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Fan DVDS with MPEG Streamclip, Premiere 1.5 & Encore 1.5...Is it possible?

Hello everyone! I've been reading through these boards for several months now to try to find the answers to my questions. Although there are several highly informative topics and guides - I have yet to find one that describes the process I should follow when using the programs at my disposal.

I am running Windows XP on a PC. I've downloaded MPEG Streamclip. I have purchased copies of Adobe's Premiere 1.5 and Encore 1.5.

I would like to figure out how to make fan preservations from this series of programs. I've had a limited amount of success - but unfortunately I am not very PC savvy and have had some difficulties. However - I have a huge back log of rarities that I want to preserve for posterity and horror fans everywhere.

So I've manged to convert my DVD-R to MPEG with audio using the MPEG Streamclip. However - when I pull the MPEG clip into Premiere is when the problems start. After allowing the footage to conform to Premiere - it ends up with a few imperfections. Since these programs are at least an hour or so in length - perhaps this is part of the problem - however I have had success when working with large clips captured directly into the program before so I was hoping the size wouldn't be an issue. I can move the file into Premiere - but something bizarre happens because I end up with more video than audio - and syncing problems ensue!

It is my great hope that discovering the source of the audio dropouts would allow me to commence with editing the movie in Premiere - and then it would be a simple matter of following that process and exporting to Encore that would allow me to build my DVD's.

Any advice you have to offer would be appreciated. As I stated - I consider myself a tech newbie - so please be gentle.


Do or do not...there is no try...

These imperfections you speak of, do they occur in the form of the video becoming blocky? That happened to me in PPro2.0.

The audio/video sync problems do happens fairly often to me. What I do is simply try do edit the audio where it goes off course, to re-sync it. It might be a better way out there though.

I don't know much about "MPEG Streamclip", but if you want to try an other program and see if the clip is in better sync, I can recommend DVD Decrypter. ADigitalMan has a wonderful guide on using it right on this board.
Premiere really doesn't edit Mpeg very well. You'd be better off converting it to a format that Premiere does accept. Most of the video forums recommend avi using the huffYUV lossless codec. Check out the forums on videohelp.com, www.doom9.org, creativecow.net, wrigleyvideo.com, afterdawn.com. This is a pretty tech-savvy forum, but those forums are dedicated to video issues.