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Way cool. It’ll be a step up from the official blu-ray.
Yes, my plan is to release a BD-compliant mkv. You’ll have to create the .iso yourself, but that is fairly trivial.
Hell, I might just make one myself.
“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein
Way cool. It’ll be a step up from the official blu-ray.
Way cool. It’ll be a step up from the official blu-ray.
Tbh the best way to watch this movie at the moment is the 4K release on iTunes. It looks really great, and will likely be much better than my finished project (though I am still excited for my finished project).
“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein
Amazon Prime has the 4K remaster, too. It does, in fact, look pretty great.
Is the 4K version on iTunes the same as the one on Amazon Prime?
I don’t see why it wouldn’t be, but I can’t confirm as I don’t use iTunes.
Is the 4K version on iTunes the same as the one on Amazon Prime?
Quick update for everyone - another user is taking over this project. I won’t share his details here, as he has not cleared me to do so (I haven’t asked yet). Basically, the project proved to be a bit over my head, so this user has graciously offered to take over. As a result, it is delayed a bit further, but I am mailing him a hard drive with all the requisite files, and he will be syncing the project to the Blu-ray audio, the LaserDisc audio, and the original Cinema DTS audio.
“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein
How will this affect the release of the final version?
Only in that it will be delayed - the final product will have the same goals and features, and will probably be of a higher quality, as I am a total novice.
“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein
Hi everyone, great news. A “release candidate” version, so to speak, is ready. It’s BD-synced and, unless a major problem is found, it will be the final release. Since it’s BD-synced, you’ll be able to mux in any audio tracks that are BD-synced. Already included in the file are the English Cinema DTS, the German Cinema DTS, and the optical 35mm Russian audio (since the print is Russian). I’ll send this version out to all donors and, if it’s all good, it will be made available on the usual places.
“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein
Thank you for the response to my PM about the file size. That makes sense!
I will watch it on my OLED for a good color reference, but the one thing I noticed right away doing a quick look on my PC is that the pre-credits sequence in the facility seems to be skewed green quite a bit compared to the rest of the film. The first reel change is around 13 minutes which is just after the credits sequence is over.
The Cinema DTS sounds great!
One other request: could the final version be made available with a Blu-ray file structure so I can burn it onto a disc? If not, is it difficult to strip out the video and audio from the MKV and author it myself into a BD?
I really appreciate all the hard work that went into this project.
Thank you for the response to my PM about the file size. That makes sense!
I will watch it on my OLED for a good color reference, but the one thing I noticed right away doing a quick look on my PC is that the pre-credits sequence in the facility seems to be skewed green quite a bit compared to the rest of the film. The first reel change is around 13 minutes which is just after the credits sequence is over.
The Cinema DTS sounds great!
One other request: could the final version be made available with a Blu-ray file structure so I can burn it onto a disc? If not, is it difficult to strip out the video and audio from the MKV and author it myself into a BD?
I really appreciate all the hard work that went into this project.
Thanks for all the feedback and the close inspection - that’s exactly what this release was for. I’ll get back in a bit if the encoder has a reply re: the color.
I don’t imagine we’ll create a dedicated BD structure release, because it is indeed very easy to do yourself. Just grab TSMuxer, a free program, and go to town. You can also use TSMuxer to include any other audio tracks you might have/wish to include.
“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein
cant wait untill i get the chance to watch this, unfortunately my surround sound system decided it wanted to go kaput though
abaolutely will be one of the first things i watch on it though when its back up and running 😉
I’d love to watch this as well!
With this stay-at-home situation, I think re-watching Brosnan’s first Bond film would be a lot of fun!
Collector of digitally preserved 35mm feature film prints
So what is the difference between THIS one and the other 4k ones?
I have no more links sorry.
Will do in future though
So what is the difference between THIS one and the other 4k ones?
This project is a preservation of a 35mm theatrical print of the movie. As such, it’s sort of a “Grindhouse” presentation.
“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein
So what is the difference between THIS one and the other 4k ones?
This project is a preservation of a 35mm theatrical print of the movie. As such, it’s sort of a “Grindhouse” presentation.
aren the 4k ones the same tho just with bluray audio or am i confusing myself cause I have seen this preservation being done and I was like yeah I like this one but then itunes and amazon have one and im confused
I have no more links sorry.
Will do in future though
So what is the difference between THIS one and the other 4k ones?
This project is a preservation of a 35mm theatrical print of the movie. As such, it’s sort of a “Grindhouse” presentation.
aren the 4k ones the same tho just with bluray audio or am i confusing myself cause I have seen this preservation being done and I was like yeah I like this one but then itunes and amazon have one and im confused
I’m having trouble understanding your question.
“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein
So what is the difference between THIS one and the other 4k ones?
This project is a preservation of a 35mm theatrical print of the movie. As such, it’s sort of a “Grindhouse” presentation.
aren the 4k ones the same tho just with bluray audio or am i confusing myself cause I have seen this preservation being done and I was like yeah I like this one but then itunes and amazon have one and im confused
The version you see on iTunes and Amazon is officially done by the studio, done typically from a scan and restoration from original vault negatives. The one you see here is done unofficially by fans from a 35mm theatrical print which has different–albeit authentic aesthetics–from the color grading to the quality of the print itself.
If I seem inactive, check me on FanRes: https://forum.fanres.com/user-1389.html
Just wanted to check in and see if this has been released yet to others beyond the donors? I’d still be highly interested.
And for some relevant content, feel free to watch GoldenEye with a new Pierce Brosnan commentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3387&v=_btdGN9uUeY&feature=emb_title
At around 55 minutes, he discusses having met Quentin Tarantino to discuss a Bond that never came to be.
Collector of digitally preserved 35mm feature film prints
Is this project finished. would definitely donate! Goldeneye is my 3rd favorite Bond film.
I am interested in checking this as well (please PM if it can be shared!), but there’s one thing I didn’t notice anyone asking: is this the cut or UNCUT version?
For more info about the cuts:
And there’s the workprint, I guess…
This thread is about the scanning of a theatrical release print, so, this version would be the theatrical cut.
This thread is about the scanning of a theatrical release print, so, this version would be the theatrical cut.
I know of at least one cut that was made on all the British prints: the scene in Cuba after the plane crash where the Xenia slides down the rope and attacks Bond, the “good” girl tries to intervene and is grabbed by the bad girl and told to “wait your turn” before being pushed to the ground. That 10 seconds or so is not in any of the British prints. It is however in this print, so I believe this is the uncut version.
Donations always welcome: Paypal | Bitcoin: bc1qzr9ejyfpzm9ea2dglfegxzt59tys3uwmj26ytj
I know of at least one cut that was made on all the British prints: the scene in Cuba after the plane crash where the Xenia slides down the rope and attacks Bond, the “good” girl tries to intervene and is grabbed by the bad girl and told to “wait your turn” before being pushed to the ground. That 10 seconds or so is not in any of the British prints. It is however in this print, so I believe this is the uncut version.
Yes, the specific reason for that was the headbutt in that altercation - a big no-no for the BBFC at the time (an ‘imitable action’).
The Obi-Wan/Jango fight in AotC was cut for the same reason.