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Episode 3: Fan Editing Ideas Discussion — Page 14

I forced an ass hum. Cleared a room in the process.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
I think he ment add, but mispelled it ass.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

And every theatrical viewing I saw (3) that shot got one of the biggest, if not the biggest, laugh out of the audience.

What bearing does that have on an edit? Or, even on its existence in the first place? Jar Jar and his unnecessary fart jokes were supposed to be "funny", too. People laugh at a lot of stupid stuff. And movie audiences aren't exactly the best barometer of comedy. Look at all the crap that sells millions of tickets. I mean, there was a Scooby Doo 2 .
We don't have enough road to get up to 88.
Hello. I am new to this thread. Editing ROTS is something that I want to do fer sure now that I have got the DVD.. It is much too bad to be left as is.

I would like to change the continuity errors at the end, if possible. Put a living Padmé on Alderaan and put Tarkin and the Death Star last.
I have this idea of letting each character look dreamily into a setting sun/moon/the Death Star, but I am not sure these radical edits would be possible.

I think it would be relatively easy to remove Boga the loud lizard, except for the Order 66-scene where shots have to be replaced with a newly composited Obi-Wan on a ledge.

I think it would be interesting if Imperial officers played by fans could be composited in here and there. What do you think of that idea?
Welcome aboard. It sounds quite challenging, but likely worth it. It's possible just to remove Boga's sound in the mix without having to remove all the visuals. As for the other stuff, that is a huge challenge, but if it could be done ... woah!

It almost might be worth keeping Padme's funeral intact to put forth the notion that she faked her own death.

Edit: If you could grab the shot of her from Ep II on Naboo after Anakin's nightmare and superimpose that into Alderaan, you might have something huge.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Thanks. That's a good idea, but I was thinking more of the scene with Padmé crying.

I have to ask: Is the leaked version of the film any different from the DVD?
I should be done with my own fan edit in a couple of days. This is the first one I have tried to do that I may actually finish.

I loaded all of mine into Vegas and recreated the wipes to make it as seamless as possible. What a time consuming process, but should be worth it in the end. The only thing is I have to re-encode and will lose quality. I may try an mpeg editor when I do AOTC. Try to recreate the wipes in Vegas and put them back in using Womble or cutterman?? Then I would only have to re-encode the wipes and nothing else.

Can't wait to get my hands on yours ADigitalMan to compare. I'm anxious to hear the Qui-Gon voice over.
"You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could...you never stopped to think if you should." - Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
I've done a rough cut of the film on my HD, The next step in the process is mixing/matching the soundtrack along with the new cut.

Some things I've been looking at are using the variations in voices on the Spanish/French audio track for Vaders "No" and some of the Emperor's babble.

Here are some scenes I though made more sense to Anakins transformation:

"Sidious Revealed"

Anakin: Chancellor....we just recieved a report from master Kenobi, he has engaged General Grievous.
Palpatine: We can only hope master Kenobi is up to the challenge.
Anakin: I should be there with him.
Palpatine: It's upsetting to me that the council doesn't seem to fully appreciate your talents, don't you wonder why they won't make you a Jedi master?.
Anakin: I wish I knew, more and more I get the feeling that i'm being excluded from the council....I know there are things about the force that they're not telling me.
Palpatine: They don't trust you Anakin, they see your future, they know your power will be too strong to control.

*Edit* when their backs turn to walk into the other room i've replaced the "you must break through the fog of lies"dialogue with: "Ever since I've known you you've been searching for a life greater than that of an ordinary Jedi.

Palpatine: Let me help you to know the subtleties of the force.
Anakin: How do you know the ways of the force?
Palpatine: My mentor taught me everything about the force, even the nature of the dark side.
Anakin: You know the dark side?
Palpatine: Anakin, if one is to understand the great mystery, one must studey all it's aspects.

*Cut out* "Not just the dogmatic narrow view of the Jedi"

Palpatine: If you wish to become a complete and wise leader, you must embrace a larger view of the force...be careful of the Jedi Anakin, only through me can you achive a power greater than any Jedi...learn to know the dark side of the force and you will be able to save your wife from certain death.
Anakin: What did you say?
Palpatine: use my knowledge, I beg you.

*Cut out* Everything up to......

Anakin: I'm going to turn you over to the Jedi council.
Palpatine: Of course you should but you're not sure of their intentions are you?
Anakin: I will quickly discover the truth to all of this.
Palpatine: You have great wisdom Anakin....know the power of the dark side, power to save Padme'

I actually hated to cut out Anakin threatening Palpatine with his lightsaber, and Palpatine's I feel your anger segment...But I felt that it undermined showing that Anakin was being swayed by Palpatine if he is shown wanting to kill him.

"Anakin/Windu in the hanger"

Anakin: Master Windu, I must talk to you.
Windu: Skywalker we have just recieved word that Obi- Wan has destroyed General Greivous...we're on our way to make sure the chancellor returns emergency power back to the senate.
Anakin: He won't give up his power, I just learned a (removed terrible) truth.....I think Chancellor Palpatine is a sith lord.
Windu: A sith Lord?....how do you know this?
Anakin: He knows the ways of the force....he's been trained to use the dark side.
Windu: Are you sure?
Anakin: Absolutely.
Windu: (removed: then our worst fears have been realised) We must move quickly if the Jedi order is to survive.
(removed: Master the chancellor is very powerful, you will need my help if you're going to arrest him.)
Windu: For your own good stay out of this affair...I sense a great deal of confusion in you (removed young skywalker)
Anakin: I must go master.
Windu: If what you have told me is true you will have gained my trust, but for now remain here, wait in the council chambers until we return.
Anakin: (removed yes master).

This makes Windu colder toward Anakin again brushing him aside....Anakin sounds more matter of fact about Palpatine being a sith.

And the following scenes with Windu/Palpatine/Anakin is a vast improvement, but i't's better seen than heard....and i'm sure most couldn't care less about reading all this, I thought i'd give a few examples of a few changes I made.

one thing that really bothered me is that right when obi and vader jump out on the catwalk thing, both are are trying to stay balanced and then suddenly one of those lava droids comes up in the right corner and make some noises, looks at them, and then flies away. It completely ruins the tension... it's just another "hey look, more cgi" moments.... it could be cropped out... so the focus stays on the duel and not the wiz-bang enviroment.... just food for thought.
Anakin: Master Windu, I must talk to you.
Windu: Skywalker we have just recieved word that Obi- Wan has destroyed General Greivous...we're on our way to make sure the chancellor returns emergency power back to the senate.
Anakin: He won't give up his power, I just learned a (removed terrible) truth.....I think Chancellor Palpatine is a sith lord.
Windu: A sith Lord?....how do you know this?

I really like where this edit is heading. In my case, I would remove the "I just leanred" as well, if possible. To me "I just learned a truth" sounds clunky, not as clunky as terrible truth granted, but still clunky.

Just my two cents. Also, I know I'm certainly interested in hearing your edits to the confrontation scene.

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The editing of the Mace/Anakin scene is great. Something always seemed off about that whole exchange. The one change I'd suggest in addition to yours would be:
Anakin: He won't give up his power. I just learned [EDIT] Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord.

However, I think the scene were Palpatine gradually reveals himself to Anakin is wonderful and no alterations are necessary.
the shaak ti death scene was highly dissappointing. Wisely cut

I took out all the yoda palpatine battle in my cut. and when the crane falls over the lava fall anakin does not escape it and plummets to his doom. so there is no lava surfing or any further dueling after that.

With no intercutting and half the duel gone it feels very brisk and exciting
And I dance. And I sing.
And I'm a monkey, in a long line of kings.
Originally posted by: Anakin's Mannequin
Off topic, but did anyone else get freaked out when Padme was making the whole "having the children on Naboo" speech, and when she turned to the camera, her hair was sticking up and her eyes were bugging out? Gave me a creepy Diana Ross vibe. 8|

It takes quite the DOP to make NP look so ghastly
And I dance. And I sing.
And I'm a monkey, in a long line of kings.
No offense Rebel Scumb, but if you take out soo much of the end, doesn't it make the 3rd act of ROTS quite emotion-LESS? I just think that if you cut out all of the one on one dialog, there's not much to connect to except some flashing action. Just curious.

Wow, now that's a bold cut Rebel Scumb. While I do think it would go a long way toward preserving some of the mysteries and surprises of the OT, it leaves us with one very big continuity issue. Where does Obi-Wan get Anakin's saber to give Luke in ANH?

"Luminous beings are we -- not this crude matter." ~~Master Yoda
"I find your lack of faith disturbing." ~~Lord Vader
You know what I just thought of and chuckled about for a good thirty seconds or so? Palpidious really does tell Annie that the jedi think he's a poo poo head... from a certain point of view.

Ok, back to your normal posting...
He big in nothing important in good elephant.

"Miss you, I will, Original Trilogy..."

"Your midichlorians are weak, Old man." -Darth Vader 2007 super deluxe extra special dipped in chocolate sauce edition.

Originally posted by: darthpreston
No offense Rebel Scumb, but if you take out soo much of the end, doesn't it make the 3rd act of ROTS quite emotion-LESS? I just think that if you cut out all of the one on one dialog, there's not much to connect to except some flashing action. Just curious.

Well I suppose thats up to the viewer to decide, I certainly don't find it that way, but then I always felt the emotion of the fight was waaaaaaaaay off anyways. Obi-wan lectures Anakin while he burns to death? Tells him he loved him, but doesn;t bother to help him or at the very least put him out of his misery. The talk on the landing platform remains, and without the sidious/yoda nonsense it makes the finale focus on the characters that matter to the main story, and not two supporting players just so they can have flashy fight that leads to nothing.

The dialogue afterwards remains where padme is in the hospital.

Wow, now that's a bold cut Rebel Scumb. While I do think it would go a long way toward preserving some of the mysteries and surprises of the OT, it leaves us with one very big continuity issue. Where does Obi-Wan get Anakin's saber to give Luke in ANH?

Well it doesn't perserve any of the surprises, we still see Anakin chared and burned get rescued by palpatine, and all the ensuing cyborgifcation. We can just assume he lost his limbs from the lava. He is climbing up the beach as per usual, all burned up when sidious arrives with the troopers to help him.

As for the saber, okay thats a bit of a reach, I still have the shot of Obi-wan picking it up off the ground, so presumably Anakin dropped it when he fell over the edge. Thats reaching a bit I know, but no more so then a lot of things Lucas has asked people to swallow from the prequels, and obviously if I had a shot of the saber falling from the tower to the ground where Obi-wan retrieves it I would use it.

But yeah, no secrets kept, sorry if I made it sound as though they were.

And I dance. And I sing.
And I'm a monkey, in a long line of kings.
Here's the cut I've made on the Mace/Palpatine/Anakin confrontation I mentioned earlier:

I'm pretty happy with it, but I've always learned that you should always be open to suggestions.

The cuts i've made during the Palpatine/Mace duel limit the amount of awkward facial expressions and a few uncoordinated looking moves by Ian with a lightsaber.

Palpatine: Master Windu, I take it General Grevious has been destroyed then.....I must say you are here sooner than expected.
Windu: In the name of the Galactic senate of the Republic you're under arrest Chancellor.
Palpatine: Are you threatening me master Jedi?
Windu: The senate will decide your fate.
Palpatine: I am the senate.
Windu: Not yet.
Palpatine: It's treason then.

*Edit* Palpatine spins through the air, lands and instantly stabs a Jedi, instead of the momentary delay. Also while Windu and Palpatine are fighting, some of Palps facial expressions are removed, and a few snippets which make Palpatine appear to be much more graceful with a lightsaber.

everything else remains the same up until the dialoge starts again:

Windu: You are under arrest my lord.
Palpatine: Anakin, I told you it would come to this, I was right, the Jedi are taking over.
Windu: The opression of the Sith will never return, you have lost.
Palpatine (removed no,no) no, you will die (shooting lightning).

(removed the Mace/Palp dialogue "He's a trator, he's is the traitor") small cuts to remove wording the dialogue.

Palpatine: (Palps transforming) I have the power to save the ones you love (removed "you must choose")

(Removed "don't listen to him Anakin")

Palpatine: Don't let him kill me...I can't hold it any longer, I can't, I'm weak, i'm too weak....Help me, help me.
Windu: I'm going to end this one and for all.
Anakin: you can't, he must stand trial.
Windu: he has control of the senate and the courts, he's too dangerous to be kept alive.
Palpatine: Oh, don't kill me please.

(removed, it's not the Jedi way)

Anakin: He must live.
Palpatine: please don't.
Anakin: I need him.
Palpatine: Please don't.
Anakin: no!

Anakin slices off Mace's hand (I totally removed palpatine yelling "power.....unlimited power" remaining is Windu being zapped by lightning then flying out the window to his death.

(removed "what have I done?")

Anakin slumps down...palpatine rises.
Palpatine: You are fulfilling your destiny Anakin......become my apprentice.

(removed "I will do whatever you ask")
(removed "gooood"

Anakin: just help me save Padme's life, I can't live without her.
Palpatine: To cheat death is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret.
Anakin: I pledge myself to your teachings.

revoved/cut the first "good", kept the second one in

Palpatine: The force is strong with you....a powerful sith you will become, henceforth, you shall be known as darth.....vader.

(removed "thank you my master"

Palpatine: rise...

removed yoda feeling the disturbance

Palpatine: because the council did not trust you my young apprentice, i believe you are the only Jedi with no knowledge of this plot.....when the Jedi learn what has transpired here, they will kill us along with all the senators.
Anakin: I agree.
Palpatine: The councils next move will be against the senate.....every single jedi (removed "including your friend obi-wan kenobi") is now an enemy of the republic.
Anakin: I understand master.
Palpatine: we must move quickly, the jedi are relentless, if they are not all destroyed it will be civil war without end.....first i want you to go to the jedi temple, we will catch them off-balance, do what must be done lord vader, do not hesitate, show no mercy, only then will you be strong enough with the darkside.

(removed "to save padme" since Palps just stated he didn't know the secret yet.)

Anakin: what about the other Jedi spread across the galaxy?
Palpatine: their betrayal will be delt with.....after you have (replaced "killed" with "eliminated") all the jedi in the temple, go to the Mustafar system, wipeout viceroy gunray and the other seperatist leaders

(removed "once more, the sith will rule the galaxy")

Palpatine: and we shall have peace.

This was by far the most difficult section of the movie to edit because some of the uneven dialogue had to be left in, this is what i've come up with so far, if anyone has some other interesting variations i'd love to hear them.

Also thanks for the suggestions of removing "i just learned a truth" and just keeping "He won't give up his power, I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord" in the Mace/Anakin segment...It seems like an obvious improvement that i didn't think of.
I cut a couple of big chunks out of Palpatine/Mace. The biggest and most effective one was straight from "You can't" to "I need him" and then straight to Anakin firing up his blade. Too much dialogue at a critical moment.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
I'm suprised I haven't heard of more people taking a stab at cleaning up this movie, IMO it's easily the best of the prequels, and shows the most promise with some re-working here and there.

Before I finish (which will probably be awhile considering my limitations with hardware/time) I'd like to get my hands on as many ROTS fan edits as possible, to compare and evaluate with. Every time I see a new edit there is something that catches me off guard in how clever and simple it was, yet I completely missed it.

well anyone thinking of putting in the shaak-ti death scene must be mad, that's bloomin awful.

the death is poorly acted, (she's rubbish, whoevers under that makeup) and then the whole, lets go through the fuel tubes thing. pulease.

that reminds me of that scene at the end of galaxy quest when they're going through the access tunnels on the ship and for no reason there are these giant crushing mechanical arms.

terrible scene
When a woman says yes, she means no - when she says maybe, she means no.

as for Palpatine vs Mace, I thought this was the most troubled sequence in the movie, but it couldn't be cut as it is crucial, so here's what did to it if anyone is curious

Palpatine: Master Windu, I take it General Grevious has been destroyed then.....I must say you are here sooner than expected.
Windu: In the name of the Galactic senate of the Republic you're under arrest Chancellor.
Palpatine: I am the senate.

Palpatine stands, saber ejects, ignites all very fast. palpatine's spin attack cut, just see him charge. frames trimmed so he appears to be a lot faster and catches darthmaul style jedi by complete surprise instead of three jedi masters standing there like chumps/

more frames trimmed as kit and other jedi die, and mace exits into hallway. fight reduced down to bare essentials and best shots. All cutaways of anakin arriving are gone. The window shatters, cut to mace giving Palpatine a boot to the head.

Anakin enters.

Windu: The opression of the Sith will never return, you have lost.

Anakin walks up to watch

Windu: I'm going to end this one and for all.

Mace raises saber, anakin ignites his, severe's Mace's arm

Palpatine (removed no,no,no), you will die! (shooting lightning). **still looks human**

Mace gets fried goes out the window

Palpatine sighs with satisfaction, his true face revealed.

(removed "what have I done?")

Anakin slumps down...palpatine rises.
Palpatine: You are fulfilling your destiny Anakin......become my apprentice, learn to use the darkside of the force.

Anakin: I pledge myself to your teachings.

Palpatine: good... very good.

Palpatine: The force is strong with you....a powerful sith you will become, henceforth, you shall be known as darth.....vader.

Anakin: thank you my master

Palpatine: rise...

removed yoda feeling the disturbance

Palpatine: because the council did not trust you my young apprentice, i believe you are the only Jedi with no knowledge of this plot.....when the Jedi learn what has transpired here, they will kill us along with all the senators.
Anakin: I agree.
Palpatine: The councils next move will be against the senate.....every single jedi (removed "including your friend obi-wan kenobi") is now an enemy of the republic.
Anakin: I understand master.
Palpatine: we must move quickly, the jedi are relentless, if they are not all destroyed it will be civil war without end.....first i want you to go to the jedi temple, we will catch them off-balance, do what must be done lord vader, do not hesitate, show no mercy, only then will you be strong enough with the darkside.

(removed "to save padme" since Palps just stated he didn't know the secret yet.)

Anakin: what about the other Jedi spread across the galaxy?
Palpatine: their betrayal will be delt with.....after you have killed all the jedi in the temple, go to the Mustafar system, wipeout viceroy gunray and the other seperatist leaders

Palpatine: once more, the sith will rule the galaxy! and we shall have peace.

bare in mind in my version there is no subplot about Padme dying in child birth and anakin seeking a way to prevent this

Also thanks for the suggestions of removing "i just learned a truth" and just keeping "He won't give up his power, I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord" in the Mace/Anakin segment...It seems like an obvious improvement that i didn't think of.

I axed the whole scene
And I dance. And I sing.
And I'm a monkey, in a long line of kings.