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Episode 1: The Phantom Hour (Completed) — Page 3


The edit is now complete! I feel like I have constructed narratively what I set out to do, and managed to keep the pacing where I like it!

Now... is anyone out there willing to throw together some cover art for this? If so, please let me know! (Also would love for someone to make me a professional looking DVD, but not holding my breath there :P)

So, expect this heavily cut, hour long edit to make it online in the next week or so! Thanks, everyone who has helped out!

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


Okay, I can finally say this for certain: This edit is finally complete and available for viewing. Possibly on fanedit.info ;P

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


Yeah, actually. The title is Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Hour and there are no Gungans except for Jar Jar. Other than that, please feel free to come up with something!

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


Anyone who has a chance to watch this, I would love to hear what you think of it!

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000



Did anyone ever get a chance to watch this? I'd be happy to hand this concept over to someone with better editing skills than myself. 

However, the edit is complete and IMHO fixes Episode 1 on a far larger scale than anything else I've seen. 

After watching the Red Letter Media review... I realized one depressing fact: Jar Jar was the original main character of The Phantom Menace. A clumsy Gungan is down on his luck, banished from his people. A couple Jedi show up, save his life, and drag him with them on their journey. As a character, he grows to be more confident and better respected. He then unites the Gungans and Naboo for the first time. Due to his diplomacy, he is allowed to rejoin his people and is promoted to General. 

^How sad is that?

By removing the Gungans, and leaving Jar Jar on Coruscant, the focus shifts to the Jedi, and particularly Obi Wan, who starts as a Padawan who disagrees with his master's ideals, and progresses to a Jedi Knight who upholds those ideals.

TPM will never be perfect, but I believe that this is the Ultimate way to view it, especially in a marathon.



Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


nightstalkerpoet said:

Did anyone ever get a chance to watch this? I'd be happy to hand this concept over to someone with better editing skills than myself. 

However, the edit is complete and IMHO fixes Episode 1 on a far larger scale than anything else I've seen. 

I did get a chance to watch this. Sorry I haven't written a full review. This was a pretty good in my opinion. I really enjoyed V2, and V3 was a distinct improvement. The reorganized climax and additional trims worked well. Good job on this! It's also short enough that I wouldn't mind watching it often. This is caught in a tie with L8wrtr's edit for my go-to TPM Edit.

^How sad is that?

Ha! Very sad. It's too bad Lucas put so much faith in the character.

By removing the Gungans, and leaving Jar Jar on Coruscant, the focus shifts to the Jedi, and particularly Obi Wan, who starts as a Padawan who disagrees with his master's ideals, and progresses to a Jedi Knight who upholds those ideals.

The edit worked well in this respect. The way the edit is structured: Jar-Jar doesn't do much. I feel that it is mainly Obi-Wan's story, with the others being secondary characters. All in all, this was a very good exercise in shifting things narratively. It does go to show that TPM is indeed very salvageable: after all, it's the least CGI-infested of the prequels. In any case, I hope people check out this edit.


Hey, what's up, man?

Was wondering have you made any progress on this thing? And is it possible to watch this edit again somewhere? I got into a SW conversation with a buddy of mine and remembered about this. Would love to give it another look.



Wow, this past 6 months has flown by... just wanted to let everyone know who is interested that this edit will be back online soon thanks to TVs Frink. 

As soon as i can grab the edit from there, I'll throw it up on Myspleen and let it seed indefinitely with no caps so hope everyone interested gets to see it using a preferred download method.

I'm no longer actively working on this, but have been searching for a someone to take over the project for years. If you're interested, pm me and feel free to run with it.



Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


It's been submitted to info, will let you know when it's ready.


The edit is now available through fanedit.info and myspleen :)


Watching it on double speed in VLC. Nothing like getting through Phantom Menace in half an hour. ;)

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


Is there any chance of someone who has the full file seeding this on myspleen?


Nightstalker said it was up on myspleen on Friday night, but there is no one seeding it.


I'll get that going again. Can't get it to seed on utorrent and halite keeps crashing.

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


Seeing a fair number of hits on Myspleen. Anyone who has seen it willing to review?

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


I watched this back to back with the radical re-edit, so I apologise if I confuse any of the alterations here.

First off - very good job. It speaks volumes that a film can have its running time halved and feel like nothing much is missing - indeed, if anything I think you could have been even harsher with the cuts made. The pacing seemed about right and the cut improved the overall impression of Anakin greatly, especially during the pod race and the final attack on the control ship.

Things I would have tweaked further (had I the technical capabilities):

(1) I'd have given Nute Gunray and co a dubbing, and tweaked their dialogue a little, and I'd have done the same with what was left of Jar-Jar. Their accents are awful so it would be fixing two problems at once giving them alien dialogue. I'd also try to lose the "are you brainless" line from Qui-Gon. It seems totally out of character (the same applies to the "another pathetic life form comment from Kenobi).

(2) I'd have ditched the "are you an angel" conversation Anakin has with Padme. I'd have also dumped the line about "mom, you always say the biggest problem in the universe is...". It's dreadful and would be easy to cut.

(3) I'd have switched in the CGI Yoda, replacing the puppet.

(4) I'd have dumped the bit where they use grappling hooks.

(5) I'd have left at least some of the Qui-Gon funeral footage in.

One drawback of cutting the whole Gungan part in the battle out is that you can't really leave in the final celebration scene, which I always thought was quite a nice mirror image of the ending of ANH (AOTC does the same in mirroring TESB).

As I said initially though, the cut was remarkably well done, and a lot of the editing decisions clearly aren't black and white. The more of these fan edits I'm watching (I think I've seen five or six of TPM now) the more I'm beginning to realise just how poor a movie it is. The fact that you can produce something remotely watchable from the original mess of a film is a credit to you.

Thanks for making it available. :)


Thanks for the feedback Statto :)

1 - Agree here mostly. I'm awful at audio work, so a lot of the longer sequences where I haven't cut anything are due to that. I've considered (with permission of course) refining this edit by splicing in L8wrtr's opening sequence to replace mine - the Trade Federation is greatly improved with some of those small dialogue changes he made, and shaves a bit more time off the edit.

2 - I needed to sew the seeds of the Anakin/Padme obsession/romance, and by my eliminating nearly ever other scene they are in together, the introduction scene was a necessary evil. Otherwise, they have no real scenes together at all. I also believe that the lines aren't that bad, just delivered badly - I mocked this up a while back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV-P39TOOBM

3 - Agree here. I'm not sure I had bluray ripping capabilities when I made the edit, otherwise I would've used the bluray as a source, which would have included cgi yoda.

4 - The lack of the Gungan's battle at the end originally left it feeling uneven. Keeping the grappling sequence kept everything even in terms of pacing and time spent on each piece of what was happening.

5 - I considered leaving the Qui-Gon funeral footage in. However, we already know that there are two sith lords, and that the apprentice was killed - we don't need it spelled out for us by Mace and Yoda. Obi-Wan telling Anakin he will train him is unnecessary, as we just heard Yoda tell Obi-Wan this. The Palpatine "hint" at the end is rediculous and far too obvious. I also tried to avoid any scene where other Gungan's were seen - It just makes you wonder who Boss Nass is and why he is there. All of those added up to me leaving it out.

Thanks for watching. :)

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


I know it’s been 8+ years since anyone has commented on this and 10+ years since this came out so this must be very sudden and unexpectedly but I really want to watch this and would be incredibly grateful to anyone who could send this to me.