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Episode III: Revenge of the Ridiculousness — Page 51


SilverWook said:

I found his character saying "Come on! Direct me!" unintentionally hilarious. I'm sure he wanted to say that on the prequels more than once. ;)

I wonder if it would play to have him say that while he runs past Smurf Lucas outside the opera.

I also like that he says "babe" several times.


TV's Frink said:

SilverWook said:

I found his character saying "Come on! Direct me!" unintentionally hilarious. I'm sure he wanted to say that on the prequels more than once. ;)

I wonder if it would play to have him say that while he runs past Smurf Lucas outside the opera.

I also like that he says "babe" several times.

 YES! Do it!

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TV's Frink said:

I just popped Virgin Territory into my PC and the first thing that came up was a 3+ minute trailer for Rock of Love With Bret Michaels


 Yeah, that made no sense at all. The movie is pretty bawdy, but has nothing in common with reality show sleaze. Sorry I forgot to warn you about it.

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Where were you in '77?


Don't worry, I was tipped off by an extra on the back of the box.

"Censored Scenes of Sexuality"


doubleofive said:

Hot dog, I miss Rock of Love.

I mean, what, huh?

 lol, busted.


TV's Frink said:

Don't worry, I was tipped off by an extra on the back of the box.

"Censored Scenes of Sexuality"

 Actually I meant the tv show trailer. I am curious how the movie dodged an NC-17 though. ;)

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Where were you in '77?


That gives me an idea that I could actually use.  One of the censored scenes (I think...er...since I would never watch them...er....) has a full frontal nudity shot.  I could include it as a dream sequence, but put a black box over her entire body.  Similar to the TV cut of The Room.


Scratch that, Hayden is not in that scene.  But his love scene in Factory Girl would work perfectly.


Yes, full censored squares! I've been tempted to make a fan edit that replicates The Room Adult Swim cut, but I really don't want to have to study Tommy Wiseau in that detail. :-/

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TV's Frink said:

That gives me an idea that I could actually use.  One of the censored scenes (I think...er...since I would never watch them...er....) has a full frontal nudity shot.  I could include it as a dream sequence, but put a black box over her entire body.  Similar to the TV cut of The Room.

 You almost read my mind. There's that scene with Hayden in a bathtub with the naughty nuns you could censor. I thought that could be what's on the security hologram Obi Wan reacts to. ;)

The only SFW shot I could find...

JEDIT:And now it comes up broken. >_<

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Where were you in '77?


^Picture no worky, but don't worry about it, I know the scene.

Boy, you weren't kidding about his agent on this one as well.  He spends half the movie pretending to be dumb and deaf (insert Anakin joke here), and is absent for much of the other half.   And the movie is really, really bad, including (what I can only assume is) the worst cover of Simple Minds "Don't You."  I will admit to laughing at some of the lines the "priest" had, but overall this is garbage.

But at least it wasn't a biopic ;-)

Related to this edit, it's going to be weird trying to use this because Hayden has a pretty atrocious accent...although it's very Costner-like in that it keeps coming and going.  There are some gems, however, such as "kill me today, you'll still be an ugly [REDACTED] tomorrow."


It's mild compared to New York I Love You, where he sounds like he's trying to do Rocky Balboa. Glad I found youtube clips which saved me the trouble of tracking the DVD down.

It was a damn good thing I wasn't eating when the dream sequence came up. Those flying "creatures" were terrifying. ;)

"He's a toad." could be used as Yoda insult.

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

It was a damn good thing I wasn't eating when the dream sequence came up. Those flying "creatures" were terrifying. ;)

 I'll admit to laughing at that one as well.


Watched Virgin Suicides, and wow am I now depressed.  Unfortunately Hayden has something like four lines in it, and he's so young he barely sounds recognizable.  Not sure if I'll be able to use any of it.


But...but...I put a post-it note with the time index on the box, so you didn't have to watch the whole thing!

Couldn't Hayden's "don't let this one die a virgin" line be shifted in pitch, to sound like post puberty Hayden?

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Where were you in '77?


I know, but I figured I might as well watch it now that I own it.

The pitch shifting never sounds good to me, but I might be able to use that line anyway.


If he says it after the Vader mask goes on, you can distort the heck out of it. ;)

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Where were you in '77?


Watched Takers.  My thoughts align pretty well with this review.


Hayden as a criminal, especially with his ridiculous hat, tattoos, and aforementioned tank top, is unintentionally hilarious.  I wonder if I can work a few shots of him into a dream sequence or something.

Next up is Life as a House.  Then I have to watch Shattered Glass again (*sigh*) as the script file with my notes seems to have disappeared.  Then I can start editing again, armed with a lot of new dialogue.


As he's beating up those thugs with a broomstick, (they could owe Palpatine money, or it's a company that makes sand) how hard would it be for someone to make it into a lightsaber? (Bob Garcia, where are you?) Or just dub the saber sound FX into it.

Life as a House was a tough one for me on account of the major plot point, but Hayden is pretty good in it. And he looks like a teen goth sith for the first half. If not for the talent involved, it would be a Lifetime cable tv movie or something. Hayden sat down for some of the extras, so be sure to check those out and the deleted scenes.

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Where were you in '77?


Ooh, thanks for the heads up there.  If I'm lucky they'll even be subbed, which would save me the pain of transcribing.


Hayden made this after AOTC, but it was released first, so it was interesting to hear him talk about playing Anakin before anyone saw the movie.

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Where were you in '77?


TV's Frink said:

Watched Takers.  My thoughts align pretty well with this review.


Hayden as a criminal, especially with his ridiculous hat, tattoos, and aforementioned tank top, is unintentionally hilarious.  I wonder if I can work a few shots of him into a dream sequence or something.

Next up is Life as a House.  Then I have to watch Shattered Glass again (*sigh*) as the script file with my notes seems to have disappeared.  Then I can start editing again, armed with a lot of new dialogue.

I salute your bravery and dedication to your ridiculousness art.

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