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Final Destination: Descent Into Madness (WIP)


This has been an edit I’ve been working on for the past year back in 2022, and it reimagines the first Final Destination as a more psychological/crime/mystery-based story with a shocking twist in the vein of films by the likes of Alfred Hitchcock, David Fincher, or M. Night Shyamalan for the first 2 acts, before turning into what Final Destination is all about with the twist in the 3rd act. This edit is recommended for first-time viewers with its mystery-focused story, which aims to surprise new viewers of the Final Destination series with a shocking twist that sets up the sequels but can be also watched by series veterans to see a new take on the original film.

Premise: On what is supposed to be an ordinary day at the airport turns into chaos when Flight 180 suddenly explodes upon take off. The only “survivors”, who were kicked off the plane for getting into a fight before taking off, watch in shock as the plane explodes, but they are relieved that they survived. Alex, one of the survivors, tells the authorities that he had a premonition of the plane exploding, and started the fight that got the “survivors” off the plane. The authorities are very curious about Alex, as they are unsure whether he’s a guardian angel or an unloyal terrorist. However, weeks after the disaster, one of the survivors, Tod, mysteriously dies, and everyone believes he committed suicide, but it is implied Alex found a note that said, I KNOW YOUR EVERY MOVE, which he believes that someone obsessed with the disaster is getting revenge, and now Alex realizes that he must protect the survivors at all costs and hunt down the killer by watching the survivor’s moves, checking on suspicious activity, and finding hidden clues, all before the killer eliminates them all.

Runtime: 74 minutes (for now)

(SPOILERS) Changes: (feel free for feedback, suggestions, and questions)

A lot of the teenage humor is removed

Characters are more likable

Flashbacks are desaturated

The opening has been completely changed, there are no scenes leading to the disaster, but they are moved as flashbacks later in the film. The scene has been rescored to Dust in the Wind by Kansas (FD5 callback). The film opens up on the disaster itself from the POV of the passengers before we switch to the survivors’ POV when the plane explodes.

Alex’s premonition is less detailed and graphic and gradually extends his premonition, and the full version will play out during the reveal

Alex and Clear are unaware of the killer’s design until the news report (they still don’t know the killer)

When Alex comes across a familiar occurrence, there will be a flashback to the night of the disaster

The FBI no longer pursue Alex until the 3rd act

Mentions of the mastermind’s name, as well as some clues and strange occurrences, have been removed until the twist in the 3rd act

Most people are no longer angry at Alex for the plane crash

Ms. Lewton and Tod’s family (they don’t blame him for his “suicide”) no longer holds a grudge against Alex

Alex throws the newspaper instead of the Playboy magazine

Tony Todd’s scene moved later, you’ll see why

Try to find a way to remove Terry’s blood splattering on Lewton, Alex, and Carter to keep things grounded for the first 2 acts (people don’t spray blood when getting hit in real life)

Alex only visits Lewton’s house 1 time, during her death scene in which both visits are merged and it is implied that Alex was planning to catch the “killer” red-handed

Shorten Billy’s speech to “That’s right! You’re next Carter! And you ain’t taking me with you!” (Temporary until people decide that its better to restore parts of his speech)

After Billy’s death, Alex is shocked by this and finally demands answers (he is shocked because Billy’s death came out of nowhere, and he was killed in a way no human can accomplish, and Carter was supposed to die instead of Billy and the killer he was looking for would focus on Carter first) He is then redirected to the Mortician off-screen.

Tony Todd’s scene moved here, as the mastermind is revealed to be Death himself, kicking off the 3rd act with a supernatural twist, and there are flashbacks to Tod, Ms. Lewton, and Billy’s death scenes, as well as the full premonition of Alex.

At this point, the FBI discovers evidence at Lewton’s house that is linked to Alex, and he now becomes a suspect at this point in the movie. (He is not arrested in this version of the movie)

For the end scene in Paris, make it so that the trio believes they are safe forever, but something unexpected happens that leads up to Carter’s death.

Rescored the end credits with Dust in the Wind

Future idea:

Make some of the death scenes/flashbacks a bit more brutal with some modern VFX

First Draft is now available. PM for a link