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Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released) — Page 34

Originally posted by: Erikstormtrooper
Your re-edited fight with Mace and Sidious is excellent. By cutting out all the crap (Sidious' ridiculous faces, Sidious hopping around like a frog on crack), you actually made it seem better than it is. Bravo. Now you just need to recolor Mace's saber

Did you move the part with Anakin ahead a little? It looks like you did, and it stretched out the beginning of the fight so that it seems like the other Jedi weren't so easyily taken out by Sidious.
Yeah, I moved the arrival sequence ahead to intercut with the initial Jedi/Palpatine confrontation. When Mace draws his lightsaber back in preparation for Palpatine's attack, it's the perfect place for a cutaway to Anakin.
Originally posted by: Erikstormtrooper
One suggestion: is there any way that you can edit the sceene to give Anakin even less dialog before he cuts off Mace's arm?... If you think about it, he had all that time in the Jedi Council room to think about what he needed to do, so he should be determined by the time he gets to Palpatine's office.

This is a very cool idea. I'll see what I might be able to do. It would go a long way to making Anakin's turn to the Dark Side more concrete.
Originally posted by: Erikstormtrooper
Did you happen to read my thoughts on having Anakin/Vader die in ROTS back at the top of this page in the Starkiller Ranch thread (http://www.originaltrilogy.com/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=9&threadid=3886&STARTPAGE=11)?

I looked from page 11 through page 14, but I can't seem to find it in the thread...

LUKE: What's going on?

HAN: Our position is correct, except...no, ROTS message!

LUKE: What do you mean? Where is it?

HAN: Thats what I'm trying to tell you, kid. It ain't there. It's been
totally blown away.

LUKE: What? How?

All apologies for getting off-thread.

Hey, don't apologize- I too was much more impressed with this clip than with your opening (although you did some interesting stuff there). I'll tell you what I liked about that clip- I loved the way that you cut away from the scene, and you cut back to the Jedi being chopped down. This is more dramatically effective, and as mentioned, it makes it seem as though there was a fight BEFORE he started chopping down Jedi. Good idea! Also nice was of course your omission of most of Palpatine's faces and his ridiculous CG stunt. And I liked the way that Mace doesn't mince words any more. Obviously the music needs some work, but more specifically, I don't know about starting the force lightning offscreen. It doesn't seem quite as dramatic as seeing him actually do it. I'd also put in a few more close-ups of Anakin, especially a longer shot of Anakin looking in wonder at Palpatine's power. (See, in my Ep. II all of the force lightning is edited out. This is the first time we see it in the saga. I'm not sure if that would affect your cut, though).

The only other thing I'm not sure about is how Anakin watches a great deal of the saber battle. Now, I understand the reason you did this (because you used the Anakin landing sequence earlier so that you could cut away from the Palpatine confrontation. Now, you have no choice but to use a shot to break up the two halves of the Windu/Palpatine battle- otherwise you have a skip in the action. I'd still see if there was a way around that, though.

Say- the general idea of that clip was very good, though. I think the lack of emotion can be solved with an effective music cue and more shots of Anakin. I actually think I can use both ideas- I can do the dream as I'd envisioned, and then I can cut the sequence your way to imply that he is indeed revealing his true identity. I just recently found a shot perfect for the Ep. III dream, though, so I think that'll work. Perhaps I can use your cut as a base for mine when I get to it in a few months (obviously, there are some music things I'll do differently, as well as the Anakin dubbing, the purple saber rotoscoping, and etc.), but it seems like you also have ambition to make the prequels great. Welcome to the club, darkhelmet!


OK, guys- I finally got around to writing the two Lama-Su scenes for Nanner Split to record. This was actually really fun (especially the second scene) because I could make him say anything that came into my head. Here's some of it:

Lama-Su: But I’m sure he would have been proud of the army we’ve built for him.

Kenobi: The army?

Lama-Su: You amuse me, Kenobi. (slow zoom). You came to inspect the clones, did you not? Your army of slaves?

Ominous motif begins. Close-up of Obi-Wan (realizing that something's really fishy here). Close-up of Lama-Su.

Kenobi: Yes ,yes (he decides to play along). Tell me, Prime Minister, when my master first contacted you, did he say who it was for?

Lama-Su: Of course he did. This army is for the Republic. (close-up of Kenobi).

Lama-Su: (laugh) Our noxious atmosphere must have dulled your senses on the way in, my friend. The sensation will soon pass away. Come, come. I will show you the clones at once.

Obi-Wan follows in silence.

You see, I'm able to develop his character however I want. It gets better in scene 2, as I'm able to talk about anything and everything- how clones aren't moral but they're doing it anyway, about how Fett was the last Mandalorian, about how Fett kept a natural son for himself and the mother is unknown. This is one of the most fun parts of doing this edit- being able to reveal all this character information that wasn't written in previously.

OK- here's the thing I need to figure out before I send him the lines. I've realized that since I'm dubbing Lama-Su, I've found a way through a couple of dialogue edits to actually change Jango Fett's name to whatever I want. I don't know why this didn't occur to me before, and I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that "Jango" is kind of ridiculous. But what should his name be?

Jim Fett?
Mark Fett?
Robert Fett?

I'd just like a return to the normal OT type names, like Luke, Ben, and Han. I'm not so good with names, so I'd like some suggestions


Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

I think it should stay as "Jango" because it does not sound anymore worse than "Bobba" does.

That is an amazing tranformation of that scene now, it adds a more "adult" dialouge tone to the whole cloning situation.

However, Jim, Mark, or Robert Fett........I don't think i'm swinging with that. I mean the name Luke is cool on it's own. Ben is not necessarily his name, and Han is not a natural "earth" name at all. Lando, Leia, Bobba, Jabba, vader, anakin.......these arn't reflective of average "joe" names on earth. I think Jango is a REALLY REALLY cool name for Star wars. However, what if you took away "Fett" and simply made him Jango? Just so there is not soo much "Fett" relation all over the saga. Just an idea..
Ha ha! Obviously I wouldn't use Jim or Mark or anything like that- it doesn't feel right. However, I've seen so many complaints about the names in the prequels, and "Dooku" and "Jango" were always high on the list. I realized that I could change "Jango" to whatever you guys come up with. But if you like "Jango", that's OK too- it wasn't really a sore point with me.

That is an amazing tranformation of that scene now, it adds a more "adult" dialouge tone to the whole cloning situation.

Thanks! I like writing.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

On every update for this project Trooperman you amaze me with what your are doing to this film! I don't know if I can wait till spetember lol.
Barfallonyou Fett.

I actually would vote for Mark Fett, but that's just me. And for the record, Han is a real world name.
I always wanted him to be called Bishop. I love that name because it sounds so cool and mighty.

Great cut of the palpatine fight by the way. It's much better than before...
He big in nothing important in good elephant.

"Miss you, I will, Original Trilogy..."

"Your midichlorians are weak, Old man." -Darth Vader 2007 super deluxe extra special dipped in chocolate sauce edition.

I don't know if you've already gone too far for this, or if you've already decided to do this, but something always bothered me about episodes 2 and 3--the fact that lightsabers just slice through things like they were butter. Of course that's what a real lightsaber probably does, but in episode 1 (my favorite one of the PT now after going through them all objectively) when a lightsaber hits something, it's not so much of a slice as much as it is a smack! And it's very satisfying--check out the first few scenes when they're slicing up the battle droids to see what I mean. It makes it seem like it's harder to use a lightsaber rather than in the other two prequels where you can swing the thing around willy nilly and do just fine.

Anyway, just a thing I was gonna do if I ever reedited the films

Oh! btw--sweet Palpatine sequence, the idea that he was fried with his own lightening doesn't seem as gay a premise the way that's edited!

Spaced Out - A Stoner Odyssey (five minute sneak peek)

PaulisDead I agree with you. The lightsabers should look like there is some kind effort in wielding them. In episode 2 Anikan barley touches the Raiders neck and his flops right off. it needs to look like he has actually been hit and not just tapped.


I actually would vote for Mark Fett, but that's just me.

Better than Mark would be…Marcus. Marcus Fett.

That has a nice ring to it- I kind of like it. I know it’s a name in “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, but I still like it.

And that's a very good suggestion (regarding the lightsabers in Eps. II and III). I'll see what I can do about that. In the original "Star Wars", when Luke first fired up the lightsaber, it just seemed so powerful and filled with energy- and not commonplace at all. I'll see what I can do.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

I was not to fond of the idea of changing the name, but"Marcus" truly does sound great. I hope this is the name you choose if you do decide to change it.

Ok, Marcus would do nicely, you've changed my mind.

Although I do think about Marcus from Indiana Jones when I hear that name.
Trooperman: If your going to do a trailer classic style. Have you considered using promo images to introduce the characters ala ESB teaser?

Anakin Skywalker
Obiwan Kenobi
Padmé Naberie(err, whatever her last name is)

Just a thought. Also, I don't really mind Jango as, a name but, Marcus is good too. I just thought of Jacob... Oh, and your welcome for the tutorial.

Darkhelmet: I liked your edit of the Palpatine fight. It was kind of wierd though to have the lightning start off screen.

Previous Signature preservation link

Originally posted by: Trooperman
I don't know why this didn't occur to me before, and I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that "Jango" is kind of ridiculous. But what should his name be?

Okay, this tech-saavy crowd might not like this, but what about Beta Fett?

Let the blasting commence.

You could also try a book store for books of names common (or uncommon) to other cultures. Or even, no, don't say it!... the Bible! Aaaahhhhh!

But seriously. "Endor" is in the Bible, as in "The Witch of". I think Jedi is even a Hebrew word. The Old Testament is rich with names that could probably be adapted to sound very Star Wars-like. I believe the language symbols throughout the trilogy on instrumentation panels and such are actually Hebrew characters, too.

Okay. NOW, let the blasting commence.
Originally posted by: Trooperman
Hey, don't apologize- I too was much more impressed with this clip than with your opening (although you did some interesting stuff there).
Thanks for the kind words and the critique (too much to mention here). I definitely understand your concern over the lengthy saber battle during which Anakin is MIA. I'll see what I can do.

Also, having the Emperor's lightning appear off-screen was aesthetically unappealing but necessary since I didn't have a shot to introduce it that didn't have undesirable dialogue (Emperor with ridiculously over-animated expression: "No, NO! You will die!"; never mind the fact that Mace's dialogue didn't even support such a retort). Not sure what I can do about that if anything.

It would be great to see him launch the bolts, though. My original hope was that seing the decrepit Emperor using his Force lightning would give the impression that he looked the way he did because who he really is was coming out while he used the Dark Side. If I had a shot of him frying Mace looking like the decrepit Emperor, it might work like I had hoped.
Originally posted by: Trooperman
Say- the general idea of that clip was very good, though.
Thanks again.
Originally posted by: Trooperman
I actually think I can use both ideas- I can do the dream as I'd envisioned, and then I can cut the sequence your way to imply that he is indeed revealing his true identity.
Glad I could contribute.
Originally posted by: Trooperman
I just recently found a shot perfect for the Ep. III dream, though, so I think that'll work.

Maybe I can steal your idea to make a better sequence in my re-edit?
Originally posted by: Trooperman
Perhaps I can use your cut as a base for mine when I get to it in a few months (obviously, there are some music things I'll do differently, as well as the Anakin dubbing, the purple saber rotoscoping, and etc.)...

I'd be honored if you did (but only if you do all those other wonderful tweaks as well).
Originally posted by: Trooperman
...but it seems like you also have ambition to make the prequels great. Welcome to the club, darkhelmet!

I do (at least for Episode 3). Thanks for the welcome. Glad to be a part of it.
Originally posted by: darkhelmet
Also, having the Emperor's lightning appear off-screen was aesthetically unappealing but necessary since I didn't have a shot to introduce it that didn't have undesirable dialogue (Emperor with ridiculously over-animated expression: "No, NO! You will die!"; never mind the fact that Mace's dialogue didn't even support such a retort). Not sure what I can do about that if anything.

It would be great to see him launch the bolts, though.

You could get a sound of the lightening isolated from another source, you'd just need the initial ignition. Maybe you could dub it over his left-over dialogue (doesn't it start in the middle of "die"?).

Spaced Out - A Stoner Odyssey (five minute sneak peek)

Originally posted by: PaulisDead2221
You could get a sound of the lightening isolated from another source, you'd just need the initial ignition. Maybe you could dub it over his left-over dialogue (doesn't it start in the middle of "die"?).

Yeah, I believe the lightning does begin as the Emperor says "die". I was hoping that it would appear that the Emperor's true face was the decrepit one.

Since a transformation seems to occur even the way I re-edited it, maybe that is not possible.

I was thinking of a shot showing the decrepit Emperor blasting Mace, but the audio edit might work if the original shot cuts well with the others.

Yet another detail that I need to check. Hopefully it will all be worthwhile once the re-edit is complete.

This forum is amazing. It's good to have other fans that have great feedback. Thanks for the suggestion, PaulisDead2221.
Over the past few days I've read through this entire thread (okay, so maybe I skimmed through some of the EP. I talk), and even though I was too late for a lot of the video clips that were posted (yousendit sucks for this sort of thing), the screenshots look amazing.

I just had to register to say keep up the good work, Trooperman! I Can't wait to see the SotDS finished product!

Light speed too slow??
Thanks for all the support, especially boreddusty. Thanks so much for signing up to support the project! I really didn't know what I was getting into when I first began this thing What a complicated project this is turning out to be!

Well, too bad that the OT DVD's won't be anamorphic, but as I wasn't expecting ANY kind of official release, I suppose it's better than nothing.

And the final name of the bounty hunter is... Marcus Fett. It's my favorite and met with wide approval. I have contacted "Nanner Split" with dialogue and instructions, and the recordings should be in by the end of June.

I finally sat down and tackled the second scene of the film, the scene in Palpatine's office, editing it all the way through. I had to make a couple changes to what I had planned, just to making the editing work. Firstly, to retain the long shot at the opening and maintain some kind of lip synch, Palpatine’s line “My negotations…will not fail” was moved until after Windu gets his complete thought out. “We’re keepers of the peace”, and so on. Palpatine says his line and we get a “wronged” close-up of Mace, followed by a close-up of Yoda as Palpatine says, “Master Yoda.” In response to the question, “Do you really think it will come to war,” Yoda simply says, “Impossible to see, the future is.”

Hologram audio is a little tinnier and more shrill to match OT.

OK, the big change is that Padme’s question, “Do you have any idea who’s behind the attack”, and Windu’s response about the spice miners has been reinstated. There were a couple reasons for this, one of which was that it was simply impossible to get Mace from one location to the next professionally without this shot (in which it’s obvious that he’s talking). One second he’s sitting in his chair, and the next, he appears standing next to Padme at the bottom of the stairs. This would show tell-tale signs of “fan-editing”. Also, Padme’s question is a very natural one, and actually the whole reason Yoda’s line was changed to, “In grave danger, you are” was so that Padme could actually say that line without seeming rude after Yoda’s (now cut) kind words. So those lines will stay; I know that Mace’s “intelligence” is bunk, but you don’t find that out until later. Not a big deal compared to the drawbacks of removing it.

So work continues- I have the film split into 20 parts and am working through each part in an organized fashion until each section is perfectly complete, at which point I move on to the next section. I’m not doing this in order, and there are many sections that will be easier to complete because most of the work is already done.

And thanks for the images, Twister .


There are a couple shots that I desperately need but have been unable to locate. One is for Coruscant at night, meant to go before the interrogation on the streets. The type of shot I’m looking for is this:


It adds an atmosphere I’m not achieving with any other existing shot. This angle would work as well:

I also need a shot similar to the following for the Naboo picnic scene. It is the second to last shot, preceding the final shot as they look at each other. The idea is that gray clouds are covering the sun, so that the last shot is considerably darker than the others before it. This is adding subtext and making a comment on the Anakin/Padme affair. Like it’s being frowned upon from the sky, or something of that kind; it’s up to audience interpretation. Anyhow, I desperately need a shot like this in DVD quality:


Thanks so much for your help and patience,


Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

There's a sky shot in Kurosawa's Ran that might work. It's during the attack on the one sons house by another son. It shows the sunlight's rays coming down with the sun obscured.
Perfect Cloud shot in the Truman Show... 1:27:51 in Reverse. I really think this will work

Also would recommend taking a look at Back the Future part 2, I believe the entire credit intro takes place in the clouds.
If those don't work, there are 3 shots in Top Gun worth looking at if you don't mind painting out airplanes: 11:12, 33:24 In Reverse, 1:30:16 nice pan

I hope one of these will work. Thanks!
And for the tower shot, the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, might need to be darkened, but try the 15:17 Mark and 27:48 Mark. It should blend in quite well.