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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 8


WhatsMyName said:

The Luke Skywalker Story

So...what I said, but with less info?  Er...


There should be a documenty narrated by James Earl Jones


I have Empire on my PSP, and I also have it on DVD, so I decided to do a little experiment:

I'm gonna play them both at the same time!

Of course, the one on my PSP is the '04 version, and the one on my TV is the theatrical cut, so I'm going to see how long it takes before the SE changes take over and brings them out of sync.

Here it is in action!


Sorry it looks like it was filmed by an eight year old. :-p


It's funny how all these characters have very unique names, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jin, Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian and yet we come to two very original names:

Luke and Leia. While Skywalker and Organa are unique last names, their first names are modern and un-unique. Just found that interesting. 8l


Anyone know the name of the painting on the front page, or who did it?

Just curious.


WhatsMyName said:

...and yet we come to two very original names:

Luke and Leia...their first names are modern and un-unique...

How exactly is "Leia" modern and un-unique? I have never met any one named Leia, and just by a Google search on the name, almost all of the hits are Star Wars related. I understand Luke being modern and have met quite a few (They don't like it when you mention that you are their father btw), but Leia?


I had a girl in one of my classes once named Leia.  I'm don't remember if that's how she spelled it but it's how she pronounced it. 

Still, I think it's pretty unique.  That's the only one I've heard in my life besides Organa. 


Quackula said:

George Luke-us


Just watched Step Brother for the 10000th time today


At this point I think it's pretty obvious what everyone thinks about Lucas and "his vision" of Star Wars, but since I'm new to being an active user I'll throw in my 2 cents.

I look at George Lucas the way I look at some bands/musicians. If George Lucas died in a plan crash in 1990 (or around then) he would be one of the most loved filming figures of his time, but instead he had to live and ruin everything. It's the same with so many bands as well. U2 is easily one of my favorite bands IF they die in a plane crash in the early 90s and don't get the opportunity to put on dumb sunglasses and create horrible music.

If Lucas dies in 1990 we would talk about him the way people talk about Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, etc. What if George Lucas didn't die in that horrible crash? Just think of all of the great movies he could have come out with. He might have even come out with another trilogy!

It makes me glad that some of these people are not around to destroy the legend we had come to love. I wouldn't want Jim Morrison or Hendrix to sober up. Look what happened to Aerosmith when they sobered up (Suddenly pink is their favorite color?) Time does horrible things to people. Just look at Jimmy Page who went from Led Zeppelin to The Firm.

Anyone understand what I'm saying? Or am I just ranting?

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walkingdork said:

Anyone understand what I'm saying? Or am I just ranting?
"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


walkingdork said:

I look at George Lucas the way I look at some bands/musicians. If George Lucas died in a plan crash in 1990 (or around then) he would be one of the most loved filming figures of his time, but instead he had to live and ruin everything. It's the same with so many bands as well. U2 is easily one of my favorite bands IF they die in a plane crash in the early 90s and don't get the opportunity to put on dumb sunglasses and create horrible music.

If Lucas dies in 1990 we would talk about him the way people talk about Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, etc. What if George Lucas didn't die in that horrible crash? Just think of all of the great movies he could have come out with. He might have even come out with another trilogy!

I hear ya.

People who die young tend to be idealized because they never had a chance to not be great. Curt Cobain is held up because we never got to see him as an aging somewhat embarrasing reminder of a past time. Marilyn Monroe never got old and fat. We can imagine how great they might have been, even if we know in our heart of hearts that no one stays a groundbreaking genius forever.

But I think most filmmakers only have a few truly great films in them. A band can only record so many genre defining albums before either the genre is defined and they repeat themselves, or they grow in new and perhaps less satisfying directions.

Can we think of any artist in any media that had a long and prolific career that didn't have some ventures into mediocrity?


I was never disappointed by any Ridley Scott film for example. They may not all be super great defining work of cinema but they're all good movies. And I also love every single Christopher Nolan film (though he still has plenty of time to screw up). I'm sure if I thought hard I could come up with more but I agree in principle that most artist don't stay great forever.


TheBoost said:

Can we think of any artist in any media that had a long and prolific career that didn't have some ventures into mediocrity?


I'm not a big fan, but it seems like even long-time fans still like them.


TV's Frink said:

TheBoost said:

Can we think of any artist in any media that had a long and prolific career that didn't have some ventures into mediocrity?


I'm not a big fan, but it seems like even long-time fans still like them.

Walkingdork said: 

U2 is easily one of my favorite bands IF they die in a plane crash in the early 90s and don't get the opportunity to put on dumb sunglasses and create horrible music.


TheBoost said:

Can we think of any artist in any media that had a long and prolific career that didn't have some ventures into mediocrity?

I Martin Scorsese is a great director who is still putting out good films (Shutter Island, Departed, Aviator). I'm not a huge fan of departed, but most people seemed to like it. The only complaint about Scorsese is that Casino and Good Fellas are pretty much the same movie.

Leo DiCaprio is a case of the exact opposite. As a young actor I couldn't stand him, but now I find myself being big fan of his work (Gangs of New York, The Beach, etc). I guess he just needed to be introduced to Scorsese in order to be a respectable actor.

EDIT: I guess I have to take back what I said about DiCaprio's early career. He did a great job in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. "...going back up there, Gilbert"

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I think more people would be upset by GL's death then you reailize. He did create a film that redifined film making. Lots of directors followed GL's example and created great films.

However, it is true that GL didn't take more time into creating the PT, should've had Irvin Kershner do AOTC. At tleast the love story wouldn't be so corny.

But, you will fine that there will be many that follow his vision and redifine film making in some way.

You'd actually be surprised about how many PT fans i know of...


I'm not saying that I wish GL was dead or that I wish he would die, I just think that by staying in the film business all these years, he has fallen from greatness and damaged his career/reputation in the opinion of a lot of people.

Sure the mainstream loves the PT and the new Indiana Jones movie, but that's because the mainstream thinks whatever they told to think. I know people who love the transformer movies, but fans of the old cartoon series all seem to hate it (as do I). Most people in this world are mindless sheep. They are going to love whatever show is on primetime, which ever movie is on the big screen, and they will believe whatever their news channel of choice tells them to believe (FOX News, CNN, MSNBC). Okay, now it's a rant. :)

When GL dies (assuming he is mortal) I think a lot of people will be upset, myself included. I may despise his recent decisions, but he still gave me Star Wars, Willow, and THX. Just like as a Wisconsinite I will hate Brett Favre until he dies (or until he can stay out of the limelight for more than a week), and only then will I accept him as the great Green Bay Packer he was. :P

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walkingdork said:

Sure the mainstream loves the PT and the new Indiana Jones movie, but that's because the mainstream thinks whatever they told to think.

Really? Any source for that?


Alexrd said:

walkingdork said:

Sure the mainstream loves the PT and the new Indiana Jones movie, but that's because the mainstream thinks whatever they told to think.

Really? Any source for that?



Alexrd said:

walkingdork said:

Sure the mainstream loves the PT and the new Indiana Jones movie, but that's because the mainstream thinks whatever they told to think.

Really? Any source for that?

Of course I have no source, it's a generalization made purely from my experience and opinions. You don't think that if they made a 5th Indiana Jones it would be an instant hit because of all the hype and advertising that would go into it? You don't think people ever come to conclusions and form their opinions based purely on reviews, advertisement or hype? Do you think everyone wore leg warmers in the 80s because their legs were just cold?

walkingdork said:

Sure the mainstream loves the PT and the new Indiana Jones movie, but that's because the mainstream thinks whatever they told to think.

I'm sorry for speaking in absolutes and not saying "tends to think" or "has a history of thinking" or "often" or whatever statement would offend the least amount of people. I should have explained that it's only my opinion. I also apologize for my poor sentence structure that is clearly missing the word "are."

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walkingdork said:

Alexrd said:

walkingdork said:

Sure the mainstream loves the PT and the new Indiana Jones movie, but that's because the mainstream thinks whatever they told to think.

Really? Any source for that?

You don't think that if they made a 5th Indiana Jones it would be an instant hit because of all the hype and advertising that would go into it? You don't think people ever come to conclusions and form their opinions based purely on reviews, advertisement or hype?

 How do we explain hugely marketed and hyped films like "Speed Racer" "Treasure Plantet" "Sahara" or the recent "Mars Needs Moms" all totally bombed?


TheBoost said:

walkingdork said:

Alexrd said:

walkingdork said:

Sure the mainstream loves the PT and the new Indiana Jones movie, but that's because the mainstream thinks whatever they told to think.

Really? Any source for that?

You don't think that if they made a 5th Indiana Jones it would be an instant hit because of all the hype and advertising that would go into it? You don't think people ever come to conclusions and form their opinions based purely on reviews, advertisement or hype?

 How do we explain hugely marketed and hyped films like "Speed Racer" "Treasure Plantet" "Sahara" or the recent "Mars Needs Moms" all totally bombed?

I don't know. Does that make me completely incorrect on my assumption? Clearly I've overgeneralized and you have called me on that, but I still maintain my own opinion that all too often people get sucked into hype and the opinions of others.


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Radiohead has put out 9 albums in 18 years and not one of them was bad and almost all of them were amazing.

Paul Thomas Anderson has made 5 brilliant films over 15 years without a single slip up.  Christopher Nolan's made 7 in 12 years to the same effect.

Stanley Kubrick made 13 films over a period of 46 years and they were all as close to perfect as a filmmaker could ever get.

I'm not saying everyone should be held to the standards of Radiohead and Kubrick, I'm just saying, it happens.