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Only Morten Harket can jump into comics.
So the Humble Bundle has made a deal with Dark Horse to donate some of their Star Wars comics for charity.
So you can donate whatever you want to get six compilations of various titles or beat the average which is just over 10 bucks at the moment for an additional 5 more collections OR donate 15 and get all of that plus the first volume of the current ongoing main Star Wars line.
Donations go toward the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.
Click here to check out the Bundle. It's apparently running for the next 11 days.
I got mine! Get yours!
Keep Circulating the Tapes.
(It hasn’t happened yet)
Don’t be a Padawan!
"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005
"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM
"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.
Only Morten Harket can jump into comics.
And Steve from Blue's Clues.
EDIT: And don't forget Gumbi.
If Frink did a special edition of the ridiculous prequels I would love to see Jar-Jar replaced by Gumbi:-D
It's Gumby, dammit!
Where were you in '77?
I blame it on my recent Frenchification. Except that the French don't end many words in I either...
Hmm, it must be the Latin.
Moderatus meus, ex toto corde poenitet me omnium meorum peccatorum...
Wilfredo I pronuntiat :
O Domine, nos non ardent.
Non craticulam vel PRAEBIBO gregibus tuis.
Ne confundas nos in barbecue
Vel nos in genere wisi.
Non coques braise vel nos vel ulcus,
Aut a wok movent-Fry in nobis.
They're not even canon anymore so who cares? Things aren't interesting unless they're canonical. Thanks, Disney.
timdiggerm said:
They're not even canon anymore so who cares? Things aren't interesting unless they're canonical. Thanks, Disney.
It's for a good cause?
Where were you in '77?
I was being sarcastic.
Hard to tell on the internet sometimes. ;)
Where were you in '77?
Time for me to post the obligatory link to a semi-relevant/relevant Simpsons clip now.
Already bought it along with an Omnibus of Rise of the Empire era stuff set in the years prior to ANH with Vader quelling various uprisings and generally revealing how much of a badass he is.