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FACEBOOK PAGE & Sticker Campaign — Page 2


Not to toot my own horn, but would it be worthwhile to involve savestarwars.com in this? I mean, this is sort of the exact thing the page was designed for, as a sort of "wait, what's this about?" advocacy page (well, among other things). I don't know if bringing any heat on it would be bad or not; I'd hate to see it shut down.


I don't think we could mark something like the Blus in store, but it would help to get the word out somehow. saveSW.com could be the go-to we point at for people who have no idea about all of the revisions.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
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none said:

Mielr wrote:

What about just printing out flyers and placing them in the blu-ray racks, rather than sticking stickers directly to the boxes? That's not vandalism, as it's not directly marring the packaging?

Yeah this is semi-more legit, make up a one or half page info packet and ask people to hand it out in front of stores selling the product. But stores can claim these people are a nuisance and move you farther and farther away.

What about just surreptitiously placing the flyers next to the boxes in the stores?
One of the problems with standing outside a store (like Wal-Mart, for instance) is, aside from being chased off, that you don't know which people are going inside the store to buy the set, and you could just end up giving out a lot of irrelevant flyers to people.

zombie84 said:
Not to toot my own horn, but would it be worthwhile to involve savestarwars.com in this? I mean, this is sort of the exact thing the page was designed for, as a sort of "wait, what's this about?" advocacy page (well, among other things). I don't know if bringing any heat on it would be bad or not; I'd hate to see it shut down.

Yeah, definitely.
There's no point in preaching to the choir, the people who really need to be targeted now are the ones who are casual fans, but who still love the OOT from when they saw it back in theaters, or on VHS. Maybe they didn't buy the '04 set, and they really weren't aware of all the revisions, or the fact that the revised versions are the only versions on the blu-rays.

We should be able to figure something out that won't be illegal, or get anyone's site shut down.

The bumper sticker idea is good, maybe that combined with flyers tucked between boxes in stores is something that would be OK.

I don't know about the telephone pole sticker idea- that may still be considered vandalism.


My idea for a bumper sticker is it simply says "Save Star Wars" using the '77 logo, with "Save" in matching font at the top.

Have the url to Zombie's site and/or OT.com below it.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I like that. Could put it on those flyers that you stick up around town, the ones that have little tear-off tabs at the bottom, like those ones you see offering drum lessons or whatever. (but with the savestawars address instead of a phone number)


I think any efforts that try to dampen the sales of the blurays are a bad idea. This includes standing in front of stores, putting stickers on cases, or placing fliers next to cases. This will attract the wrong kind of attention to our cause.

Stickers, fliers, and t-shirts are all fine, as long as the point is to promote the OOT, not de-promote the blurays. Heck, a bumper sticker that just says SAVESTARWARS.COM would probably be the simplest and best solution.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


Erikstormtrooper said:

I think any efforts that try to dampen the sales of the blurays are a bad idea. This includes standing in front of stores, putting stickers on cases, or placing fliers next to cases. This will attract the wrong kind of attention to our cause.

Stickers, fliers, and t-shirts are all fine, as long as the point is to promote the OOT, not de-promote the blurays. Heck, a bumper sticker that just says SAVESTARWARS.COM would probably be the simplest and best solution.

This seems to make a lot of sense. We don't want to come across like the crazy fanatics that we are!

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


theprequelsrule said:

Erikstormtrooper said:

I think any efforts that try to dampen the sales of the blurays are a bad idea. This includes standing in front of stores, putting stickers on cases, or placing fliers next to cases. This will attract the wrong kind of attention to our cause.

Stickers, fliers, and t-shirts are all fine, as long as the point is to promote the OOT, not de-promote the blurays. Heck, a bumper sticker that just says SAVESTARWARS.COM would probably be the simplest and best solution.

This seems to make a lot of sense. We don't want to come across like the crazy fanatics that we are!

+1 x2


doubleKO said:

theprequelsrule said:

Erikstormtrooper said:

I think any efforts that try to dampen the sales of the blurays are a bad idea. This includes standing in front of stores, putting stickers on cases, or placing fliers next to cases. This will attract the wrong kind of attention to our cause.

Stickers, fliers, and t-shirts are all fine, as long as the point is to promote the OOT, not de-promote the blurays. Heck, a bumper sticker that just says SAVESTARWARS.COM would probably be the simplest and best solution.

This seems to make a lot of sense. We don't want to come across like the crazy fanatics that we are!

+1 x2

I was told there would be no math in this thread.


Is the main goal here to "educate" the public or or to send a message to Lucasfilm? If you want to send a message to Lucasfilm, then the best thing to do would be to flood them with complaints. Phone calls, emails, and blu-ray returns. The problem is getting enough people to do it. On the other hand, how many people are going to buy this thinking it is the original trilogy, but not realizing or not caring. In that case the sticker idea is great.


20th Century Mark said:

In that case the sticker idea is great.

Bumper sticker or box sticker?


Mielr said:

20th Century Mark said:

In that case the sticker idea is great.

Bumper sticker or box sticker?

 Both! The more the better. It doesn't have to be stuck on the blu-ray boxes, although that is ideal, but just "high traffic" locations. Bus stops, train stations, public bathrooms, etc.


"For a good time, call 849-1138 Ask for George."

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Here's an idea for a less evasive approach.  (but the original idea can be part of this, just wouldn't be the main focus, but people can run with whatever ideas they wish) 

"Star Wars Condolences"

-- "After you've paid for your blu-rays, pay your respects for the versions which started it all"

can set up a twitter account, which people can write at along with blog/facepage.  Could create a web page which shows this stream of people's thoughts about the originals.  Then have supplemental info on the website which informs them of why the originals are important.  A section could point to relevant quotes, a second could show doubleofive's SE comparisons so people are reminded of the changes, zombie's existing articles can be pointed at, and we can let people submit banner ideas which could easily be converted to stickers.  A one page .pdf can be used as a press release / pamphlet people could hand out to people looking to buy the blu-rays.

I'd like to make a section which lists all the versions LFL has put out, with the questions "How many of these have you thrown away."  The industry should have a recycling/reduced price policy with old formats.

So people would hopefully talk about their thoughts of the old versions of SW.  Overall this idea is a little melancholy, and pulls a lot from funerals, but when people get together at funerals they tend to remember the good things and that's something which might be good.

Sebastian Shaw has a Posse.


Bingowings said:

It might be more productive if someone designed a token, like a bank note or bond which said something to effect that the sender of the token promised to purchase a blu-ray set when (and only when) it included a restored HD version of the OT.

 If instead of buying the current sets on the release date token holders posted their promissory to Uncle George he might get an idea of the real greenbacks he is missing out on.

It would need a catchy name and design which people could download and print off.

A Twitter/Facespace campaign could keep tabs on people who sent their bond to Lucas.

There have been some notable people backing some of the activities on here and getting them to endorse the scheme would serve as publicity for positive activism rather than vandalism.

That's more what I was thinking too.  Something along the lines of education instead of something that may be a nuisance, ineffective, or illegal. 

We (OT.com & savestarwars.com) still have some credibility in the film buff community.  I'd hate to see us lose that.  For Christ's sake, The Humdinger went legit**

We may be too hyper-focused sometimes to see it, but respected critics and film bloggers know who we are now.  They understand what is happening and they're starting to write about it.  They're starting to discuss it and address it intelligently.


** Truth be told, I was sorry the issue was addressed and fixed, possibly because of this very site.  I'd rather Star Wars 5.0.2 have the same flaws it had before.  I'd rather casual fans and consumers finally realize that with Lucas it's all selfishness and marketing - not preservation or respect for the films or the people who got him where he is.


Forum Moderator

If someone designed a realistic projection of the sort of disc set practically everyone would be happy with such a promise to purchase could take a form that may be familiar with older fans.


Bingowings, I'm not quite following what you mean. Are you saying we should create some kind of fake mail-away reminiscent of the one in the pic? Something that we could mail in to Lucasfilm to show our demand?

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


A bit of both.

If a paper false blu-Ray set was designed (with all the ingredients we want in it) which could be downloaded from a site and printed off, it could either be sent off, or a token within it could, pledging to purchase the set when Lucas makes it (or at least something acceptably resembling it).

Does that make sense?

We have people designing alternate DVD and Blu-Ray covers.

There are sites offering Star Wars paper art to download.

Combining those skills with a desired aim, while tipping a hat to a bit of Star Wars merchandising history.



I really don't care about the artwork at all.  All I care about is whether or not they restore the theatrical versions in high quality.  If they did that, I'd happily buy it even if it were in a brown paper bag with a picture of George mooning me.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


It's not about artwork (though it would give people a chance to showcase just how easy it would be to improve on the artwork they put on the official set).

It's about downloading something (which isn't a pirated movie) and sending off something as an endorsement of an idea.

You could have spaces for missing discs (like the HD restored OUT, the theatrical PT etc).

You could even have downloadable representations of the discs themselves which could be printed onto or stuck to cardboard.

It's saying, if this exists (for real), I will pay for it.

Just like the Kenner set was a virtual Christmas present because there weren't enough figures to keep every child happy on the big day.



A comment on press.  Attack of the Show at one point took several hundred copies of the latest Star Wars DVD and chainsawed them in half.  They now cover most SW events. 


Bingowings said:

It's not about artwork (though it would give people a chance to showcase just how easy it would be to improve on the artwork they put on the official set).

It's about downloading something (which isn't a pirated movie) and sending off something as an endorsement of an idea.

You could have spaces for missing discs (like the HD restored OUT, the theatrical PT etc).

You could even have downloadable representations of the discs themselves which could be printed onto or stuck to cardboard.

It's saying, if this exists (for real), I will pay for it.

Just like the Kenner set was a virtual Christmas present because there weren't enough figures to keep every child happy on the big day.


Actually, there were no figures on the shelves for Christmas '77.  Kenner  must have been sweating bullets Star Wars fever would not fade away by the time the figures hit shelves around March or April of '78.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Bingowings said:

If a paper false blu-Ray set was designed (with all the ingredients we want in it) which could be downloaded from a site and printed off, it could either be sent off, or a token within it could, pledging to purchase the set when Lucas makes it (or at least something acceptably resembling it).

I don't think mailing anything to Lucasfilm would work, and even if it did, it would be hard to get enough people to do it to make an impression.

I remember back in '06 when we were trying to get people to mail back the '04 DVDs from the '06 2-disc sets and just not enough people were willing to commit to it.

Maybe we should do a poll or something to get a better idea of which idea/ideas people like best.

I like the bumper sticker idea in conjunction with a facebook page linking to the savestarwars.com site.

Is anyone willing to volunteer to design & post a bumper sticker?


SilverWook said:

My idea for a bumper sticker is it simply says "Save Star Wars" using the '77 logo, with "Save" in matching font at the top.

Have the url to Zombie's site and/or OT.com below it.

 This is a GREAT idea for a sticker.  Someone make it, NOW!!


If you'd like another angle for these stickers:


But, imagine for a moment, if copyright still worked as first intended

In 2011 the whole of the original Star Wars trilogy – all of its artwork, its characters, its music – would have left copyright protection and been available to aspiring directors and writers to build upon and make their own versions of.

There would be a treasure trove of new Star Wars stories for fans to enjoy.

But as long as the current copyright laws remain as they are, no living person will ever get to tell a Darth Vader story, or a Harry Potter Story, or a Hobbit Story or any other story that matters to them, that the author or, when after their death, their company, disagrees with.