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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 11


DuracellEnergizer said:

^The Marvel comics were very weird when it came to the characters' clothing at first. I don't think Luke or Leia changed out of their original movie outfits even once until some thirty-odd issues into the series.

 Yeah, they got a couple letters about that, suggesting the clothes must smell really bad. The editor reassured them our heroes wash their clothes regularly. ;)

Where were you in '77?


Ryan McAvoy said:

Ahhhhhh, that's better now we can enjoy just the good parts of this photo ^.

 So, care to bring me up to speed as to why you're cutting this person out of the picture? I didn't get the memo. The Soviets used to do a better job at this sort of thing. ;)

And nobody is kvetching about the green screen? :P

Where were you in '77?


Re^: Bingo posted a Wiki link. He's the man in the UK who takes away all our money and spends it on things we don't want it spent on... although presumably his tax regime is responsible for bringing Star Wars back to it's rightful home... so begruddingly I'll thank him for that ;-)

...and yes I did notice I'd trimmed out the green-screen but I was giving it a pass since it's in the same shot as the Falcon cockpit and unless they are actually launching that thing for real... some green screen is needed.

Bingowings said:

I can still see his feet.

 Yeah, I was trying to balance my desire to remove him completely, with my equally strong delight in having the tear rip right through his body ;-)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


That and trying to force people in a coma to go to work but we won't go there on this side of off topic *mutters "evil soulless automaton"*


Okay, thanks for the explanation. Let's not pollute the thread with the stench of politics, okay?

If he does appear in more set photos, paste Jar Jar's head on him or something, if it will make you happy...

Where were you in '77?


With this amount of interest, someone could get a hangnail and it would make news.

I wish Mr. Ford a speedy recovery.

IIRC, Mark suffered a minor injury or two on the ESB set. One kept him off the set for a while.

Let's hope this is the last injury.

Where were you in '77?


I think that the elder cast members should each receive a Life Alert ®.

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Can we lay off the old geezer jokes before they get out of hand?

As someone who was a caregiver for nearly a decade,  that image isn't terribly funny to me. :(

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Can we lay off the old geezer jokes before they get out of hand?

As someone who was a caregiver for nearly a decade,  that image isn't terribly funny to me. :(

I agree with you 100%, SilverWook.


Seriously? I could see him doubling for Ford in long shots and the like.

Where were you in '77?


Ford's injury has just been mentioned on the BBC news here in the U.K.  It says there's going to be a 'condition update' in 15 mins. time...  I'll stay tuned and let you know.

*update* - The news said that the 'dark side of the Force' had hit the production, and that Ford was immediately taken by air-ambulance (helicopter) from the set at Pinewood Studios to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford yesterday, and was kept in overnight with a suspected broken ankle - which isn't good when it comes to 71 year old folks, as bones are likely to be more brittle when it comes to healing etc. 

He's still in there it seems (it's a 'National Health Service' hospital, not a private one, by the way), but no further update on his progress is being given by the hospital at the moment.  The news item also said it was unconfirmed whether the section of set that fell on him was from the 'Millennium Falcon' itself or not, but that the 'health and safety' procedures on the set would likely be under scrutiny now.

I don't care what universe you're from, that's gotta hurt!  No reward is worth this! etc, etc.  Get well soon Harrison.


When he said he wanted George to kill Han off, I don't think he meant literally...

Bad jokes aside, I'm sure LucasFilm will be paying top dollar to get him well again... any price isn't too high to keep these three going through production. England has great services and I'm sure they'll do their best here as well. Plus Harrison is a tough old coot. Best wishes nonetheless.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Has John Radcliffe Hospital got a Bacta Tank?

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


A pic of the (ugly ass) door that fell on him.

EDIT: didn't realise linking to the Sun would be so bad. See link a few posts down...


"STAR Wars actors are in revolt after Harrison Ford was crushed in a near tragic accident on the set of the new movie."

? I assume this is a scam to get subscribers for thesun? Also makes the door image questionable. 

They probably let the previous image leakers go (or, in fact, permitted it). But if someone is actually leaking images to tabloids about an on set injury, maybe they'll actually get fired. Good chance it's some nobody anyway.


Any chance we can not link to The Sun? It's an offensive rag that does nothing but lie. It should not be encouraged.


We have sleazy tabloids on this side of the pond too. Take all spoilers with a grain of salt, no matter the source.

It's been said elsewhere it was the Falcon's hatch. Whether it's made of wood or fiberglass, how heavy could it be?

I wish there was some way we could all sign and send Mr. Ford a get well soon card.

Where were you in '77?


I think the idea that it is the door hurt him is speculation.

I agree about not linking to thesun. I've actually seen it forbidden on another forum (as they had run trashy lie 'articles' related to the subject discussed there. Kremlin might know it, based on his avatar). I think banning is extreme, but discouraging it makes sense as the page being linked to is just clickbait.

I recommend just hotlinking to the image you wanted to share. The fact that they make it difficult to do makes it all the more important to do so. :)
