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George Lucas leaves Lucasfilm — Page 6


It's funny how this paper-thin, feeble talking point has become a thing lately. At least I've seen it popping up elsewhere lately, like in the comments section for articles about the 35th anniversary. ("[INSERT MOVIE NAME] had two versions that weren't always sold simultaneously at all points in history. Why isn't anyone mad at [INSERT DIRECTOR NAME]?") Is it the same guys or was there a memo? Although this is the first time I've heard GODFATHER being awkwardly crowbarred into it, so points for originality there I guess.


Yeah, I've seen it over at the HTF on the E.T. blu ray thread. If I was paranoid, I'd think there was a memo being sent from the ranch. ;)


Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


1990osu said:

The difference is that Star Trek TMP was a dud.  Nobody would complain if George Lucas went back and re-edited the prequels (as long as the original was available to watch and laugh at).
And that TMP:DE, which was the director's "final cut" (which he didn't have for the original release) isn't available on Blu-ray because Paramount is too cheap to re-render the new effects. To be fair, why aren't we up in arms about NOT having this "special edition"?

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

And that TMP:DE, which was the director's "final cut" (which he didn't have for the original release) isn't available on Blu-ray because Paramount is too cheap to re-render the new effects. To be fair, why aren't we up in arms about NOT having this "special edition"?


That's it, I'm calling it;  originalpentology.com


On a serious note;  I need to find out how to get the theatrical editions to these first five.  I've been a big fan since they were each originally in the theaters, but I sort of drifted.  2009 is my go-to now, but I would like to have these. 

Personal favorite of the Pentology;  Voyage Home. 

Forum Moderator

Aside from TMP, I thought only The Undiscovered Country had any tinkering done for home video? I'm not sure the theatrical cut has ever been on video actually...

A lot of the early single disc DVD's were non anamorphic. So beware.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Anchorhead said:

Personal favorite of the Pentology;  Voyage Home.

This thread is now about humpback whales.

This happens to be a pair of males necking.


Anchorhead said:On a serious note;  I need to find out how to get the theatrical editions to these first five.  I've been a big fan since they were each originally in the theaters, but I sort of drifted.  2009 is my go-to now, but I would like to have these. 

Personal favorite of the Pentology;  Voyage Home. 

The current blu-rays (and dvds) are all the theatrical, even VI.


darth_ender said:

Anchorhead said:

Personal favorite of the Pentology;  Voyage Home.

This thread is now about humpback whales.

This happens to be a pair of males necking.

I hate to break it to you, but that happens to be a single image fail.


Baronlando said:

It's funny how this paper-thin, feeble talking point has become a thing lately. At least I've seen it popping up elsewhere lately, like in the comments section for articles about the 35th anniversary. ("[INSERT MOVIE NAME] had two versions that weren't always sold simultaneously at all points in history. Why isn't anyone mad at [INSERT DIRECTOR NAME]?") Is it the same guys or was there a memo? Although this is the first time I've heard GODFATHER being awkwardly crowbarred into it, so points for originality there I guess.

 thats the game apologists play when all else fails.  another example is "this [insert movie] has fart jokes...why don't [insert fanboys] make a big deal about it".  or "how come no one ever complains that [insert movie] has a bunch of cgi". Its eaqsy to discxredit.  its downright hilarious when they compare the PT to a masterpiece.  yeah, ok so TPM has one tiny thing in common with Kurosawa's Ran - now, do yourself a favor and list all the differences.

Yes, it is a talking point.  Thats lucas' primary (but not sole) motivation to giving "interviews" at a relentless pace.  almost all talking points can be traced either to LFL or to someone from TFN thats eventually given legitamacy by LFL ("the space battle in tpm is supposed to suck..so when you watch them in order, they get better and better!!!") 

anyway,  i dont think lucas selects kathleen kennedy unless she swore in blood she would never even ask him to release the OOT.  The real party question is...are there going to be anymore changes?  anything that will truly inflame the masses? (i am fully expecting by the 40th anniversary, puppet yoda will be replaced with a cgi).

click here if lack of OOT got you down


I'd like to think George respects Frank Oz too much to do that to Original Puppet Yoda (tm).

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


danny_boy said:

Ahhh---- and this is the catch----what is/was the original or former condition of Star Wars(as seen by audiences between 1977 to 85)?

I saw the film myself twice theatrically(1981 and 1983) but I will not dare to hazard a guess in 2012 as to whether  what I saw 30 years ago was grainy or clean or had punchy colours or was pink shifted or had dirt and scratches or was free from such blemishes.

So you have now shifted gears from "the film was restored in '95" to "some prints were grainy, dirty and beaten up and faded when seen by audiences back in the '70's and the '80's." So, what does all of this have to do with George Lucas refusal to let it be restored and preserved? Or do you still count the Special Edition as a restoration of the original film? The National Film Registry certainly didn't... it's now 15 years later and still no plans to restore it, just bad excuses whenever it is brought up. Film enthusiasts and fans have since lost their patience.

George Lucas - "the filmmaker who care deeply about his fans" did however say that he was sorry that fans had fell in love with a half finished film in 2004. How noble of him...

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


SilverWook said:

I'd like to think George respects Frank Oz too much to do that to Original Puppet Yoda (tm).

This is what Bill Hunt had to say in his blu-ray review: 

"For those of you who hate the past changes (and the new BD changes), believe me I get it. Let me just say, it could be a LOT worse. Sources well-positioned to know have told me that Lucas actually seriously considered replacing the puppet Yoda from The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi with the all-digital version, and even had tests conducted to see how it would look. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed. (For the record, I'm told that the digital Yoda just didn't look right or mesh well with the real, physical, practical Dagobah sets. Shocking, I know.) In any case, the films are what they are - changes and all - and now they're finally available on Blu-ray."

I'm afraid Lucas doesn't respect anyone's workmanship on these classic films these days. Frank Oz's voice performance maybe. This set was also released very close to Kershner's death, when a few years have passed it may be easier to go ahead with more alterations. I would like a commentary track where Lucas explains in detail why he changed certain things, what about Lukes' scream in the '97 SE that was lifted from the Emperor in Jedi, talk about creativity. ;)

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


Don't you understand? It's a double standard. Why was Robert Wise spared the fans outrage merely for being dead? Why didn't fans conduct a seance to yell at him for Paramount's decisions? And why have fans consistently failed to build a time machine to yell at 90s Ridley Scott for not releasing all the various versions he had no control over? Where is it?


msycamore said:

SilverWook said:

I'd like to think George respects Frank Oz too much to do that to Original Puppet Yoda (tm).

This is what Bill Hunt had to say in his blu-ray review: 

"For those of you who hate the past changes (and the new BD changes), believe me I get it. Let me just say, it could be a LOT worse. Sources well-positioned to know have told me that Lucas actually seriously considered replacing the puppet Yoda from The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi with the all-digital version, and even had tests conducted to see how it would look. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed. (For the record, I'm told that the digital Yoda just didn't look right or mesh well with the real, physical, practical Dagobah sets. Shocking, I know.) In any case, the films are what they are - changes and all - and now they're finally available on Blu-ray."

I'm afraid Lucas doesn't respect anyone's workmanship on these classic films these days. Frank Oz's voice performance maybe. This set was also released very close to Kershner's death, when a few years have passed it may be easier to go ahead with more alterations. I would like a commentary track where Lucas explains in detail why he changed certain things, what about Lukes' scream in the '97 SE that was lifted from the Emperor in Jedi, talk about creativity. ;)

That's pretty damn disturbing if true. The CGI tests must be hidden away in the deepest levels of the ranch that never see daylight. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

msycamore said:

SilverWook said:

I'd like to think George respects Frank Oz too much to do that to Original Puppet Yoda (tm).

This is what Bill Hunt had to say in his blu-ray review: 

"For those of you who hate the past changes (and the new BD changes), believe me I get it. Let me just say, it could be a LOT worse. Sources well-positioned to know have told me that Lucas actually seriously considered replacing the puppet Yoda from The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi with the all-digital version, and even had tests conducted to see how it would look. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed. (For the record, I'm told that the digital Yoda just didn't look right or mesh well with the real, physical, practical Dagobah sets. Shocking, I know.) In any case, the films are what they are - changes and all - and now they're finally available on Blu-ray."

I'm afraid Lucas doesn't respect anyone's workmanship on these classic films these days. Frank Oz's voice performance maybe. This set was also released very close to Kershner's death, when a few years have passed it may be easier to go ahead with more alterations. I would like a commentary track where Lucas explains in detail why he changed certain things, what about Lukes' scream in the '97 SE that was lifted from the Emperor in Jedi, talk about creativity. ;)

That's pretty damn disturbing if true. The CGI tests must be hidden away in the deepest levels of the ranch that never see daylight. ;)

They tried that TESB CGI Yoda thing when they were doing the prequels as a test to get it look right, maybe that's just blown up in the media? There were some rough clips of that on some of the extras. I really can't believe they would actually replace it... It would take a lot of time and money, it wouldn't make it any better and it would create a serious backslash from the public.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


I only recall seeing the Phantom Menace test shot slipped in somewhere on the Episode III DVD. It's the one Frink used in his edit.

Guess I'll have to rewatch the Episode II DVD extras sometime.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


AFAIK there are no ESB CGI Yoda clips on the prequel discs.


TV's Frink said:

AFAIK there are no ESB CGI Yoda clips on the prequel discs.
Somewhere on the Episode 2 disc is the rough model doing lines from ESB as proof ILM could make it work, but it's video on a monitor, nothing major.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


msycamore said:

I would like a commentary track where Lucas explains in detail why he changed certain things, what about Lukes' scream in the '97 SE that was lifted from the Emperor in Jedi, talk about creativity. ;)

I wonder if it would be possible to put together such a track from all of Lucas' various interviews. That would be great - all the boneheaded, out-of-touch, misplaced, and spiteful things he said over the years, synched up with the relevant parts of the movie.

Now that would be an excuse to watch the blu-rays!

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


TV's Frink said:

darth_ender said:

Anchorhead said:

Personal favorite of the Pentology;  Voyage Home.

This thread is now about humpback whales.

This happens to be a pair of males necking.

I hate to break it to you, but that happens to be a single image fail.

Arg!  A brilliant joke ruined by bad hotlinking!  Fixed for a salvage.


LexX said:

They tried that TESB CGI Yoda thing when they were doing the prequels as a test to get it look right, maybe that's just blown up in the media? There were some rough clips of that on some of the extras.

Maybe you're right. It's possible I guess, but if such tests were made in the early 2000 and are to be seen on some of the prequel DVD's, it just seems weird to me if Bill Hunt mentioned it first when he reviewed the blu-ray, didn't those prequel discs come out even before the 2004 DVD set? Whatever, I actually don't find it hard to believe, after what was done in '97 nothing will ever surprise me.

LexX said:

I really can't believe they would actually replace it... it wouldn't make it any better and it would create a serious backslash from the public.

You just described the results of the alterations that's been done so far. ;)

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


msycamore said:

LexX said:

I really can't believe they would actually replace it... it wouldn't make it any better and it would create a serious backslash from the public.

You just described the results of the alterations that's been done so far. ;)

Hardly. Most people don't care.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


doubleofive said:


And that TMP:DE, which was the director's "final cut" (which he didn't have for the original release) isn't available on Blu-ray because Paramount is too cheap to re-render the new effects. To be fair, why aren't we up in arms about NOT having this "special edition"?


Well, I am!  I preferred that version!  That's what a special edition should be.  Fixing what didn't work and leaving the rest alone.  They should have fixed Star Trek V while they were at it.  I've refused to buy those Trek Movie Blu-rays because they all contain the theatrical cuts only.


doubleofive said:


danny_boy said:

Yeah----Paramount must have brainwashed Wise into making statements such as the following:

''I'm happy with it now. This is the film that I really wanted (Star Trek Special Edition) .''
Which isn't available on Blu-ray, how is this relevant?



It is relevant because in the period that it was not available Wise(and Paramount) were never castigated in the same manner that Lucas has been.

I saw Star Wars in 1977. Many, many, many times. For 3 years it was just Star Wars...period. I saw it in good theaters, cheap theaters and drive-ins with those clunky metal speakers you hang on your window. The screen and sound quality never subtracted from the excitement. I can watch the original cut right now, over 30 years later, on some beat up VHS tape and enjoy it. It's the story that makes this movie. Nothing? else.

kurtb8474 1 week ago



timdiggerm said:

msycamore said:

LexX said:

I really can't believe they would actually replace it... it wouldn't make it any better and it would create a serious backslash from the public.

You just described the results of the alterations that's been done so far. ;)

Hardly. Most people don't care.

Yeah, you're right of course, the general public doesn't care or doesn't even know about any controversy, but as much backlash you can expect things like this get in "movie land."

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com