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Help: looking for... ideas on fixing Anakin's fall to the darkside


Myself and many others have always felt Anakin’s actual turn was very jarring as he goes from a committed Jedi Knight to slaughtering children in under 10 minutes of screentime. However, I have an idea to re-edit to fix it but I need a way to show Windu figuring out that Palpatine was a sithlord on his own. Was wondering if anyone had any ideas.


Can maybe take some of the council scenes and re-contextualize them. The problem with that is that it means they can’t be used in their original form.


Yeah, there’s a deleted scene called “A Plot to Destroy the Jedi?” where Mace says that Palpatine should be removed from office if he doesn’t give up his powers after the defeat of Grievous. He even says that the dark side of the force surrounds him. Therefore, it might make sense for him to arrest the chancellor without Anakin’s tip.