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Episode 3: Fan Editing Ideas Discussion — Page 17

I agree that I presented an extreme case. I still would like some of your views. Would it improve the movie if the pre-helmet Darth Vader dress was darker and he used a lightsaber with a red blade?
On the one hand, it would be very cool to have seen Hayden fire up that red blade. On the other hand, (a) it was important that Obi Wan take his lightsaber for Luke's future and (b) it is quite emotional to see two blue blades battling each other.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Originally posted by: Darth Lars
I do not like that Luke inherits a lightsaber that has been used to kill younglings, Shaak Ti and many other Jedi, so I am thinking of replacing Anakin's saber in those scenes with a red-bladed Darth Vader-saber. I know of people on other boards who bought the Anakin ROTS FX saber before the movie came out and later returned it because they were disgusted of what it had been used for.

There emerges a problem with continuity. Obi-Wan must acquire Anakin's lightsaber somehow.
The best idea (for continuity's sake) I have so far is to let Grievous capture the saber on board the Invisible Hand and let Obi-Wan get the saber on Utapau from Cody. Then I would have to paint it away from frames with Anakin wearing it and cut the scene with Anakin pointing it at Palpatine.
Another idea is to let Obi-Wan find it in Padmé's apartment. Cutting together these shots would be a challenge. At the very least I would have to insert dialogue from other movies, and I might have to insert a closeup of a fan's hands holding a replica Anakin saber.
I am also considering altering Anakin's clothing somewhat - make it darker, less brown, maybe add a chain and the larger Darth Vader belt buckle.

This would of course involve a lot of manual work, and I am not yet sure if it would be worthwhile.
What do you other people think of these changes? Would it improve the movie or not?

Another possibility would be to colour it red as you suggested and cut the part where Obi-Wan picks it up after the duel. The Lightsaber he later gives to Luke does not have to be Anakin's, after all Obi-Wan has not been totally honest with Luke about his father anyway... It could be Obi-Wan's 'spare' saber for all we know. IMO he lies to Luke about why he is giving him the weapon in the first place so it is not such a stretch. This also cuts the workload a hell of a lot.


A fan on another board suggested that Anakin should throw away his Jedi lightsaber when he says "What have I done..." indicating that he is not worthy of being a Jedi. Maybe later, Sidious would give him the Darth Vader lightsaber, followed by Anakin's line "Thank you my master". (originally from the first scene)

It should be implied that Yoda would find Anakin's Jedi lightsaber on Coruscant. Yoda would later give it to Obi-Wan saying "Pass this on when the time is right". The latter scene might be hard to get.. but it would solve a few problems.

The Sith knighting ceremony is transferred to the hologram that Obi-Wan and Yoda watches in the Jedi recording room. The long "Darth ... Vader" with pause in the middle is replaced with Ian McDiarmid saying "Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith" from the "Musical Journey" DVD (came with soundtrack).
Originally posted by: Darth Lars
A fan on another board suggested that Anakin should throw away his Jedi lightsaber when he says "What have I done..." indicating that he is not worthy of being a Jedi. Maybe later, Sidious would give him the Darth Vader lightsaber, followed by Anakin's line "Thank you my master". (originally from the first scene)

It should be implied that Yoda would find Anakin's Jedi lightsaber on Coruscant. Yoda would later give it to Obi-Wan saying "Pass this on when the time is right". The latter scene might be hard to get.. but it would solve a few problems.

The Sith knighting ceremony is transferred to the hologram that Obi-Wan and Yoda watches in the Jedi recording room. The long "Darth ... Vader" with pause in the middle is replaced with Ian McDiarmid saying "Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith" from the "Musical Journey" DVD (came with soundtrack).

I like this idea!

Well, it doesn't exactly solve the fabled continuity problem in ANH. Only makes it worse, IMO.
"The things that stick in my mind and make me laugh were, like, memos worried about whether or not the Wookie should have pants. They're looking at this thing and saying, "Couldn't he have some lederhosen?" This is great. Of all the things to worry about, the Wookie has no pants." -Mark Hamill
I think Anakin should use a red lightsaber and should get it basically after he turns, I think Palps's lightsaber which he uses to fight Mace should be changed into Vader's one form the original trilogy and have Mace kick it out of Palp's hand to his left onto the floor instead of out the window, then after Sidious says "and we shall have peace" add a bit afterwards where Anakin picks up his lightsaber and just as he's leaving he gets stopped by Sidious who picks up his lightsaber and gives it to Vader (or Anakin) saying "your sith lightsaber" and Anakin replies "thankyou my master" and then the scene ends and goes to the marching on the temple with replaced music instead of the battle theme music.

If that happens then how Obi-wan gets the blue lightsaber is that Vader uses the sith lightsaber through the rest of the film and then at the very end of the duel just after obiwan says "it's over Anakin I have the high ground" when it takes a view from behind obiwan and you see Anakin from a distance just before it goes to him saying "you underestimate my power" have Anakin pull out and ignite the second lightsaber, because at that point he's so angry at Obiwan he'll do anything to show off his true power and kill obiwan, then he jumps at obiwan, gets legs cut, jedi lightsaber lands on the ground (as well as the sith lightsaber) and obiwan picks it up and at this point he's too distracted by the fact his apprentice has been all cut up, is shouting I hate you at him and is then burning to notice the Sith lightsaber, and then you assume that Sidious picks the Sith lightsaber up after the scene where he puts his hand on Anakin's head.
Yeah that would be great, because that edit would be totaly possible!

Really if you wanted to turn his sabre red, it still makes perfect sence with Obi giving the sabre to Luke, as it is pretty clear it is the same sabre that Anakin has clip to his belt through the entire film. Just introduce the red sabre when Anakin ignites his sabre in front of the younglings. That easily implies that Palpatine gave him a new one, we don't need some impossible and complicated scene to explain this.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

So you think you (generic 'you' I mean) could cut the slap-in-the-face sith knighting (Darth..uhh..hmm..how about Darth...Tyrranus? no no, I already used that one, damn that was the best one...hmmm...Darth...I should do the whole 'in' prefix trick with sith names for him...Let's see, Dium? Well INdium is a rare earth metal...hmm...wait a minute! 'in'vader? invader! vader!!!, yes! Darth...VADER!) and just bring it in on the security tape?

Spaced Out - A Stoner Odyssey (five minute sneak peek)

It is an idea. I think it is far from perfect, though. The purpose would be to: 1) reduce the screen time for the post-transformation Emperor because he looks absolutely hideous, 2) letting Obi-Wan and Yoda hear the full name "Darth Vader".
Luke and Leia's theme (THEIR theme, not their individual ones, should be played over the scene where Yoda, Obi-wan, and bail discuss their safety. it should also be in the ending credits somewhere as well.

oh, yes, replace Darth VAder's "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" with Mufasa's Death Scream from the Lion King, at the very least. it would have been more believable.

Originally posted by: Darth Lars
reduce the screen time for the post-transformation Emperor because he looks absolutely hideous...

Wasn't that the point?

And I agree, Blackjack, I think we should hear parts of Luke and Leia's theme as soon as Padme first mentions she's pregnant. It should be a major part of any scenes involving the twins. Talk about missed opportunities...

And as far as the "red lightsaber" goes: Has anyone considered how a red lightsaber was going to look against a red, lava-filled Mustafar background?


I personally prefer the emotional impact of two blue sabers locked in battle against each other. It underscores how these two are supposed to be friends, but now are enemies, far better than any wooden dialogue George wrote.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.

I really want to see more edits of episode 3 in the future. It's not that I think that the movie is bad, because personally, I think it is on par with the original trilogy as it is. HOWEVER, Obi Wan's line prior to dueling Anakin about how "Only Sith deal in absolutes" desperately needs to be deleted. It is in complete contradiction to everything we've heard about the Jedi throughout the series. If it had been Anakin saying to Obi-Wan "Only Jedi deal in absolutes," to a Sith that would be a valid critisism of the Jedi Order. But as it was, it was like if Yoda said to Chewbacca "Only Wookiees are short and bald." One of the biggest reasons Palpatine got Anakin to contemplate the dark side was by convincing him that the Jedi concept of right and wrong is inferior to the "broad view of the force" that being a Sith offers. Sith use moral relativism as a selling point, so it was very bizzare to hear Obi Wan championing it in front of Anakin / Darth Vader.

Also, Padme's line "Your breaking my heart" needs to go too. It was effective for her to say "I don't know you any more," but the heartbreak line that followed felt unnatural, melodramatic, and redundant. While Obi Wan's line about Sith and absolutes is my most detested in the movie, I know plenty of people who say that Padme's heartbreak line is theirs. Also, the medical droid's line about Padme losing the will to live was pretty useless and should probably have been taken out as well.


What if General Griveous was the corpse of Nute Gunray...now that is really ironic...the puppet master of Driod armies becomes a driod.

Rebel Scumb said:Exactly. He should choose the darkside because he finds it more appealing, not due to desperation.


Great point!