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My Fan edits – The Last Jedi, & Rogue One (Released)



I removed about 22 minutes.
Less K2, less Krennic, far less Saw Gerrera, no Darth Vader “bathing” scene, two muppet-like creatures removed, added in a few Star-Wars-esque transition wipes, and we don’t meet the pilot, Bodhi Rook, until they meet him in the jail cell. Also moved the title card to the very start of the movie. I felt like the strength of the movie was the final battle scene, so tried to get there quicker.


I removed over 19 minutes.
When you first see Luke and Rey, you’re to pretend he never takes the lightsaber from her. She held it out for him (ending of previous movie), but he just walks past her, and she still has it. Imo, it makes more sense for him to never take the lightsaber than to throw it away while looking angry. The movie doesn’t make a case that Luke’s angry, but rather that he’s hopeless.

This movie seemed to have many illogical things, some of which couldn’t be removed. I kept in the gold dice, Leia’s space floating, Holdo’s hyperspace maneuver, and other things (Canto Bight) I’d prefer were not in the movie, but oh well.

The main reason for this fan edit was my sanity, and wanting to have a watchable version of Last Jedi to get me ready for the ninth movie.

Some notable edits:

  • No porgs or other creatures from Luke’s island
  • Less time spent in Canto Bight
  • Alien voice used for Slowen Lo in Canto Bight
  • DJ doesn’t overhear anything about the shuttles
  • DJ last seen when he, Finn, and Rose are arrested by Phasma

These fan edits are available by doing a Google search on my username, going to that site, and looking for the article on The Last Jedi. At almost the very end of that article is how to get to the fan edits.