thrill ride from front to back.


One of us! One of us! ;)

Where were you in '77?


I'd never read (or even heard of) GOTG before the movie. But now I'm interested in going back and reading some. My local book store had put together a display stand of GOTG (and Starlord) books but I didn't know where to start.

Can anybody reccomend a collection/paperback/volume/story-arc/writer-tenure that is a good place to start? I'm more interested in books with the same-ish vibe as the movie (and with decent art obviously).

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


SilverWook said:

I sometimes miss the good old days when a movie stuck around more than a couple months. Would kids today even believe Star Wars played for over a year?

 Pffft...I don't think anyone would believe that. ;)

But wait...there were movies that played for a year or more back then!?


Ryan McAvoy said:

I'd never read (or even heard of) GOTG before the movie. But now I'm interested in going back and reading some. My local book store had put together a display stand of GOTG (and Starlord) books but I didn't know where to start.

Can anybody reccomend a collection/paperback/volume/story-arc/writer-tenure that is a good place to start? I'm more interested in books with the same-ish vibe as the movie (and with decent art obviously).

 If you want to see Rocket long before he hooked up with Groot, there is a hardcover compilation of his early appearances in The Incredible Hulk and his miniseries from the 80's.


The original comic books have gotten a little pricey as of late, especially his mostly forgotten first appearance in a black and white 70's magazine.

Rocket isn't as angsty or trigger happy in his early incarnation like the movie though.

Where were you in '77?


Ryan McAvoy said:

I'd never read (or even heard of) GOTG before the movie. But now I'm interested in going back and reading some. My local book store had put together a display stand of GOTG (and Starlord) books but I didn't know where to start.

Can anybody reccomend a collection/paperback/volume/story-arc/writer-tenure that is a good place to start? I'm more interested in books with the same-ish vibe as the movie (and with decent art obviously).

The real answer is ANNIHILIATION! 

It's complicated, of course, but ANNIHILATION!

Infinity Gauntlet is required reading from back in the day.  And there's tons of older stuff too that you could get into...

Semi-recently, Keith Giffen's issues 7-12 of Thanos 2003 (http://www.comicvine.com/thanos/4050-20764/) started to kick things off, and they really got going in his Drax (http://www.comicvine.com/drax-the-destroyer/4050-18291/).

Which rolls right into ANNIHILATION! (http://www.comicvine.com/annihilation/4045-41287/)

It has been collected into 3 TPBs or HC, which include the aforementioned Drax story.  Its by Keith Giffen and some others- at some point Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning come on as a writing team- and they are fantastic.

Annihilation pretty much is directly followed by ANNIHILATION CONQUEST (http://www.comicvine.com/annihilation-conquest/4045-44982/)- which is where the Guardians are put together.  It's not too unlike the movie- they are all in Prison when they get together.

Annihilation Conquest is collected in two TPBs/HCs.

Guardians of the Galaxy #1 (2008) (http://www.comicvine.com/guardians-of-the-galaxy/4050-21550/) is a direct followon to Annihilation Conquest- and not actually a great jumping on point.  Its 25 glorious issues were written by DnA (Dan and Andy).  Then it was cancelled.  Then they announced a movie- then they relaunched it with Brian Michael Bendis- and I don't think it's been as good- though I have enjoyed it.

It bears stating that Nova (2007) (http://www.comicvine.com/nova/4050-18462/) (also by DnA) is the other regular comic that spun out of Annihilation.  Nova (Richard Rider) was a crap character that suddenly became awesome during Annihilation.  There's a good chance he'll be in GotG2.  His series ran 36 issues and is collected over several TPBs.

 All that being said, nothing has the exact same humourish tone that the movie had.  They have, IMHO, a wonderful tone, but it's not quite as funny as the movie.  More adventuresome, but still lighthearted.  Like a certain space opera that many people on this site seem to enjoy.


They are some of my most favourite comics and I can't recommend them highly enough.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



The trouble with 2008 Guardians (awesome though that series may be) is how tightly interwoven it is with the other Marvel Cosmic arcs. You can't really read Guardians without first reading Annihilation and its associated tie-ins, Annihilation: Conquest and its associated tie-ins, and then when Guardians actually starts, you have to read it as part of War of Kings, which happens to bring in X-Men stuff on top of the fallout from Annihilation: Conquest...

Here's the best reading order I can give you, using trade paperbacks:


  1. Thanos: Redemption
  2. Annihilation: Book 1 (includes Drax: Earthfall, Annihilation Prologue, and Annihilation: Nova)
  3. Annihilation: Book 2 (includes Annihilation: Ronan, Annihilation: Super-Skrull, and Annihilation: Silver Surfer)
  4. Annihilation: Book 3 (includes Annihilation and Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus)

Annihilation: Conquest

  1. Annihilation: Conquest - Book 1 (includes Annihilation: Conquest Prologue, Annihilation: Conquest - Star-Lord, and Annihilation: Conquest - Quasar)
  2. Nova vol. 1 - Annihilation: Conquest (Nova vol. 4 #1-7; note that#4-7 are also included in Conquest Book 2)
  3. Annihilation: Conquest - Book 2 (includes Annihilation: Conquest - Wraith, Nova #4-7, and Annihilation: Conquest)
  4. Nova vol. 2 - Knowhere (Nova vol. 4 #8-12 & Nova Annual #1 - NOTE: I recommend reading in this order: Annihilation: Conquest #1 and 2, then Nova #8-10 and Nova Annual, Annihilation: Conquest #3-5, Nova #11-12, and finally Annihilation: Conquest #6, in that order)
  5. Guardians of the Galaxy, vol. 1: Legacy (Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 #1-6)

War of Kings

I'm sorry, but this is when things get confusing, as X-Men and Inhumans stuff rolls into the picture now...and this is also what Guardians is most tied in with. So hold onto your butts, it's gonna get a little bumpy:

  1. Nova vol. 3 - Secret Invasion (Nova vol. 4 #13-18)
  2. Secret Invasion: Inhumans
  3. X-Men: Deadly Genesis
  4. Uncanny X-Men: Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire
  5. X-Men: Emperor Vulcan
  6. Nova vol. 4: Nova Corps (Nova vol. 4 #19-22; but don't read issue #22 just yet!)
  7. Guardians of the Galaxy, vol. 2: War of Kings, Book 1 (Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 #7-12)

Now's where it gets really complicated. Here are the relevant trade paperbacks for the rest of War of Kings:

Problem is, these intertwine so much that you need an issue-by-issue breakdown for those four trade paperbacks, otherwise you'll be like me, slowly realizing that you're just re-reading the same big climax from everyone's perspective, and it doesn't build any more from there like you'd expect it to.

Realm of Kings

Thankfully, this one's much easier:

  1. Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 4: Realm of Kings (Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 #20-25)
  2. Realm of Kings
  3. Nova vol. 6: Realm of Kings (Nova vol. 4 #29-35)

And then they get even easier, because now they're just single event TPBs instead of a bunch of crazy War of Kings shit:

The Thanos Imperative


Annihilators: Earthfall

And then some shit went down between the Avengers and the X-Men, and some other stuff happened, and then Bendis took over the Guardians and I stopped reading. These are part of the whole "Marvel NOW!" thing, and as such they were meant to be a jumping-on point for new readers:

Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 1: Cosmic Avengers

Nova vol. 1: Origin

Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2: Angela

Nova vol. 2: Rookie Season

Frankly, I wasn't a fan of Bendis' writing for the Guardians (especially Rocket), so I didn't keep up with those.


I did just find this pared-down list that focuses on Guardians characters, but I think it'll be somewhat confusing, especially the further into things you get. But if you don't want to read EVERYTHING, you can try this:

  1. Annihilation: Book 1 (Drax the Destroyer and Nova)
  2. Annihilation: Book 3 (you can skip Heralds of Galactus)
  3. Annihilation: Conquest - Book 1
  4. Nova vol. 1 - Annihilation: Conquest
  5. Annihilation: Conquest - Book 2 (you can skip Wraith and the Nova issues, which are also in Nova vol. 1)
  6. Nova vol. 2: Knowhere
  7. Guardians of the Galaxy Volumes 1-5 (issues #1-25)
  8. The Thanos Imperative
  9. Annihilators
  10. Annihilators: Earthfall
  11. Guardians of the Galaxy (Marvel NOW! reboot)

Re xhonzi and Erik Pancakes...

...thanks so much for those detailed answers guys! It's this insanely complicated and convoluted publishing schedule that has always put me off getting into Marvel :-(

I like a nice self-contained linear auteur story myself (More the British comic style I guess), as such the 25 Abnett issues appeal to me (Plus I've liked a couple of Dan's 40K books). I might just dip in there and see if it grabs me. The art and script look appealing...

If I like it, I'll go back and fill in some of those gaps you both mention like Annihilation.

Thanks again :-)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Someone I met recently has seen the movie 28 times!

Where were you in '77?


Ryan McAvoy said:

I might just dip in (the 25 Abnett issues) and see if it grabs me. The art and script look appealing...

If I like it, I'll go back and fill in some of those gaps you both mention like Annihilation.

 Perhaps I was unclear.  


That is all.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



I like it because its a functional movie prop replica. Except that it has a song established in the film as being from Awesome Mix, Vol. 2 and another that was only used in the trailers and was not approved by the director. So it's not a very good replica maybe...

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Well, "Spirit in the Sky" was meant to be in the movie, but the scene it played over was cut. I think Gunn said it'd appear on the DVD/BR in the deleted scenes section.