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Info & Project: Episode 1 TPM game sounds files — Page 2


darth_ender said:

I see from your MySpleen post that this doesn't include any dialogue.  Do you know if there is any way to extract that?  That would be my personal highlight from this project.  In any case, good work on extracting the music.  It sounds like something worth giving a whirl.

 My main motivation for originally starting this project was in the hope of grabbing the dialogue. I was planning on doing a fan edit myself and wanted these to give me some options. Unfortunately once I ripped all the sounds the dialogue was not there. Myself and someone else on this forum came to the conclusion that they are a part of the video files. As memory serves, I did some digging around online to try and find a way of decoding the video with the hope of then snatching the dialogue from those. I was not able to accomplish this and haven't had another crack since.

I also decided at the same time that I would abandon my TPM edit as the more I studied the film the more I realized it is terrible through and through.

I am proud to say I remember the 80’s!


Currently working on: Red Dwarf Night 10th Anniversary V2.

Red Dwarf Night 10th Anniversary


Is it possible to get a reseed on this?

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.


Thanks; much obliged.

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.