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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 67


Tobar said:

While I highly doubt George has ever bothered to get into the Star Wars novels. It's a pretty safe bet he gets a kick out of the comics. What with his incorporating Aayla Secura into AOTC and the throw away line about Quinlan Vos in ROTS.

If only he'd remembered to give her the magenta lightsaber she was shown to have carried in those comics ...


imperialscum said:

thekremlin said:

Has GL ever given a decent reason for why he killed Maul off? Or was it just another misguided attempt at symphonic symmetry (Maul/Kenobi)?


PS. Hello everyone! First post. :)

I think he wanted to make some conclusion. I mean if one of the main heroes is killed, the general audience expects a dead villain as a compensation. :)

If that was the idea surely it would have been better to have allowed Maul to live because then we'd have known he was someone to be reckoned with, someone we didn't like and someone to spark a bit of tension for Kenobi and Anakin rather than Grievous who was just rubbish. He could also have fulfilled the role of Dooku with a only a little bit of jiggery pokery.

Killing Maul was a missed opportunity to have a really cool villain in all three films. It was similar to killing Boba Fett in such a crap way IMO. Waste of a good character.


I'd have less problems with Maul dying if he actually did or said more.

He just turns up, looks cool and gets himself killed to be replaced by another action figure.

I'm more miffed that they didn't keep Qui-Gon alive to be fulfill the role taken by Dooku.


I don't think Disney is going to let Fett stay dead.;)

I find it curious none of the Jedi seem to recognize Maul's species. Was he in hiding the whole time before Episode One?

Where were you in '77?


I would find that curious too if they actually did. I don't think they do. Since one of his species was on the council.

Also, I do hope they leave Fett out of it given that they'll end up using Temuera Morrison's voice for him. Ugh...

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timdiggerm said:

Sorry, is that...the Falcon? I can't tell.



SilverWook said:

Is that an ILM model, and if so, has that decal always been there?



I'd watch this.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


thekremlin said:

Killing Maul was a missed opportunity to have a really cool villain in all three films. It was similar to killing Boba Fett in such a crap way IMO. Waste of a good character.

I have to disagree with Boba Fett. I don't think you can waste character with the way he dies. Actually I like Boba's death (well tbh I like some of EU stuff where he survived so I believe he survived). I hate the comic book / "Hollywood" style death at the end of an overinflated final "epic" battle. That kind of stuff is just cheap, common and boring to me.

I love the way Boba and Emperor were killed. Especially the Emperor. No pomp. It was unexpected, simplistic and brutally realistic. Vader picked him up and threw him into the reactor shaft. Perfect and original.



Palpatine's death was dramatic. Boba's death was played for laughs.

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Palpatine's death was dramatic. Boba's death was played for laughs.

I have never found it funny. I find it rather ironic. I see it more in a way that even the best can go down in a clumsy way. It is like the legendary gunfighter of the "old west" Wild Bill being shot in the back by some nobody.

Still even if at that moment Luke cut him in two with a lightsabre instead, it wouldn't change anything character-wise.



imperialscum said:

thekremlin said:

Killing Maul was a missed opportunity to have a really cool villain in all three films. It was similar to killing Boba Fett in such a crap way IMO. Waste of a good character.

I have to disagree with Boba Fett.

Boba's not here, man.


imperialscum said:

SilverWook said:

Palpatine's death was dramatic. Boba's death was played for laughs.

I have never found it funny. I find it rather ironic.

Next time you watch Boba fall into the Sarlacc, think of this music:



TV's Frink Joe Garrelli said:

Boba's Dave's not here, man.


Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


imperialscum said:

SilverWook said:

Palpatine's death was dramatic. Boba's death was played for laughs.

I have never found it funny. I find it rather ironic. I see it more in a way that even the best can go down in a clumsy way. It is like the legendary gunfighter of the "old west" Wild Bill being shot in the back by some nobody.

Still even if at that moment Luke cut him in two with a lightsabre instead, it wouldn't change anything character-wise.

Except for the being swallowed by a sand monster who burps loudly part. ;)

Even Jabba's borderline auto erotic asphyxiation death is better.

I have issues with why Boba is even hanging around the palace, long after he's presumably been paid. He has no stake in in this fight, and jumps into the fray when the sensible thing to do is bug out.

Where were you in '77?


Well, I guess there are worse ways for a rapscallion such as himself to spend a juicy bounty than hanging around a mob boss' hacienda, banging all the dancer party galls. And as to why he doesn't stay out of the fight and flies into a goofy death - well, I guess he doesn't believe this jedi guy to be all that big of a deal and simply wants to protect his investments by protecting one of his best-paying employers. And he is going to a public execution, which is undoubtedly a fun event for folks such as himself, aboard a luxurious pleasure barge, so he probably had a few drinks, maybe snorted some space-coke, so it makes him a bit overconfident and it doesn't exactly help with his jet pack driving abilities :-D


You'd think he'd learn after seeing Mace lop dear old Dad's head off.

Drugs would cover a lot of things about Jabba and his entourage.

Where were you in '77?


I borrowed a DVD from the library the other day.  I had to bring the empty case to the this redbox style vending machine which spits out the discs.  A monitor shows an animation of a DVD case being scanned, the disc being vended, and the disc going into the case.

What's on the case?

The Star Wars Holiday Special.

Which is sadly not available at my public library.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



xhonzi said:

I borrowed a DVD from the library the other day.  I had to bring the empty case to the this redbox style vending machine which spits out the discs.  A monitor shows an animation of a DVD case being scanned, the disc being vended, and the disc going into the case.

What's on the case?

The Star Wars Holiday Special.

Which is sadly not available at my public library.
The animation on the vending machine is of the Holiday Special? You have to take pictures of this.

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Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


A somewhat similar situation I've seen is a bottle machine here which shows an animation how to put the empties to the shaft. It has an Episode I 3PO 7UP bottle which to me is cool. I've seen those kind of machines only in one store (so I don't know if the animation is the same in all similar machines) but that wasn't even built until probably 2004. Some SW fan probably wanted to use that old image.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


The Holiday Special has been available at my local community college for decades. That's how I discovered the Special's existence. I'm still not sure which version it is.

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Okay, that is interesting. I can imagine a college having some sort of loophole allowing copyrighted programs not officially released to be kept for educational use. My journalism teacher used episodes of WKRP in Cincinnati in some of his classes way back when.

What's the quality of this library HS copy?

The HS being on the video vending machine animation is probably an intentional joke. ;)

Where were you in '77?


It's actually pretty good. I'm hoping it's still there. It's been a few years since I've been in there and they built a whole new library so I hope they kept their tape collection intact.

Forum Moderator

I imagine he is probably relieved.

He didn't really approve of our lot.