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Free Pussy Riot — Page 2


Where are the free cats?

I’m just here because I’m driving tonight.


Forgive me for being 'ignorant'... but they COULD have had their little demonstration somewhere other than a highly cherished cathedral... now I don't think they deserve several years in prison, but it WAS disrespectful of them. Regardless of how they feel.


The punishment they are being given is totally unjust and unfair, they don't deserve what's happening to them.  But they also were asking for it, just a little bit.


The church is particularly repressive in Russia so taking the protest there made a lot of sense.

It barely warrants an arrest let alone the sort of reaction seen here.


Oh yes.  By 'had it coming' I meant 'seen it coming'.  They don't deserve to be arrested, but they had to know it was a strong possibility when they decided to do this, they had to know it was very likely their actions would cause that and it was worth it to them to do it anyway.


Well it was a lot less drastic form of protest then lets say, nailing your testicles to the pavement.  But with a name like Pussy Riot, they surely did not have the balls for that type of action.


Man Nails Testicles To Red Square Cobblestones

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Reminds me of the scene in The Serpent and the Rainbow where Bill Pullman gets a spike through the scrotum.


It reminds me of a scene from Buffy the Vampire Slayer where Spike got a Bill Pullman through his scrotum... or did I just eat too much cheese that night??

Yeah the girls did anticipate getting detained (it's an occupational hazard to all who protest) but they should have been released the same day.

You either have freedom of expression or you don't and if you don't those denying it should face the possibility of swinging from a lamp post one day. 


Or being used AS a lamp.


Great idea the Romans have.  Have a problem with somebody?  You set them on fire and use them to light the streets at night.


Bingowings said:

It reminds me of a scene from Buffy the Vampire Slayer where Spike got a Bill Pullman through his scrotum... or did I just eat too much cheese that night??

Sounds like a David Cronenberg film waiting to happen.