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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 55


Yes, Lucas has certainly made some odd and wilful decisions.  And it does support the argument that he doesn't know - or care? - about his own creation.  It's a mindset against which I've resisted but when he resurrects dead characters and says that small ships can have cloaking devices you do have to wonder sometimes...

But yes, in The Clone Wars I can finally believe in Obi-wan's reference to Anakin in A New Hope as being "a good friend".

That's some bad hat, Harry

I still haven't watched much of the CW cartoon apart from the beginning of the first series, what series/episode would be a good part to start watching from?



It can be a bit patchy (not to mention cheesy with the Godzilla and Aliens pastiches) but when it shines it shines I'd just keep watching from the beginning as there are satisfying mini arcs and even the less than great stuff is more worth watching than most of the PT.

I don't mind saying that I got quite teary eyed at that Godzilla/King Kong inspired story.
That's some bad hat, Harry

Thanks guys, I'll give it another go...the stories I've seen just haven't grabbed me



Yeah, just stay strong and watch through the crap. Usually there's good stuff on the other side of the bad.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


not a fan of the EU, but with the announcement of Episode 7 it did make me wonder,

Why would Leia and Han name one of their children after one of the most evil men in the galaxy, that tortured both of them on separate occasions and who later turned out to be her biological father,  yet Leia didn't think to honour her adopted father and name a child after Bail Organa, the man who raised her from birth and practically started the rebel alliance?

Vader may as well have pushed the button that destroyed her adopted father and entire home planet of  Alderaan, but hey ! he came good in the end , decided not to kill his only son and threw the Emperor down a hole, Lets name a kid after him!


Yeah, the whole deal with Vader's redemption is a bit stupid when you think about all the evil he's done.


buddy-x-wing said:

Why would Leia and Han name one of their children after one of the most evil men in the galaxy, that tortured both of them on separate occasions and who later turned out to be her biological father,  yet Leia didn't think to honour her adopted father and name a child after Bail Organa, the man who raised her from birth and practically started the rebel alliance?

Vader may as well have pushed the button that destroyed her adopted father and entire home planet of  Alderaan, but hey ! he came good in the end , decided not to kill his only son and threw the Emperor down a hole, Lets name a kid after him!

Agreed. The idea that Vader would be honored in any way shape or form is honestly unconsciousable. 

Yeah, the whole deal with Vader's redemption is a bit stupid when you think about all the evil he's done.

I disagree. Vader's redemption is a personal, and ultimately metaphysical redemption. In the end he dies the man he had been, not the monster he became. 


Harmy said:

Oh, no, I really meant his redemption in the eyes of others.



Yeah, that's (*&^# stupid.


I'd actually like a scene in an EU book where someone is like:

"You're name's Anakin? Like Anakin Skywalker? He totally killed my entire family and the town I came from. What the hell?!"

"Cool. But in the end he didn't let the Emperor kill my uncle, so it's all good. Chill out."



Yeah, if you look at the EU, the atrocities Vader commits are all the more egregious as well, beyond just murdering most of the Jedi.

His manipulation and enslavement of the Noghri, massacring an entire city of Falleen, killing even more Jedi, enslaving Kashyyyk... it goes on and on.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


timdiggerm said:

Well, more than that: He killed the Emperor. When you get down to it, the Emperor is the real villain and the real problem that the Alliance are fighting. Vader ended that problem.

He assassinated his boss 5 minutes before he would have died anyway.

If Himmler choked out Hitler in the bunker, I wouldn't name my kid after him.


TheBoost said:

timdiggerm said:

Well, more than that: He killed the Emperor. When you get down to it, the Emperor is the real villain and the real problem that the Alliance are fighting. Vader ended that problem.

He assassinated his boss 5 minutes before he would have died anyway.

If Himmler choked out Hitler in the bunker, I wouldn't name my kid after him.

Well, if Luke escaped the Death Star, then the Emperor could have too.


I'm so used to this forum that I forgot how many other people on the internet basically feel the opposite as I do about the SW franchise and Lucas' development over the years.

Note to self. Don't talk about SW with other people.

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


Anakin killed Palpatine to stop him from killing his flesh and blood.

Up until that point Luke was a means to killing Palpatine anyway (only Vader hoped to replace Palpatine and have Luke replace him).

Palpatine wanted Vader or Luke dead (preferably Vader as he was getting as old as the 'my friend' routine was) Ultimately it was a win win for him (as usual) only Luke didn't obey Ben, he didn't kill his father, he obeyed Yoda and faced him and defeated the fear Vader represented.

Vader didn't redeem himself Luke redeemed him.

Luke showed Anakin there was more to live than just surviving, Luke drew back from edge and pulled his father back from over the edge.

Throwing the boss down the well was not the redemptive act it was saving his son regardless of the consequences to himself that was the redemptive act.

Did it make up all the evil he had done?

Nope but if he had stood by and watched his son zapped by the Emperor and then resumed his duties until another enforcer (probably Leia) could take his place he really would be beyond redemption and the who knows maybe the Emperor could have saved the station with the Force if he was still alive.

He seemed to be very good at using it.

He certainly could have tried to build another one and this time no Jedi Masters to get in the way.


TheBoost said:

Harmy said:

Oh, no, I really meant his redemption in the eyes of others.



Yeah, that's (*&^# stupid.


I'd actually like a scene in an EU book where someone is like:

"You're name's Anakin? Like Anakin Skywalker? He totally killed my entire family and the town I came from. What the hell?!"

"Cool. But in the end he didn't let the Emperor kill my uncle, so it's all good. Chill out."


There likely isn't anyone alive who could connect Anakin to the things Vader has done.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


TheBoost said:

timdiggerm said:

Well, more than that: He killed the Emperor. When you get down to it, the Emperor is the real villain and the real problem that the Alliance are fighting. Vader ended that problem.

He assassinated his boss 5 minutes before he would have died anyway.

If Himmler choked out Hitler in the bunker, I wouldn't name my kid after him.

*cough* Godwin's Law *cough*

In any case, was Vader wheezing badly after Luke cut off his mechanical hand? I thought it was the Force lightning that damaged his "iron lung".

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Bingo makes a good point.

As does SilverWook. Pretty sure the galaxy at large was sure that Anakin died in the Jedi Purge or thereabouts.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I could never figure out why Lucas didn't restore Red Leader's dialog in the SE about having met Luke's father when he was younger, and that he was a "great pilot". It doesn't seem to contradict anything in the prequels.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

TheBoost said:

timdiggerm said:

Well, more than that: He killed the Emperor. When you get down to it, the Emperor is the real villain and the real problem that the Alliance are fighting. Vader ended that problem.

He assassinated his boss 5 minutes before he would have died anyway.

If Himmler choked out Hitler in the bunker, I wouldn't name my kid after him.

*cough* Godwin's Law *cough*

In this case I contest. Hitler is not just convienient, he's the ONLY real solid analogy to make. :-P


Re-listening to the radio version of ANH. Love the increased characterization and universe building. Makes me wish for the existence of an extended version of the film with the radio scenes there. 


CWBorne said:

Re-listening to the radio version of ANH. Love the increased characterization and universe building. Makes me wish for the existence of an extended version of the film with the radio scenes there. 

I still say I would love a radio version of the PT. 

A good writer (RIP Brian Daley) could do wonders with the format and extra time to really make those stories pop. Filoni maybe?


SilverWook said:

I could never figure out why Lucas didn't restore Red Leader's dialog in the SE about having met Luke's father when he was younger, and that he was a "great pilot". It doesn't seem to contradict anything in the prequels.

although unless Red Leader was a Clone pilot or a Jedi or one of those pilots from Naboo, how would he know that Anakin was a good pilot?  although I'm only using the prequels as a point of reference, perhaps they'll retcon red leader into a Clone Wars episode now that I've said that.