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Goodbye for Good — Page 2

Originally posted by: sean wookie
Originally posted by: C3PX
Originally posted by: sean wookie
Originally posted by: C3PX
Originally posted by: sean wookie
How old is zeigfried anyway?

Maybe 13 or so. Judging by his posts he seems to be at that time in his life where his body is changing and he doesn't know why. At that stage of life where every time a girl smiles at you it becomes a life changing event that requires a few hours alone in your room to ponder why she smiled at you, what could it mean, and what profound and drastic effect it is going to have on your life. Judging by some of Zigs post, he really seemed to be at this stage of life. But then again he has mentioned being in college and having "made a video game". My personal opinion is that he is full of it, I guess I should give him the benefit of the doubt, but Zig is one of those guys who makes that really hard to do.

I'm at the stage of life where I wonder what is the usefulness of having a lesbian friend?

If she is hot and your are single, that stage never ends.

But she is extremely open to being gay. Kind of like rob.

Looks like it's back to your Anime girlfriend and that right hand again sean.


Originally posted by: daveytod
that reminds me....what ever happened to your "I'm leaving" thread Sean?

Some where way way back in the past.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: C3PX
Originally posted by: daveytod
that reminds me....what ever happened to your "I'm leaving" thread Sean?

Some where way way back in the past.

"I'm leaving" once and you come back? Sure, no problem - we all get heated and need a time out every now and then.

"I'm leaving" once, come back, annoy a lot of people and write another "I'm leaving" thread? Autism or not, completely uncool.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I'm a lot more willing to cut Sean some slack as opposed to Zigs.
But Zigs is autistic. And this place is autistic proof. He obviously has an inner conflict going on. He loves this place but he can't seem to break past the autistic proof seal. Poor little tike.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: ZigFried
I've been thrust back into the gaming community
I'm going to call you the Thrustmaster.

Originally posted by: ZigFried
I hereby declare this site uninteresting.


Harrison Ford Has Pretty Much Given Up on His Son. Here's Why

Originally posted by: TheCassidy
Originally posted by: C3PX
Originally posted by: daveytod
that reminds me....what ever happened to your "I'm leaving" thread Sean?

Some where way way back in the past.

"I'm leaving" once and you come back? Sure, no problem - we all get heated and need a time out every now and then.

"I'm leaving" once, come back, annoy a lot of people and write another "I'm leaving" thread? Autism or not, completely uncool.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I'm a lot more willing to cut Sean some slack as opposed to Zigs.

The only reason I came back is that the other site was turned into a ghost town.

It says on his profile that he was last online back in July 29, 2007. Of course, that doesn't mean he necessarily posted at all during that time.


For all we know he could still come back so I am not ruling that out.


Some have speculated that Janskeet, Ghostbusters, coltonlolz etc. was Ziggy all along.  I'm not one of those folks but it was discussed for quite a bit.

Wow. I think I joined like a week or two before this thread showed up.  Why am I still here?

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


I don't know who this guy is, but since profiles state when people are last online, there was no need to bump this thread.

Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…