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Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released) — Page 63

I've been gone for a month or so (and I'm not sure how fequent it will be for a while), but I wanted to throw my 2 cents in...
And I'm gonna be quick...
First nigthclub scene: Just amazing! The editing, the Blade Runner clips, the ambiance...wow! I was entranced! And I actually liked the smoke shot you had at the end of the scene...although it would help if you could add the top of a building or something.

I never had a big problem with the voice, but the second take was much better on delivery!
Honestly, the sync problem bugs me the most. It's really close...but it's still not there.
My DVD player gets out of sync sometimes...it'll be off by a spilt second, but I know instantly when it happens. Something just feels off, ya know? So, I don't really have a solution to this, but I felt I should throw that out there.
I hate focusing on the negative... So I'll end on a positive note: I think this edit is gonna take fan edits to a whole new level!

SSWR’s YouTube channel

Attack of the Clones: Alternate Timeline Edit Thread:

You know, even though I'm glad you ditched the stupid changeling subplot, that bit of nightclub dialogue sounds a bit silly without it.

Obiwan: "Do you see him?"

Anakin: "I think he is a she."


Obi wan: "In that case, be extra careful."

I dunno, just thought I'd mention that.


I think it's supposed to be comedic.
I think it was original written this way, with Obi being sarcastic. The changling plot was added in because... well it was just added in. Hey, its the PT. (ever thought what cool things they could have done with a changling? It could have been a whole plot about a fugitive being on the lose. Could have had it take on the form of Obi-Wan or Anakin. I don't get the whole Duku hires Jango the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, who rather than proving his best bounty hunter in the galaxiness hires this changling, who has a little floating robot place some giant centipeds in Padme's bed. Why didn't the changling just make herself look like on of Padme's guards, or better yet, one of her handmaidens then kill her in her sleep.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Yeah, the whole Changling thing really was pointless. Too much like Star Trek.

Lucas may have been trying to set up Palpatine as one of these Changlings, but opted instead for the "Mace augments his own Force lightning against him" scenario. I don't think he had any idea how to handle Palps' transformation, and may've been trying to set a precendent for it with this character. Who knows really?

In any case, it was dumb, and TM is right for cutting it out completely.


Infodroid: In any case, it was dumb, and TM is right for cutting it out completely.


I totally agree, and to me the humor of "in that case, be extra careful [because he is a she]" feels like the kind of topical humor that was in the OT ("One thing's for sure, we're all gonna be a lot thinner!") and is almost totally missing in the PT.

I think the new performance in the Cantina is a total success. I'm impressed that you feel up for this, TM-- seeing how late in the game this is. Your dedication is just another reason this edit is going to have such a prized position on my shelf. I was prepared to "adjust" myself to whatever level of blending-in you were able to get with the dubbed voices. This new performance is going to help a lot.

If you haven't seen them, you may want to check out the Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki films. Each region 1 dvd has a feature on dubbing the film into English and there are plenty of video clips of the voice actors reading their lines. Animation is probably a lot easier than live action but it could help.

Take back the trilogy. Execute Order '77


Well, I think one of the keys to dubbing animation is to over act a little since regardless of the quality of animation you just don't have the subtle nuances of facial expression. Or body language to convey the entirety of what you are saying. - this of course doesn't really count facial motion capture [or films where Tom Hanks plays every single character...]

i guess the best recourse is to try some scenes at various levels and see what fits best. Voice acting is quite an art and there are a lot of profesionals that just don't seem to have it right.

Glad to see you are taking the Criticisms seriously as you are putting so much into this project as a whole yet the previous attempts at dubbing Anakin were somewhat lacking and lets face it - Distracting at best. The new attempt is much improved and if you go on as you are now I think you've got a winning formula.

Kinda like the reverse of George here, You tried something, it was kind of awkward, people were honest with you about it and now you are working to improve it

sidenote - anyone seen the English dubbed version of Night Watch? I was amased at how well it was dubbed. I've seen great films ruined by terrible dubbing and hopefully SOTDS WONT be one of those.

At the end of the Day this really just has to make 1 person happy but for listening you have my support, and i'm sure just about everybody now.

Originally posted by: Johnny Ringo

sidenote - anyone seen the English dubbed version of Night Watch? I was amased at how well it was dubbed. I've seen great films ruined by terrible dubbing and hopefully SOTDS WONT be one of those.

I agree, Night Watch does have one of the more tolerable English dubs that I've seen.
Light speed too slow??
I didn't even try the dubbed version of nightwatch, I'll go have a listen.

Hmmm rmvb? Is that real media or something like that?

The last line certainly sounded better.
This is the first chance I've had to see any of these clips. Hearing that voice coming out of Hayden Christiansen's mouth is a bit spooky, but definitely believeable. Good work, TrooperMan!
I am NOT a committee!
Thanks again for giving me feedback, everyone. I'm rerecording the dialogue now, but I'm not looking at the footage and trying to achieve perfect lip-synch. I've read the lines so many times that I will be able to make them synch.

And I'll check out some of those animated "making-of" docs- it sounds very interesting.

Sorry I don't have any more to report- I'm working finalizing and encoding the video, and after that, I'll begin replacing the old recordings with the new ones to get the best performance and sound. In a fairly short time frame....


Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

Take your time, Trooperman! Nobody is making you finish this by a certain time; we only want you to make the best edit possible.

Please don't rush this; take as much time as you need!


I know nobody's going to come out and say it, but I think it's pretty safe to say that we're all impatient for this to come out (myself included). I think I can carry it off by March if all works out well and I can get all of those new recordings in on time.

But if worst comes to worst, I will release it May 25, 2007. And that is the ABSOLUTE deadline.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

nice choice of date....following a certain tradition since it's been two years since the last SW movie

The Sith Revealed - A Scrapbook
Episode III The Video Game - The Movie
24: The Missing Day
Star Wars - The Interactive Board Game DVD
Battlefront - Journal of the 501st
The Clones Revealed

email me for details daveytod AT btinternet DOT com


Ah, that is interesting!

And, yeah, we want to see the edit, but I think I can speak for everyone who has said to take your time that we sincerely mean it, and don't want to put any extra pressure on you that might make things worse than they would have been before. Do what you have to.
Two-Face - A Batman:The Animated Series Movie
Thanks for the encouragement.

Actually, I’d been meaning to ask all of you something- As I’m screening the movie again and making my list of video corrections, I come to the issue of subtitles.

How do you think the subtitles should be handled? Burned in on the actual frame (‘93/’95 font), burned in on the lower black bar (‘93/’95 font), or player-generated? I like the “burned in on the actual frame” option because it gives me the feeling that it is exactly as it would be presented in a theatre; also, it enables me to make the captions fade quickly in and out, which I couldn’t do were the subtitles player-generated. I’ve checked, and the actual subtitles for the theatrical prequels (not on official DVD) DID fade in and fade out.

This is a good time for any last thoughts anyone has about subtitles…

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

Burned into the frame sounds great! It just looks better that way. The player-generated letters always look blocky and not-quite-right.


Unless they are Japanese, I'll always vote for burnt in.
Burned into the black bars and as a DVD subtitle track.

That way people can remove them easily if they don't want them, and the subtitle track means anyone can easily change them to another language later.
Originally posted by: Laserman
Burned into the black bars and as a DVD subtitle track.

That way people can remove them easily if they don't want them, and the subtitle track means anyone can easily change them to another language later.

Maybe I'm confused regarding the meaning of "burned-in," but I'm pretty sure if they're burned in (i.e. part of the actual video) there's no way to remove them.

Light speed too slow??
I'd vote for burned in, as long as you make sure everything is spelled right and is grammatically correct. Otherwise, it'll annoy the hell out of me everytime I watch it.

Although... If MagFan had burned in his subtitles for Balance of the Force, we'd never have been blessed with ADigitalMan's (in my opinion) far superior set of subtitles.

Something to think about.


Burned into the video, not in the black bars. Like the they are in theaters.