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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 92


Ric Olie said:

Leonardo said:

The guy on the right........ Ric Olié, is that you?? :D

Yes, actually.  Like my beard?

It makes you look even more dashing, if that's even possible. Panaka must be either green with envy or swooning along with the rest of us. *siiiiigh*


Leonardo said:

Ric Olie said:

Leonardo said:

The guy on the right........ Ric Olié, is that you?? :D

Yes, actually.  Like my beard?

It makes you look even more dashing, if that's even possible. Panaka must be either green with envy or swooning along with the rest of us. *siiiiigh*

Just make sure you always keep the beard neatly trimmed Ric, otherwise you just look like a tramp...

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Akwat Kbrana said:

He doesn't have it anymore because he shaved it off.

Ric understands what you did there because he read it and realized that you were doing that thing that he likes to do which is to explain the thing that was already obvious without the explanation.


Just a cool pic of Dave Prowse from A Clockwork Orange. Even though it's a small part, he definitely made an impression.

In spite of his later troubles with the flanneled one, Prowse has said he got along great with Stanley Kubrick, and remained friends long after ACO was made.


Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


As a kid, I always visualy associated the uncloaked Black Riders from the 1978 LOTR with the partially de-helmeted Vader from the 1983 ROTJ death scene. Anybody else noticed how similar the look is?

(^ There are better example frames but I'm just gooling here)

Deliberate homage from Lucas to Bakshi?

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Heh, that was the only Bakshi LOTR figure I ever bought for some reason. Wish I still had it.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Here is an experiment I did to show Vader becoming a force ghost (A rough go anyway). Plus I've done a quick 4 minute mini-edit of his final scenes called...

'The Death Of Anakin Skywalker' ;-)

(^ Click image to play)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


^ Controversial I know ;-)

Tried 'Yub Nub' and it didn't transition from the pyre music as nicely. btw I like ending on an iris over the 3 ghosts, works a little better than the 'group photo' shot IMO.

It was SilverWook who raised the question of Vader's body not disapearing in another thread, so I thought I'd give it a shot. To really sell the idea, an FX skilled editor would need start Vader's body disapearing in the preceeding shot and add a subtle deflation of Vader's suit. So his chest sinks slightly like a final exhale of his soul. Much more tricky to achieve, but much more effective. Also more work on the music and sound FX would be needed (I just blended in Yoda's death music).

I'm of the opinion that all Jedi should disapearing when they 'Join' the force. I don't like the vague bullsh*t answer from ROTS, that Obi-Wan and Yoda are the only ones that could do it because Qui-Gon told them how to meditate better. Wonder what it would look like if Qui-Gon had disapeared from Kenobi's arms at the end of TPM. Would mean losing/drastically-altering the bizarre funeral scene where everybody stands around really close watching (And presumably listening/smelling) his body burn.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Anakin's disembodied force ghost nose would be really disturbing, even if it remained Sebastian Shaw. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I think this is a very good idea, as a nice little way of keeping up continuity.

I’m just here because I’m driving tonight.


Really tremendous. Enjoyed seeing that.


Yub Nub clearly superior but I thought your editing was really subtle and classy.


Like it!



Was on my way out to dinner yesterday evening, and I saw a lightsaber battle going on down at the end of the street. (The blades on the newer models are kind of glowsticky in hue, so it took a moment before I realized what they were.) 

Funny thing is, I just put fresh batteries in my own MR saber the night before. Maybe I should join the fray next time? ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Don't join The Fray, you're a better musician that that. ;-)


I knew there was something about Han Solo in The Star Wars that bugged me.

He's literally just Swamp Thing!

Forum Moderator

Another Ebay seller with a huge stash of 35mm slides.


Some unusual model shots, and what look like test optical composites. Some publicity shots and less common stills in there too. I really dig this one of Mark Hamill.


Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?



That pilot who Obi Wan almost hired. Note the pack of smokes in the baggie.

Some clever set piece recycling in the Yavin Base control room I never noticed before.


Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Now I'm confused, did they start from scratch with the Tantive IV or just modify the original Falcon model?


Bingowings said:

Now I'm confused, did they start from scratch with the Tantive IV or just modify the original Falcon model?

The latter.

Why would they take a side-by-side w/ an Eagle model? Is this a photo that was used to help the legal people decide if there was a problem?

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


IIRC, the original Falcon simply became the Tantive. The original cockpit grafted onto the Falcon we know and love.

I suspect the Eagle model is there as a reference to make sure the changes to the minature reduce the similarities. If you've ever seen the prototype model, the Eagle resemblance is more obvious.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


There are some good slides in there for anyone who happens to be working on a deleted/alternate take slideshow.