imperialscum said:
SilverWook said:
Palpatine's death was dramatic. Boba's death was played for laughs.
I have never found it funny. I find it rather ironic. I see it more in a way that even the best can go down in a clumsy way. It is like the legendary gunfighter of the "old west" Wild Bill being shot in the back by some nobody.
Still even if at that moment Luke cut him in two with a lightsabre instead, it wouldn't change anything character-wise.
Except for the being swallowed by a sand monster who burps loudly part. ;)
Even Jabba's borderline auto erotic asphyxiation death is better.
I have issues with why Boba is even hanging around the palace, long after he's presumably been paid. He has no stake in in this fight, and jumps into the fray when the sensible thing to do is bug out.