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Good things to say about the PT!!

There's alot of bashing of the PT here, so I thought I'd start a thread about whats good!

I don't expect many replies, but there are some good interesting plot twists in the PT that are worth mentioning!

I can't think of any just yet! Give me a couple of hours, I think better at night when I'm a little gone, I'll come up with a few.

Here's one to start.

I think it's very clever the way he made the future Stormtroopers out of Clonetroopers who are basically good guys in 2. To have the bad dudes in the OT start out as good guys is quite clever.

Well thats that!


The clones concept (aging and young Boba Fett) is rather clever.
The podrace is an impressive feat and largely entertaining (regardless of the outcome)
Lightsaber duel in Episode 1 is unrivaled (although too short).
Anakin being the sweetest boy in the galaxy an interesting concept.
Padme is hot (although it boggles the mind how two beautiful people like Anakin and Padme created two ugly kids like Luke and Leia)
The Emperor's Hitler like rise to power and manipulation is ingenious.
Ofcourse the PT has some good points...

I like the Obi-Anakin-Dooku-Yoda saber duels in AOTC, especially the Yoda kick-ass bizznizz! Also like when Anakin slaughters the Tusken peepz, although there´s far too little of it too be seen. The Obi-QuiGon-Maul duel in TPM also rocks, the way Darth Maul fights is uber cool. I also really dug the fight between Obi and Jango in the pouring rain, always get a great kick out of watching that on my 32" with my soundsystem at it´s loudest! Padme is ofcourse really sexy in AOTC (as opposed to boring as hell in TPM), wearing those skimpy outfits and all, here´s hoping they let her be even more sexy in ROTS! And ofcourse the much anticipated "clone wars" are pretty exiting and powerful to watch. Plus the speeder chase in AOTC is really well done and one of the coolest CGI shit I´ve yet seen, the shots of Corusant at night with heavy traffic is great. These are just a few of the things I really like. Although the PT movies can´t really compete with the originals on the whole, there´s a lot of good stuff here from Mr. Lucas and co coming close to matching that good old Star Wars magic. Wish they could have made the ratio of good stuff higher. For me it´s about 50% (bad) versus 30% (ok) versus 20% (good).



I just hope when I´ve seen ROTS I can proudly put the ratio for the whole PT like this at least: 30% (bad) versus 30% (ok) versus 40% (good)



I enjoyed the Obi Wan v Jango fight in AOTC. Actually I liked much of AOTC. I can watch that movie and enjoy just about all of it.

I also really like the casting job in the prequels (even if they aren't allowed to act "outside the box")
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
See, not all bad!

There's some things I've seen from 3 that look very cool.

Little spoiler coming up........

We see Anakin in the hallway of the Blockade Runner Tantive 4 from ANH. The pic I've seen is him standing there. I imagine it's from the last half of episode 3, probably looking for Obi - Wan or something, which I think makes the whole scene in ANH all the more interesting.
Only because it seems now Vader has already been on this ship, walked around it 18 years before. Knows the layout, I dunno, I just think little things like that, if you really think about it, is a very clever, a very well done thing to do.

End little spoiler


I also like the way Palpatine becomes Emperor. At first I thought they should of had most of the stuff that happened in AOTC in TPM, but when I tink about how the story unfolds, I personally think George is telling a very good story. Not what I had in mind....And I know he's saving all the good Palps/Sidious stuff for 3, but still good!
The actual Story of the PT is very good, clever. Like I said somewhere else, on paper this story, tied in with the OT, is one very good and interesting piece of work.
I'm trying really hard to think of some other good points. When I lie in bed trying to sleep...(now this is going to sound very sad....but bare in mind I'm usually stoned when I'm thinking all this shit).....I think about how the PT fits together with the OT. See, when I do this, the Anakin Ghost thing makes more sense, also so do a lot ot plot points in Episodes 1 & 2.
Man this is so annoying...I can't think of a single thing...But as soon as I go to bed, all kinds of thoughts are going to go around my head. I'll think "I must post this and that". When I wake up I'll forget everything........

Oh well!!

Now I'm rambling

PS...Iv'e noticed I've said clever and good quite a few times.....


The art direction and character design are incredible in both PT films.

The costumes are also top-notch.

I would also say that pretty much any scene with Palpatine is great. Ian's a fine actor who seems to be providing his own direction. Watching his perfomance in "Phantom," it makes me feel like he's almost in a different and better film then the rest of the cast.

I also sometimes think that the "Phantom Menace" is a great metaphor for America (and even the World's) current political climate. We all think we know who the "enemy" really is, but the truth may be worse than we can imagine.
Yes. Palpatines rise to power is genious. Part of why I like the PT is just to watch how he heartlessly manipulates everything to bring himself more and more power. And how he hides his evil intentions from the Jedi for so many years.

Plus the lightsaber fights are undeniablely cool. But that's a given.



Yeah at the time that was just about the coolest thing ever.

All in all I think the PT is pretty good, and it looks like its heading in the right direction for Ep3 which I hope will be up to OT standard.
For TPM I liked:

1. Casting Liam Neeson and Qui-Gon's character

2.The Soundtrack

3. Saber duels, in the desert and in the palace.

4. Outstanding CGI

5. Casting Ian McGregor as Obi-Wan, I can make the reach with him as a young Obi-Wan.

6. Palpatine/Sidious were handled well.

Didn't like:

1. Casting of Lloyd, too young for the part..basically alot wrong with the character, should have been more like a young James Dean, Amidala would have been uptight, but secretly attracted to Anakin's as a bad boy (mirrors Liea/Han in a way)...The age difference gives it a strange babysitter infatuation thing.

2. Anakin making 3PO, I'd flip it around and have the Queen own the protocol droid, and Anakin makes R2, makes more sense and mirrors the OT better (Leia 3PO, Luke R2).

3. Jar Jar or the Gungans, There were enough things going on at the end of the movie (Anakin and R2 blowing up the control ship, Amidala taking back the palace and the saber fight,Gungans and Jar Jar were never needed.

4.Trade Federation, Didn't like the look or sound of them, Would have preferred using Mandelore army for the invasion, Sidious would bribe the commander with a clone of his own (which becomes Boba Fett) and or a lot of clones of himself to command..Battle droid's also didn't appeal to me.

5. Yoda was a puppet not CGI which I liked, unfortunately he didn't look enough like the OT puppet (when you're already 800-900 years old, 30 or so yrs between episode I and IV isn't going to change his apperance that much).

6. Obi-Wan's character, I thought he should have been a stronger character,sent as Amidala's protector, a Jedi Knight and Yoda's apprentice, not Qui-Gon's who they should have turned into Anakin's father who left the Jedi order.

7. The Padawan hair style, the braid and samurai ponytail thing just irritates me, would have been sufficient to just give them a buzz cut.

8. Name selection: Padawan,Naboo, Shmi...Dooku, sounds like baby talk.

There are more good and bad things but these are the obvious ones, I'll think of some with Clones.
Forgot this was just a positives thread, it's hard for me to mention the positives without mentioning negatives...can't edit it now though.

More positives:

7.Darth Maul
8.Some costume designs
I loved the Geonosis arena battle.
"May the force be with you!"
I SECOND Mackey's 3 words...........

The OT RULES!!!!
Ewan McGregor plays a very convincing younger Sir Alec Guiness
OK, sounds like a chalenge to me, good thing about the PT, let me think...

* Ewan McGregor was ok, Liam Neeson was great.
* AOTC had the best sound I've ever listened in a movie.
* Jar Jar's role in AOTC was OK.
* The plot for the begining of a so called "clone war" was actually good. GL had to come up with a clone war, and he did.
* Yoda's fight was amusing.
* Three words: Death Star plans.

“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
im surprised jimbo hasnt flooded this thread with pleas to Natalie Portman to go with him to his highschool prom...

hrm... good things..
the lightsaber duel in TPM was kick ass...
ya... the lightsaber duel in TPM was kick ass...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
all the duality in TPM.

the small hints at the OT.

the fact that "there was no father" and that he ultimately will "bring balance to the Force", but he is the bad guy and mean as hell, awesome!

pretty much all the locations.

the kids in AOTC.

and the list goes on and on, but many things have already been said in previous posts.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
This is hard, I'm hearing everyone's positives ,and thinking 'but that's what I hate about the movie!' I guess one mans trash is another man's treasure! It just goes to show that no matter what george did in the prequals there was no way to make everyone happy.
More good things:

* It had sound, and real human voices, no cards with dialogue written on it. The colors were bright and shiny.
* It featured none, or very few pirates.
* No frontal nudity, sex or blasphemy.
* The pod race ended the way I imagine it would end, and I enjoy figuring out the plot before the director does.
* Both movies ended.
* Standing in the lines with my friends before the movies started was fun.
* I didn't break a bone or die while watching those movies...

OK that's pretty much it. Everything I didn't mention sucked.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering

Originally posted by: ricarleite
More good things:

* It had sound, and real human voices, no cards with dialogue written on it. The colors were bright and shiny.

Maybe GL should have done it silent movie style that would have been impressive.


* It featured none, or very few pirates.
* No frontal nudity, sex or blasphemy.

Pirates, nudity and blasphemy are all very good things. But in their own place I guess.


* The pod race ended the way I imagine it would end, and I enjoy figuring out the plot before the director does.

Laugh-out-loud funny.


* Both movies ended.



* Standing in the lines with my friends before the movies started was fun.
* I didn't break a bone or die while watching those movies...

Yes that sounds similar to my viewing experience.


OK that's pretty much it. Everything I didn't mention sucked.

I agree with you ricarleite and buddy-x-wing I see the PT films as just a series of huge missteps.

It's very hard to speak well of these films.

But since that IS what this thread is about I will try.

The good... I think there were some interesting concepts that could have been explored further.

I liked elements of the pod-racing that could have been explored further if GL had taken the idea back to its roots of American Graffiti style rough bad-boy, rev-heads 'racing for pinks'. Naturally Anakin would be the best and cockiest podracer on the circuit. A grease-stained, shaggy-haired, arrogant James Dean-type with a devil-may-care attitude, a well balanced human being with a huge chip on each shoulder.

Enter Jedi Obi Wan, an enthusiastic and idealistic crusader who befriends the angry young podracer, seeing in him some Force talents. It would have been nice to see swashbuckling space-Marshalls with a hint of Tibetan Monk instead of virgin Gregorian Monks with many a splash of YAWN.

In AOTC it was nice to see the scenes where the friendship between the two Jedi was hinted at however this was yet another missed opportunity where rather than just talking about their adventures while standing in an elevator it would have been better film-storytelling to actually bloody show it rather than just talk about it. "Show, don't tell". "Show, don't tell" Lucas.

I feel there should have been a triangle of sorts between Padme, Ben and Anakin.

Ian McDiarmid was wonderful in both films even though he was given very little to work with.

It was nice to see Sam Jackson in Jedi garb however watching him just sit around I can't help but feel that he looked like one pissed-off, bored muthafucka.

I actually enjoyed the Neimoidians somewhat but would have preferred them to be portrayed more blatently Fu Manchu schemers.

The fight between Jango and Obi Wan was pretty cool but I still hate the whole Jango thing.

The nightclub and diner on Coruscant were kind of cool if somewhat out of place. The diner may have worked if it had been connected to the 50s style podracer teens. (Dex sucked.)

One of the great things about the PTs has been the concept art, largely ignored by GL, where designers have come up with a more pragmatic Jedi outfit which is very, very cool looking and not in anyway beige pyjamas and brown blankets.

The lightsaber fights are indeed very cool but unfortunately the Jedi don't seem to use their Jedi 'powers' very well or very often. If the Sith can shoot lightning, shouldn't the Jedi be able to heal with their hands?

No hyperspace warps? WTF?!

Sorry I tried.
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." - Goering.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." - Goebbels.

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - Orwell.

Originally posted by: Regicidal_Maniac

Pirates, nudity and blasphemy are all very good things. But in their own place I guess.

Blashpemy a good thing? Have you been haningin out with hotrod, Reg???



Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab

Originally posted by: Regicidal_Maniac

Pirates, nudity and blasphemy are all very good things. But in their own place I guess.

Blashpemy a good thing? Have you been haningin out with hotrod, Reg???

Not quite sure I get the reference.

If there's pirates and nudity involved I may just have to check out Hotrod's hang-out.

But I was referring to blasphemy as in the root meaning of the word.

Contrary to popular belief, the word has secular (non-religious) uses.

1. [v]  speak of in an irrevent or impious manner;
2. [v]  utter obscenities or profanities;

I enjoy irreverence, as do all Aussies I think, of course my enjoyment of obscenities and profanity goes without saying. But in moderation and everything in its place.

No offense intended.
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." - Goering.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." - Goebbels.

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - Orwell.
I will definitely agree on Darth Maul being one of the good things about the PT. He was so bad ass and Ray Park played him well (as well as he could, I suppose). I just wish he wasn't killed off so quickly. I wanted him to be around throughout the PT. First Park gets dissed in Star Wars, then he gets dissed in X-Men when his character Toad wasn't brought back for X2 (he wasn't killed off in the first one, was he?). He gets no respect I tell ya.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
i thought Darth Maul was kinda cool but didnt care that he died... i mean the guy only got like 20 min of screentime...

im one of the people out there who hated Toad in X-Men....
there was nothing menacing about him...
and he just didn't suit the way i've always imagined him....
its hard to please someone who's grown up with the comics as their Bible..
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."