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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 128


generalfrevious said:

I mean, the real episode I was ANH, not TPM!

As far as I'm concerned, the movies shouldn't even have episode numbers. Saying "This trilogy begins with Episode IV, that trilogy begins with Episode I" places too many limitations of story possibilities; the saga should have been open-ended (open-begun?), with space available for any number of prequels/sequels/interquels/sidequels/etc.


DuracellEnergizer said:

generalfrevious said:

I mean, the real episode I was ANH, not TPM!

As far as I'm concerned, the movies shouldn't even have episode numbers. Saying "This trilogy begins with Episode IV, that trilogy begins with Episode I" places too many limitations of story possibilities; the saga should have been open-ended (open-begun?), with space available for any number of prequels/sequels/interquels/sidequels/etc.

I've always thought this as well. 


I always thought it would be neat to divide them up by trilogies:

IV-VI = The Star Wars

I-III  =  The Clone Wars

VII-IX = The Sith Wars? *flees while Duracell and darklord rend their clothes*

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Tobar said:

VII-IX = The Sith Wars? *flees while Duracell and darklord rend their clothes*

Suffice it to say, I'd prefer "The Jedi Wars" over "The Sith Wars". A trilogy about a civil war between different factions of Jedi (not necessarily dark vs. light) would be far more interesting than more Sith vs. Jedi nonsense.


There are more miniatures and models in each Star Wars prequels than entire OT. The whole "there's too much CGI" is not true. I've seen people comment on TFN saying they prefer the original trilogy but still know there are more models and miniatures in the PT.


Verbatim from an Amazon.com review:

Alfonso Dupont said:

We true insiders know that the original Star Wars movies were made at a time of turmoil in Hollywood, when mob assassinations and drug-fueled orgies were a fact of life on every film set. It is believed that it was at a swinger party where Marcia Lucas was successfully wooed from her Jedi Knight husband by a shadowy plumber. The ugly divorce almost drove George insane, and only by immersing himself in the world of puppet Salacious B. Crumb--even at one point claiming he would play the character himself--was George able to weather this turbulant period.

This was of course followed by what film historians now know as the "sham years", when George Lucas dated several famous women in public (and even once gave his penile size in an interview), but in private drifted into homosexual experimentation. Part of this is hinted at in the George Lucas Usenet Archive, a collection of George's posts to an Internet forum of some kind, written during the making of his "prequel trilogy".

Many film historians have heard the stories of what went on behind and in front of the camera, including impromptu sex scenes that were removed from the final edits and a bloody quarrel between Mark Hamill and Sir Alec Guinness that involved accusations of rape. Oftentimes a cover story was used to explain why certain footage had "disappeared"--for example, at the top of the frame in the original Jabba scene was visible both a bobbing boom mike and a crew member's bobbing, fleshy organ. This was later explained as the scene being cut because of difficult special effects.

If this is all true, I am terrified!

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.


What a load of glue sniffing enhanced slanderous balderdash! Does Amazon even police it's own site? Bad enough reviews appear for stuff that isn't even out yet.

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Where were you in '77?


Huh. Figured it was fictional.

Anyway - quick look at a FoxTrot comic from around the SE's time:

...and if we factor in Greedo shooting first, we get something completely different...

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.


Could Captain Majors on the 1978 Godzilla cartoon series have been modeled on George?

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Where were you in '77?



How far would Disney go against Nerf Herder, or other bands named after things in the SW universe?

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Where were you in '77?


And there weren't any bogus Episode Seven stories making the rounds on April Fool's? Weird...

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Could Captain Majors on the 1978 Godzilla cartoon series have been modeled on George?

 It's Riker's beard.


Mungo Baobab, more like...

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Big Bang Theory is doing a May The Fourth Be With You episode with collaboration from LFL:


Perhaps the most appalling thing is that the writers of the show gave Bob Newhart Phantom Menace so he could study up on Yoda and Dagobah. It's obvious Bob doesn't care much for Star Wars, so I imagine he only knows the titles from what he's seen. Either Bob Newhart is very confused on titles, or the BBT writers are as bad as we imagined.

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The Communist Party of Yugoslavia is not a game show.

What's more it's not even a party. When not in the sense I'm familiar with. No jelly, no cheese footballs and none of those chocolate things made from breakfast cereal.


Found this on that website Boost warned us about :


That's pretty neat, especially the AT-AT's wading through the swamp.


Is Disney really going to allow a game with blood to come out now? That first image reminds me of how graphic Alan Dean Foster was in his descriptions of blaster shots in the SW novel. Violence in the movies has always been kind of the antiseptic side.

AT-AT's actually look more at home in that swamp then they did on Hoth.

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Where were you in '77?


Something like that would have been very welcome in ROTJ.


Imagine if there had been AT-AT's wading through a swamp on Endor and they had been fighting in the rain (I imagine it would have made it harder for the stormtroopers, which the Ewoks could have used to their advantage more convincingly).


That would have fit right in with Lucas' Vietnam allegory.

Maybe that one AT-AT we saw on Endor got stuck in a bog, which explains it's absence in the ground battle? ;)

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Where were you in '77?