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I’m sorry but I’m new here and can’t figure out how to PM. I’m looking for the latest version of “For Your Eyes Only.” I read the FAQ but it got me no closer to an answer. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I haven’t seen this edit yet, but already the thought and effort you’ve put into this is dynamite…even more than what took care of Bond’s poor LE in this movie. 😮 😃 Looking for to this one!
LightWave = fun times with gfx for me 😃
OP updated. v3.1 now available.
aka nostromo777 on myspleen
OP updated. v3.4 now available. some technical issues fixed.
PM for details
aka nostromo777 on myspleen
I’m sorry but I’m new here and can’t figure out how to PM. I’m looking for the latest version of “For Your Eyes Only.” I read the FAQ but it got me no closer to an answer. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
version 4 released. audio and bug fixes.
PM for details, or find me on discord nostromo777
aka nostromo777 on myspleen
I just finished watching this edit.
This is a much leaner version of For Your Eyes Only. All of the fat is cut. The darker more serious tone it always aspired to is helped by the removal of awkwardly placed comedic moments.
The biggest issue I always had with this Bond movie was the Conti score which feelt cheesy and dated. It really made the film seem cheap and inconsiquential. This version with the Barry music added turns it into a true classic. I loved most of the music choices and they were all a big improvement on the original.