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Greetings from Wookie Groomer; Split Screen Project (Released) — Page 6

I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! — Thank you!
Brand new DVD's have been created from High Def/Retail sources just this year. New Hope was posted a few months ago, Empire is finishing up on the newsgroup now and Jedi will be coming after Attack of the Clones 1080p 12GB is finished in about 4 days. All my new V2 split screens are available in 1080P and normal DVD editions. Stay away from the original splits screens I posted several years ago, the new ones are light years better in every way.
Originally posted by: Wookie Groomer
Stay away from the original splits screens I posted several years ago, the new ones are light years better in every way.
I prefer the original versions for two reasons:

1) I enjoy hearing both soundtracks simultaneously
2) I'm still watching a 4:3 display

The new 16:9 versions could have been also "4:3 friendly" if you'd chosen to position the image nearer the center of the frame.

After the new forum software is unveiled I'll change my name to Darth Gift-Horse-Mouth-Looker

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…

A question, since I know a lot of your stuff is posted to newsgroups (and I have no usenet access and don't ever know how to access it). Is there anywhere else to get the V2 standard dvds (since you recommend them over the V1)? BT, P2P, PiF, B & P, or some other way? I'd love to get them (and the assosicated disc and cover labels).

Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by: Wookie Groomer
Brand new DVD's have been created from High Def/Retail sources just this year. New Hope was posted a few months ago, Empire is finishing up on the newsgroup now and Jedi will be coming after Attack of the Clones 1080p 12GB is finished in about 4 days. All my new V2 split screens are available in 1080P and normal DVD editions. Stay away from the original splits screens I posted several years ago, the new ones are light years better in every way.

Hi Wookie Groomer,

Just wondering: since you just did a 12GB version of AOTC, will you be doing TPM and ROTS as well? I've downloaded your 8GB versions and they look absolutely fantastic so I'm not even sure if 12GB versions are necessary, but if you're doing them I'll definitely keep an eye out for them. Keep up the great work.

Originally posted by: BMadden
Originally posted by: Wookie Groomer
Brand new DVD's have been created from High Def/Retail sources just this year. New Hope was posted a few months ago, Empire is finishing up on the newsgroup now and Jedi will be coming after Attack of the Clones 1080p 12GB is finished in about 4 days. All my new V2 split screens are available in 1080P and normal DVD editions. Stay away from the original splits screens I posted several years ago, the new ones are light years better in every way.

Hi Wookie Groomer,

Just wondering: since you just did a 12GB version of AOTC, will you be doing TPM and ROTS as well? I've downloaded your 8GB versions and they look absolutely fantastic so I'm not even sure if 12GB versions are necessary, but if you're doing them I'll definitely keep an eye out for them. Keep up the great work.

If your display is larger than 40" and 1080P the 12GB editions are a must. Episodes I and III were just released as H264 on a.b.hdtv so I will not be posting mine.

Originally posted by: Wookie Groomer... . Episodes I and III were just released as H264 on a.b.hdtv so I will not be posting mine.
Please do! Cause h264 is much harder to decode than VC1 on (my) PC and it´s xbox360 friendly.

Originally posted by: wertyqa
Originally posted by: Wookie Groomer... . Episodes I and III were just released as H264 on a.b.hdtv so I will not be posting mine.
Please do! Cause h264 is much harder to decode than VC1 on (my) PC and it´s xbox360 friendly.

I'll second that. Please post your versions of Episodes I and III, Wookie Groomer, as the ones up on a.b.hdtv now are missing files.
I third that opinion Wookie Groomer! I downloaded the 18 gig TPM and it's a ts file and runs slow on my computer, while I have no problem with any of the 12 gig versions. Also it is from the British broadcast and you stated the Germain broadcasts were better. You've already done a lot and I thank you. So whatever you decide is fine. Thanks again!
Clones finished last week, Sith will be done in hours and Menace is seconds behind Sith and should start tonight.
Thanks a million, Wookie Groomer. You are truly THE MAN.

I hate to bring up an old thread and ask an obnoxious question but I'm gonna do it anyway!

Could someone please point me in the right direction to find Wookie Groomers ROTJ split screen?

The first version with the comparisson audio track prefably but any version would do.


Your brain just makes s**t up!

A fate worse than death? Having your head digitally replaced with that of Hayden Christensen!